Showing posts with label traveler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traveler. Show all posts

Guess what?!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I haven't slept yet obviously because I went to Cubao this morning. I got myself tickets so I'll be going out of the country again. Away from the busy bustling sound of Manila and into the abyss. I won't divulge information yet but I'll show you photos after the trip. Maybe just maybe it would be easy to pay for all of these soon. I'm still afloat but I'll think about what to do after the trip, I won't sourgrape anymore about the costs and leave it at that.

I'm not upset. It's just that I have been thinking a lot lately about taking a break or a breather. I'll probably regret doing it later but I hope I don't. Geeze is this really this big of a deal?!

I'll go on a diet so I can still fit my clothes till then. I know I can do it. I did it before so this shouldn't be a problem right?! I'm so worried about something so small.

Now that's out. I'm probably going to watch the facebook timeline so I could get some sleep. I get bored with it after a few minutes so I'm using it to my advantage hehhe. I hope this all turn out well, please pray for me hahahah! I'm not dying! =P

I need to go to the John. See yah!


Oh Canada!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I miss my friends in Canada. I seldom talk about it because it gives me that feeling of regret not visiting it that much in the past few years. I barely took a break from work and to tell you honestly I really want to go. They often invite me over to stay at their houses and roam around the rest of the provinces and get a little acquainted with the place. This was supposed to be my second home but I never made time for it in the past. Now, I'm planning to take a few days off and get with their program. I want to see the sights and great things this country up north has. Trent Jordan Vancouver convinced me to do it. I have to call them now (friends and family) and see if I can get them to come with me and travel. I hope they file their vacation leave this early. They will probably oblige since I am the persuasive one. I have to study a little more French too so I won't alienate myself on other parts of the country. For that, we'll try to accommodate it with my busy schedules!

I know how picturesque the place is because I still got some of the photos my Aunt's and Uncle sent me when I was a kid. One word that I can use to describe it is nostalgia! I still get excited seeing the vast parks and city scenes along the bay. I'm not much of a landmark photographer but I'll surely try to whip out something good with my kit lens and see if I can stitch together 3 photos for a local magazine I wish to show my work on. I'm sure they'll like it just like my fashion shots from a few months back. Loving the place wouldn't be hard; I might even consider living there soon! Oh Canada!


Traveling South!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My brother who is now an Irish citizen is leaving the country on Wednesday and I am trying to maximize his vacation here by taking him around out of town trips. I know he enjoys the beach and everything that conspires within it like eating, shopping and bonding with family. I would like to at least get him to BATANGAS which is a world class diving spot and 4 hours away in the south of Manila but our family van is barred from traveling because of the number coding implemented by the government. The car plate ends in 5 and since that stands on a Wednesday, we would never be able to cross major thoroughfares and the expressway. Car Rental Comparison was the next thing to do since we need a better substitute than using public transport. It is either that or getting a relative to use their cars instead, but that would be a long shot.

We checked out on line resources and found a few highly recommended companies. I wish I could get the one offered in Australia. They have better services and you have better control over how you would be able to use rental cars down under. It would have been so easy if they offered the same in my community and my brother would be elated how classy their cars are. It is also safe; a characteristic my brother looks for in a rental shop. We will get there by hook or by crook! I will explore this land and get beautiful photos too; so I could show my friends a panoramic view of the place I almost called home! We'll be leaving tomorrow, see you guys there!
