Showing posts with label trinity college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trinity college. Show all posts

Highschool Life

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy, Overwhelmed, Ecstatic, Shocked and Surprised! That's what we felt this Sunday. Going back to my high school was already a huge thing for me. Meeting the same people, reconnecting and making old and new friends was just one of the perks. I met some of the greatest people in the world at that age and I must say a lot has changed since then. Some of the friendships I made there were for keeps, while some of them I didn't really get to be with since we were in different sections and of course there were groupies way back then. I got to know most of them just now and I'm so glad I did go there. Imagine if I didn't and just knew these people from their names, I knew some of them were even notorious like me back then haha!

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995 in their Wacky poses. This was the first time I saw most of them after graduating high school, I never felt alienated and everyone was still so nice!

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995 joined the Trinity League 3 months ago. We had a few things in mind when we joined the activities; to promote camaraderie with batch mates, the Alumni organization and to plainly represent. It was just like a dream but we weren't asleep. I didn't know this was going on for years. We were pitted against others but didn't have any clue how we'd fare in these games since none of us really did this for quite some time now.

I wasn't as excited to see that the school's gym was somewhat deteriorating. It's still classy don't get me wrong but I think its outdated. Their enrollment has substantially gone down a lot since we graduated. The fees increased, some Professors were not there anymore but the quality of education still was at par with the best in the Philippines. Everyone else graduated; but look at these seats we were in... it's the same one when we took our class photos years ago. Yes, it's the same bench, same old hot gym... same old class picture but we wondered what went wrong with the plans to upgrade this facility. Apparently, it didn't happen and I wasn't the only one who secretly felt heartbroken about it's condition... most Alumni did. The school did a lot of things for us and it was high time we pay back.

My batch mates were hilarious! (Ang kulit lang nila no?!) LOL

The Alumni Org raised some funds with this event for the rehab of the gym. It's a start and I hope the small amount the Alumni Association put up would help something snowball in the near future. If you are around the area I suggest you get your kids enrolled in Trinity University of Asia High School, its where I learned a lot. I came from that school and it made me a better person. It honed a lot of the country's leaders and professionals. It made them better if not "the best" in their fields.

We played in the Trinity League Volleyball and Basketball games just for fun; but while doing that we felt we got some wins we didn't expect along the way. Later on we found out that we were already playing for the Championship for Volleyball and battling for third in the Basketball games. Guess what happened!?? =)

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995
Trinity League Volleyball Champions!

Trinity College of Quezon City Batch 1995
Trinity League Basketball 3rd Place!

Yeap! We won! We were so happy! =)

I'd like to take this bit and thank my batch mates for the fun and booze we took along the way. Thanks to everyone in the DRINK TEAM! LOL! Thank you for the overwhelming support we got from everyone in our group page and social media channels. Congratulations to our batch! I can't wait to see everyone in February for the awarding ceremonies. Thank you also to the Alumni Association and Batch 94 for hosting this year's activities. Thanks also to everyone at Trinity University of Asia (formerly known as Trinity College of Quezon City) because without you we wouldn't be where we are today! :)


I Miss High School

Monday, May 11, 2009

Play this first before you continue reading this post. ^_^

I am reminiscing again of my high school days, when everybody was dancing at the quadrangle to the tune of Stars by Simply Red and Dying Inside by Timmy Thomas. It was just an era when I enjoyed life. I am not in the mood to be with my peers today because of some personal matters. They know it, I know it too. But I guess everything would probably fall into place if you think about it. I hope they know what they are doing. I hope I don't get too much aloof when the day comes when we would meet again. I enjoy their company and everything there is about them. I just hope they stop talking behind my back. I don't want to regret the day I befriended them. I miss them I guess but I don't want to get mushy. It's just not right for my site. People may stay away if they knew I was a dork ha-ha!

I had a rough childhood but I did enjoy my high school thingy, even if I did a lot of things I should be so humiliated for. I won't tell you of course because that would be detrimental to everything I am in this world. You can pay me a couple of million dollars before I do that :)

I miss my friends, I miss my teachers, I miss the time when I was great in class, I miss the first time I fell in love, I miss the time I knew I was abnormal, I miss the time I went out with my friends not thinking where to go or what to do, I miss the time when we had sleep overs, I miss the time when we all just sat down and drank a few bottles of gin or beer, I miss marching in the sun, I miss the time when we went to Virra Mall just to but Betamax tapes of Dragonball just to know episodes of it, I miss the time when I played Dungeons and Dragons, I miss my dead Scout master, I miss the time when I was a Boy Scout, I miss the time when I called my classmate's mothers Tita, I miss the time when we had no money but still manage to have fun. I miss the time when we played in the arcades and computer shops until the wee hours of the morning, I miss the time people were so different as they are now, I miss the time when everyone was single, I miss my first best friends, I miss them... I miss them... I miss the time when I perform in front of people not minding if they laugh at me so hard I could puke. I miss everything about high school. I guess this is one sign I'm getting old. What did you back then that you do regret now? What was the most memorable thing you did in high school? Let me know, comments would be nice!
