Showing posts with label urbanears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urbanears. Show all posts

Stylish, Original, Awesome URBANEARS!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

I am lucky. That is one statement I'm not going to just throw around everyday because I've seen something so great last Friday. In my quest to find the finest things in life... this comes and COMPLETELY takes me off my feet. I have an IPAD2 and didn't have earphones for it. The logical choice was probably to get the original Apple plugs but the truth is, it's getting not so good reviews and buying that just gives me chills. I might just waste my money on something I wouldn't be so fond of. Here's the thing, I got hold of URBANEARS Bagis... yes ladies and gentlemen I must have been so good in my previous life that God gave me one through these good people. I'm using it now and boy I'm LOVIN IT!

The acoustics... it pounds without breaking up every time there is base presence on the track. It sounds smooth... as soon as you close your eyes and listen to it you feel the music so much more! I love how it keeps you isolated from the outside world and the ingenious ear plugs that you can even switch sizes if you need to. That is one thing you won't see on usual ear devices... as if one size would actually fit all! LOL!

Mr Howard Po, Marketing Manager Digital Walker is going to make sure that the latest designs from Sweden would arrive in the Philippines. The headpieces are also released in 14 colors each year so that means you are getting something of a "limited edition". They are not going to repeat the color again unless its black or white. It's also made with fabric chords which makes it not susceptible to tangling. The remote is located on the left side so you always know what you need to insert weather left or right. It also works with apple, HTC handsets and Blackberry. If you are not using the URBANEARS Bagis, there's a snap construction and just clip it in so you wouldn't lose it!

I also asked something important which is "after sales service" which is one particular thing to address when a product came from an international manufacturer. I've seen horror stories with others but for URBANEARS they instantly give you a year's worth of premium replacement warranty. Once proven factory defective they will exchange your set with a new one NO QUESTIONS ASKED! Imagine this very stylish piece of ear plugs which has been used in fashion spreads of Vogue/Elle... Now available in all Digital Walker stores/PODS in Trinoma. Make sure you get one soon!


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