Showing posts with label venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label venus. Show all posts

Another Crazy Day in a Crazy World

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I guess both you and I know what happened yesterday and today huh?! I think another bipolar disorder in everyone just struck. Some people died in the hostage situation yesterday and I together with the sensible people in this world pray that those who survived are OK. I'm so sad about what is happening. I'm sure you have the same sentiments. Now we're back to pointing fingers again. Well, honestly I felt this was only a small incident that was blown out of proportion because of media. Now that people died, even the media did not accept their faults. PNOY already said something about it and their problems. A blackout in media should have been done so it would have less complications. The hostage taker was apparently watching and listening to radio. Now he's also dead, who the hell are we going to ask and stay in jail?

Congratulations Maria Venus Raj! For getting 4th Runner up place in Ms. Universe! That 22 inch waistline must have come from somewhere!

On another page, we could have bagged another Ms Universe crown too but we kinda fell short on the interview portion. It's okay though since she ended up in 4th runner up position. I think she'll come home and get everyone cheering for her despite all the drama and brouhaha yesterday. Hope it lifts everyone's spirit even after that bloody end of atrocities. I'm still happy about that because it at least took our visions out of whatever happened yesterday.

To the Mexicans: Let's just meet next time in the ring! Ha-ha!


Venus, Jupiter and the Moon Smiles at the Philippines

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

In our part of the world, this is the greatest thing celestial bodies did for this country. It showed up around 6-8PM in the evening smiling at us. This is the best planetary gathering of the year, simply because it involves three of the brightest objects in the sky after the sun. From the eight official planets in the solar system, five are visible at night without the aid of a telescopes or binoculars. Jupiter and Venus are particularly bright (no not the sailor warriors lolz) , partly because both have highly reflective clouds that completely envelop them, but also because Venus is Earth's closest neighbor while Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.

Awe! what a sight to behold last night! To those who missed it, it looked like this!
