Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts

Obama Cares about Veterans

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tuwang tuwa ah.. hehe joke!
The processing of claims for Filipino veterans are being fast tracked by the US government and are being given priority so things like benefits would be given what's due them. US Ambassador to the Philippines Kristie Kenney promised this after US President Barack Obama signed the awaited 'economic stimulus package' where the Veterans Equity Bill is also included. Kenney assured transparency in these claims so only legitimate Philippine veterans would only be given their compensation.

She was also saddened that there are a lot of World War II Veterans that already died and never got the opportunity to receive their benefits. She added that she knows how this feels for their loved ones because her father was also part of the army who passed away four years ago. A pretty heartfelt gesture for the US ambassador. I like her a lot.


If the Shoe Fits

Thursday, January 01, 2009

The US Military operations continue in the Middle East specifically on Iraq and Afghanistan. We all know that nobody's a winner when it comes to war. People get hurt, more women and children are displaced. It’s quite understood that they would not have time to make a living, nor learn what they need to in school. It’s a pity that we need to send troops in that region. Men and Women sworn in to protect their motherland, now have responsibilities to keep peace in the world. This is a huge task, you can never complain because this is the US taking the lead in the global war against terrorism. We just need to do our part to help our troops so they'd safely return home.

They are real heroes at work!

Some roads and corners in war stricken Iraq are not surely safe. There are times when the US Soldier has to go to patrol every once in a while to keep peace intact communities throughout Baghdad and the Southern City of Basra. It took them a month or so to have these taken over and one of the reasons why they keep a low fatality rate is because they prepare before they go out for operations. They need backpacks, head gears, shirts, the ever dependable bullet proof vests and the perfect shoes. Now why the perfect shoes you ask? And why do I put so much emphasis on this? That's easy! With the tough landscape and environment in the desert, our men and women shouldn't suffer the same fate as camels and other creatures in that place. That is just not right; because for the role they play in saving our lives and keeping the world a better place to live in, you know they deserve only the best. This is where Wellco Boots come into the picture. They know how to play this game because they have a wide selection of boots to choose from. For the varying terrain and weather in that side of the globe, you need ones for tactical work, for the hot weather, for desert combat, those that are lightweight, waterproofed ones and the ones that can give you the grip (rippled soles) which you need to win the fight.

They even have shirts and caps that come along with the equipments so everything would fit perfectly. These are products approved by the US Military and other government agencies. Now anyone in the world would be able to have the opportunity to have one of their own. Are you the type who gets left behind? Can you be like the heroes this country is proud of? You can call their customer service personnel available to answer you questions over the phone Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:00 CST but only if the shoe fits!
