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Showing posts with label vp. Show all posts

OBAMA - BIDEN, McCAIN - PALIN ; Who will win? ----m(O_O)m---

Monday, September 01, 2008

Will it be Obama and Biden?

Or McCain and Palin? You choose!

ere's my 2 cents on the candidates for the US Presidential race... between the Democrats and the Republicans I will put my chips on the Democrats... Obama and Biden had the most comprehensive and complete package AFAIK. Obama getting internal country matters taken cared of with Biden getting the job with his large experience on foreign policy. Popularity wise they are ahead of the pack. We call people like McCain traditional politicians (TRAPO) here locally. Trapo means "rag" btw and is a monicker given to old politicians that stayed too long in the government... it also may or may not be good to be associated with the current regime of current President George is also not a good term to be stricken with.

McCain also chose an inexperienced running mate that knows 0% on foreign policies and can affect the outlook on their party. I just hope women votes from the undecided Hillary Clinton supporters would go her way. That's a big IF btw.

With the recent developments on Hillary's speech during the Democratic convention that pushed for the support on Obama's candidacy, it's more likely that they (including hispanics, other ethnic groups) would still stick to Democrats... But they will be given the hard task of getting these undecided ones on their side. It is hard because Obama of course had given his remarks on Hillary previously that may be well detremental to his ticket. McCain in the upcoming Republican Convention would take advantage of this and try to woo Hillary supporters to his side. With all that and Oprah, I'd say I will still put my 2 cents on Obama and the Democratic Party. Watch the African American guy get to the Whitehouse come election day.

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