Showing posts with label war games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war games. Show all posts

WAR: North Korea, South Korea, US, China, Philippines

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I know you guys may have been wondering why I'm actually not in the mood to post today. To tell you the truth I'm not 100% okay. I just had dental surgery (to the point of drilling parts of my jawbone) and it is crippling me from going places. I can't even think straight because the pain is excruciating. I hope with the stitches gone it'll heal faster. Now off to some serious matters.

I watched this particular video from CNN. I know the region has been quite nervous from the exchange of words and missile launched by the North but what do you think will happen to us when war breaks? Are you nervous as I am? Maybe not but here are some scenarios that I'm trying not to see when the time comes:

* When war breaks, China will go to the defense of North Korea and US will back up South Korea. They'll both launch nuclear weapons and will spark a bigger war with China and the US. When North Korea becomes dust, the huge smoke and radiation will cover half the globe including the Philippines. No sun, acid rain, we'll all die from it.

*When North Korea wins, they'll conquer South Korea and continue to launch missiles to Japan, skip Taiwan (because they won't hurt the Chinese) then the Philippines. The north Korean soldiers will kill us all when they get here and there will be more like a death march. A lot of us would hold bolos again because of the lack of artillery and weapons. We'll look like weaklings. We'll also get our own share of nuclear missiles from them. Generous eh?!

*When South Korea wins, they'll conquer the North Korean side and push all their military there. They will also push to the boundary of China. China will be nervous because US might infiltrate them and another war will break from that small war. Nuclear arsenal will still be launched from both sides. No one will listen to the UN and we'll all starve to death.

Call me morbid but it might happen to us! This is no joking matter... what will you do if all hell breaks loose?


The Tactics to Win the War

Friday, November 28, 2008

n this era of unending active lifestyle, we need to wear comfortable clothes to adapt to this existence. I play war games every summer or when my friends from high school/college get together. The terrains for these activities are harsh and of course you can’t wear leather shoes, suits, or your handy dandy coat and tie for it. You must take the chance to gain advantage and win the rounds. This is where I suggest you check out Tactical Pants.

This is very popular in the Philippines if you ask me. These are not just ordinary cargo pants cut off to look fashionable. Each pocket and containment is made to fit every device and apparatus you need to survive the rugged landscape we’re getting into. Yes I know we were there to enjoy but there is always pride in winning. I engaged my so called enemies a few times and have understood that this isn’t "biological and chemical warfare" and "global thermonuclear war" but the bragging rights would be nice. The mountains and ditches we had to go through were ruthless. Not only did we have to scale a couple of kilometers just to reach the summit of a single mountain, we had to pass by 7 of them. It took 5 hours to go up and it was not even easy to go down either. The views were spectacular and I was never better while suited for the occasion. With the rounds we made, we won about 13 out of 20 attempts so in these terms we won them fair and square.

The website where I plan to get more of these garments from not only sold Tactical Pants but there are Saber Jackets, Hawk Glasses, Flashlights, Holsters, Utility Knives and Jumpsuits for more serious players. You won’t regret purchasing each one to gain the advantage that I had when I needed it most.
