Showing posts with label waste management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waste management. Show all posts

Taking Care of IT Waste

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

We just had to upgrade our computers 6 months ago and it was really easy to do that in our office. The whole unit did cost a lot and we had some files on the old ones. Making sure everything on back up and working was a necessity since we are not planning to hamper our operations. Most corporations do that and to me this is mighty clear that we need to also get our old machines thrown out. We obviously do not have computer disposal systems in our part of the world so in short... we've got all our CPU stacked up right beside us. It's troublesome and takes a lot of space plus it is not going to look good as part of the interior design.

If there were some institutions like ROUND2 to do this for us we would be able to make this world a better place. Recycling is one of the ways to environmentally safe to do this. I can even think of some other things like giving these old units to far flung schools in the province that never had the luxury of having computers. It would surely help them a lot in education and make better next generation engineers or programmers. Information Technology has gone a long way and the proper disposal of its waste materials should be a priority. I'll ask people from another department to do these things and more. Maybe in the near future we wouldn't have to worry about it.

Have you thrown out old computers? Do you still have it somewhere and never knew when and how you are going to get rid of it? I have a good idea where to get it taken cared of now. You should too!


Clean Up and Save the Earth!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I still have my old CRT Monitor, old CPU and broken UPS under my table. Apparently no one is disposing it. I don't know if this should be sold by the company or just stay here since my boss paid for it already. It is really hard to get rid of junk from the office. Imagine all the stuff that gets phased out every year. Some of them end up in landfills together with the trash from the metro but there should be a proper way of disposing this. There are corporations which makes recycling electronic devices their bread and butter. I think that is the best alternative that we could do to prevent the chance of improper disposal. How can we help save the Earth when incineration on open air would be the answer of the local government? The huge amount of toxic chemicals would surely be hazardous for you, me and the people you love!

I have been campaigning about this in the past and I think it would be nice for me to rekindle my passion for environmental matters again. Maybe I could start by recommending institutions that can properly dispose of these things and get something in return for corporate spending. That will be a good thing to suggest. I remember a friend once said that you can't help save the Earth without starting in your own backyard. It's simple but if you think about it; it does make sense!

Would you like to be the next hero?! I know I would!


We Could Have Solved It!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Garbage has been a perennial problem in the metro and obviously after the typhoon we had in the country, one asks; "how would you solve disaster relief when the problem is disaster relief itself?"

I was moved by the numerous heroic stories by ordinary Filipino citizens and how they were able to help others in this time of crisis. There are a lot of places in the Metro where flooding was up to neck deep but you would not see anyone lose hope and they are still eager to survive no matter where it takes them. I tried to help as much as I can but this has got to stop. If no one resolves the root cause of the problem, then the thousands who perished may haunt us for the injustice. Let us start by just mentioning how many creeks, rivers and lakes are full of garbage. Oh wait, I'm sorry but that would take a while to even think about. I guess those who forced our ears to listen about global warming a few decades ago are laughing at us now.

Where do we put our garbage with so little dump sites and no environmentally friendly incinerators? Experts say we have a lot of land available, but it is just not properly managed. We already have a lot of resources wasted on people with fat pay checks since the fall of dictatorship. Where did we go as far as resolving that? Nowhere! There are standardized and tested systems elsewhere in the world and why should we not employ the same in our land? Software packages are available at Waste Edge and it could have been simply resolved by following a simple system that can be monitored even on line. The Waste Management Software could have saved us millions if someone already thought about this in the first place. Technologies for garbage trucks and personnel that use RFID tags, Mapping, Mapping GIS, GPS Truck tracking should have been used on these savings. I hope they do something soon to resolve this and discipline the citizenry too since urban dwellers often mistake themselves for people who do not learn from their past. I am still optimistic that we can handle change and soon be better.
