Showing posts with label web host. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web host. Show all posts

All about Choices

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sometimes we need to consider a lot of things before putting up a web site. The technology site that I have put up years ago will be going through another phase this year and I'm so excited about it. We already have a domain name in mind and we have created a lot of articles out of the events we went to these past few months. From servers, browsers, networking technologies and corporate news it has turned out very informative to say the least. Though it has accomplished a lot these past few months I have yet to find a web site hosting service that would be able to handle the traffic and bandwidth I require; and it has taken me a long time to get one that would satisfy my needs. I am trying to convene my friends from the IT industry on line to ask them about places I could go to for this and they have come up with a lot of companies. I need to research a lot about this obviously.

Have you ever experienced trouble choosing a name for your site? What particular things did you take in consideration before you went ahead and purchased your domain? If you were in a dilemma over the domain name would you go ahead and choose the obvious ones out of the dictionary or would you prefer a unique one so you can set it into a brand? When choosing a web hosting service provider, do you bother to look at the price points or do you trust them via the reviews they get from consumers?! I may need to look for independent ones that have impeccable customer service because the last thing I would want to have is a company that I wouldn't be able to call if problems arise. I have seen horror stories and I wouldn't want that to happen to my site. If you have invested a lot and made these articles available on the Internet they should at least stay on line all the time!

How about you?! What would you choose?


Hosting Solutions for Us!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I just formed a new forum for my friends from college and we need this for our activities this coming UAAP season. It has been a while since our former one dissipated because of the hosting problems we had. I know it would be hard to start over but we don't really have a choice. I'm looking for a better one and it looks like inmotion hosting would be perfect. Judging from the rating it currently has from other users it looks quite promising. I want to have uninterrupted connection because the "Red Tribe" as we are commonly called need updates every day. I did put in a chat box too so we can talk in real time. I'm quite worried about the bandwidth requirement because our previous host and the site usually crash when there are a lot of users on line. This is an easy job for institutions like INMOTION as the feedback is astounding!

We have plans to get the domain as well so if the time comes I know where to host it. I would probably go for the dot ORG so it would be appropriately named. I'll ask them who's going to pay for it annually too when the time comes. For now, I'm going to concentrate on how to make the site and portal a little cleaner so when Alumni, Students and Fans of the University of the East Red Warriors would come they'd never hesitate joining this community! I have a hunch that this will be big but for now I'm contented that some of my closest friends are here. Once the games start we will be there to support our Alma Mater weather we win or lose! I'll be a warrior until the end!


Easy Breezy Web Hosting

Friday, October 29, 2010

I've been looking for a way to promote my photography business and one of the best solutions I know is to get a web site for it. I've been putting up structures like this in the past and one of the important choices I have to make is how to find easy breezy web hosting. Setting up a domain is strategy among all other things in business. If I'm going to make this right I have to start with the clear basics. Choosing the right name, domain name and planning the site architecture so if someone gets my services it wouldn't be too hard to contact me. I have to also allot time to put content on it so I would be able to present professional looking output as what I've been doing in the past. My portfolio will speak for itself and I have to get some of the site details to enhance what I already have. With this in the works I'm surely going to open more opportunities for my peers as well. I need to get the hiring process for an assistant done ASAP!

To get a lucrative business going I have to get the best services even if it is just for hosting my web site. It actually spells how it would make or break me in the long run. I have to choose wisely if I plan to use it for transacting business too. The connection also needs to be secure and accommodate the traffic which this site calls for. Maybe institutions like web hosting hub should be taken in consideration since they match the perfect one I require. Are you running a commercial site now? Is your provider doing a good job? Let me know!
