Showing posts with label web masters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web masters. Show all posts

Blogetery Back From Cemetery

Thursday, July 22, 2010

If you are one of the users of Blogetery you might be in for a surprise. The service provider has been ordered to have the service back again and this means the owner will be given a copy of around 70,000 users blogs since they were shut down a couple of months ago due to accusations of violations in its terms of service. The Russian owner Alexander Yusupov is seeking help of lawyers in this long battle and I'm sure the 5th Amendment will come to play since it was shut down without informing the owner and was only doing it with FBI authorities.

A lot of questions came into mind. Was public safety really in question here?! There are some links to bomb making sites as accorded by the FBI but these are probably mere accusations. They should have given him time to have it moderated and at least a chance to have the offenders taken off like most blog hosts would do but to suspend the whole 70,000 population is just preposterous. Why in the world were they given authority to do that?! Where is free speech in this sense?! I know there will be some people that would gladly take the case and get him paid dearly. Site owners should know their rights and I hope this guy gets the proper amount of money from damages he incurred in the business. After all he did probably put that up for the same reason, just business and nothing else. If there were unscrupulous individuals doing the links then they should have been just suspended and had him informed about it.


Web Hosts: The Little Choices We Make

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's that time of the year again when everything in my site becomes all temporary. If I don't get to pay my hosting provider this year they will probably take out my site instantly. They would not also hesitate to suspend services if they do not get credited at all. I understand how they feel but if you think about it, do they even ask people about their services? Like anything it's probably not that all perfect. It is tantamount to the success of your web site if you get the corresponding great web hosting provider. I know every web administrator understands how that works.

In the world where everything has been really busy; the last thing you would want think about is how you would need to manually go and pay for your domain purchases. It is troublesome for people like me and I would never want that to happen to other people. Getting a good company on line that can cater to our needs is not a luxury but a necessity. If I wasn't thinking about the other things that I could productively do other than worry about something that should be simple then I could have taken just anything. I know how hard it is to do all these together with managing several hundred people at work. I wouldn't want to suffer the consequences of not doing my job just because I had to make an effort doing things for my site. You all understand me BLOGGERS and web administrator's right?!


Web Hosting In These Hard Times

Sunday, March 22, 2009

There is the sad truth about businesses closing here and around the United States. This also means some websites would end up the same way like the forum site I always visit that because of budget constraints it will also be shut down and sold to the highest bidder. I would probably miss the people I was able to become friends with in the past 4 years. I'm sad because the site owner thought he does not have any recourse but to sell it. I know I would have been the best person they talked to because I know where they can get better web hosting services on line but I think they have already decided on this a long time ago. Maybe it's just too late to save that and the users who frequent that and their social network.

I saw information on the web comparing web hosting sites and I would recommend you visit Web Hosting Rating to check out what would be best for your own domain. For web masters like me, this is vital information so I could get a better deal in getting my site up on cyberspace. It is important so investments like these which cost a lot would be put on the board early on. It never struck me how important it was until this incident came. All my saved friends and my articles will also go down the drain because of this. Imagine the hundreds of sites they also will be deleting because they did not think ahead and got the finances taken cared of. Maybe now that their initial provider does not have that URL anymore listed in their system I can have that for my own. That's a long shot I know but imagine if I had the chance to get that right... I would be the proud owner of one of the most sought after social networking sites. That would be a nice thing to put on my portfolio sometime soon. The list still goes on and on for companies affected by the global financial crisis. I hope it ends soon.
