Showing posts with label wedding invitations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding invitations. Show all posts

The Proposal

Friday, July 22, 2011

It was a big secret and I was into it. I didn't really know what would happen that day; but since he's my cousin I went ahead and said yes for all the wrong (of course not!) and right reasons. I was happy for him and true enough we went ahead with the plan. The plan was for him to settle down but this wasn't an ordinary way to do it! He's got their engagement rings set, wedding rings and the whole brouhaha organized in just a couple of days. I was so glad to be a part of it!

I went up this huge building over the metro's business district and waited an hour or two. It was a radio station and the DJ was a friend of my cousin. They talked about this already so I didn't really have to brief them. When they arrived everyone became nervous. I didn't know how to shoot them secretly or even look at them straight in the eye. Since I was there already I just went with the flow. The DJ started a topic about traffic and higher toll fees during the show while we sat on the side and listened. They asked a question or two from callers and proceeded to ask my cousin. They pretended to ask around again and did it to the pretty young lady in this story. She didn't even want to move to the microphone and begged off to be aired on national radio. When she did they asked more questions. My cousin almost fainted from nervousness but went ahead and popped the question. Out came the gorgeous ring and she was really surprised! People became teary eyed in the station. I started shooting and even tried to manage to get a video recording. The moments were precious and I didn't want to lose any detail. It was heartwarming and something out of the ordinary. She gave a resounding YES to him. We smiled, he got relieved and cried (of course he won't admit that!). It was nice to see them so in love with each other. It was one of the nicest things I've ever seen in my life. I'm happy for my cousin and his fiancée. Really happy!

They just asked everyone to save the date on January and I'm sure this will be so much fun! I'm very happy his fiancée will soon be part of our family. I hope for the best on their wedding day!



Tingzon-Sambrano Wedding

Monday, October 18, 2010

Teaser Tingzon-Sambrano Wedding

As you may have read on my previous entries I had a wedding to shoot this last weekend. I prepared ahead of time for this one because I know like all the unions I shot before the day was going to be long. Michael Olino of was the lead photographer for this gig and the call time was a little earlier than usual. Why you ask?! I had to go from QC to Bacoor, Cavite for this particular one and oh boy I was in for something good!

I haven't met the couple personally since I didn't shoot the prenup; but I saw their photos already like a week ago. To tell you the truth... I envy couples that are getting married, this one in particular was 15 years in the making. I overheard their stories from family members when we were resting. Imagine that... I can't even get a girlfriend to last more than three years and these guys are together 5 times what I can do. Amazing! Just amazing! It was just fate!

The bride and her family was very busy preparing for the day and everyone was in line for hair and make up. I got to talk to their grandma (that really looked young for someone her age) and had a few things discovered about their relationships. Things were not as they seem a few years ago but it turned out okay. They talked, became so close and inseparable ever since. God must have put these guys together for something good because they were all there to celebrate Ramon & Yvonne's union. I saw something special from a third person's point of view. I was glad to be part of this shoot, pardon me for saying this but these guys are crazy... they really know how to have fun!

After preparations, we went to the church and got out shots. It was raining hard outside but it was short and much like a blessing. When we got to the reception even some of their games and presentations were really fun. I specifically enjoyed the dance their relatives prepared for them at the end of the evening. Imagine a whole family dancing... from a kid to their folks... I know I couldn't do that for fun. Let alone to be witnessed by many. They are a great couple... it added to how great their families are.

To Mon and Yvonne, here's to you and your family! Wish you guys the best things life can offer!


I Love Weddings!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I have attended around 3 weddings in January and I must say I have enjoyed it. My closest friends are all getting tied up so I was looking forward to see them make their own families. I guess if you think about it, I am the only one left that is single... well I guess that will be the case in a couple of years. I witnessed how happy they were in this day and I am sure that they have enjoyed every bit of their single life already before they got into it. I am doing wedding shoots and those dresses do not come cheap. The reception costs hundreds of thousands of pesos and if you plan to save, you have to know where you are going to spend your money. This one time big event deserves the best of what the bride and groom wants. The party starts with the concept of the whole wedding. There are cheap wedding invitations available on line that they can buy instead of having one printed by specialty shops. Some of them are very expensive if you have one custom made but if you think about it the on line versions of it are at par. Quality is the key for the perfect invitations. Limiting guests to a certain number is okay because I would not want to see some other people going to your wedding if they do not even know the bride and groom. I wonder how it would have felt to see some of the gate crashers spoil the party for the couple. I think there were some who did that on one of the weddings I attended, but the relatives easily took care of that by conveniently asking them to leave. Small tensions are really not that avoidable but the mood was still good so it's okay.

I wish I could show some of my friends the wedding gowns that I shot for a local designer here in Manila. They would probably hire my services if they saw how good the shots would have turned out. Let me show you some of it here.

Now are you thinking of getting married soon?! I probably am too but in the meantime let me enjoy my single life!
