Showing posts with label wide angle lenses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wide angle lenses. Show all posts

Christmas Wishlist #1: UWA-AAAAAAAA!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Okay, today sparks a very momentous event in my site and since I make the rules around here I'm going to put in my Christmas wish list for 2010. I know this is kinda lame for some people but I guess this photo above does justice eh?!

I need an UWA lens. Since the photographer in me itches to have this particular armament in my artillery it will cost me an arm and a leg. Almost 30K to be exact. Is it worth it? To tell you honestly I don't really know yet but I need it on some of my shots and therefore I need to invest in these kind of lenses because I do weddings too. I also have some fashion shots that require this particular type of lens (hail to the gods of experimentation) and I'm really thinking hard to purchase this full blown one or would it be smarter to buy an adapter at around 2-3K. That is a long leap but I am contemplating on this one because I might need it for landscapes too. There were a lot of negative reviews on the adapter for it being a little too vignetty if there is such a word on the edges and if you see how that ruins a photo it will be too much for me to crop on the megapixel capability of my soso entry level camera. I may actually be nearing the maximum potential of my camera and do an upgrade pretty soon (which would cost a whole lot than just mere body parts!) but I am still trying to force everything to Trish (my cam) and she might not like it. =(

Here's that thing I'm longing for! The Sigma 10-20mm Ultra Wide Angle Lens

Or this one from Tokina... the 11-16mm which everyone is raving about!

What's for number 2? I'll tell you later!
