Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts

A Glimpse of the Sparkle Prime Workshop

Friday, May 17, 2024

I've had my bout with acting back when I was a kid. During those years, my workshops were done privately and the system was pretty much unscientific, it was mostly putting ourselves in scenes. You could say it was something I'd do on occasion... and since I wasn't doing roles anymore I was so excited I'd get to experience the "Sparkle Acting and Empowerment Workshop" through the partnership of Philippine Entertainment Bloggers Association (PEBA) and Sparkle GMA Artist Center which happened a few days ago.

This was going to be conducted by THE Ana Feleo (Certified on Eric Morris System) whom I've had the opportunity to interview in the past (especially during the pandemic). This was also the first time I'm meeting her (in a physical sense), so I was quite excited about that when we arrived at the rehearsal studios. To tell you honestly, I've been overthinking a lot about this event and what I think I'd be learning from the workshop. Participants in our group were from different blogs and social channels. With Sparkle they had artists Jennifer Maravilla, Mitzi Josh, Zonia Mejia, Lauren King, Aidan Veneracion and Bruce Roeland whom all had previous experience of doing workshops under Ms. Ana Feleo.

After pleasantries, Ms. Ana took us to a plethora of exercises that would help us be more open about ourselves, our emotions, and feel what's possible. Ours was like a teaser of what she's been doing for 3-day workshops, so we get a gist of what artists usually do. This I'd say made me feel like I'd be more susceptible of absorbing what she taught on the red mat. Mind you, tons of Sparkle and GMA actors have gone through a lot in the same place, and if the mat could talk it'll probably tell a lot about their life, their pain and agony as it's been primarily used for motivation on scenes. They'd learn how to control how much of it will be used when they need to on projects, which makes sense with the nature of their work.

Knowing how huge of a roadmap this is for people undergoing the same training made me realize how it could impact their skills, especially for new actors. Since this was also an empowerment process, we learned how to communicate, express ourselves with no inhibitions, which would help us navigate the things we plan to do with our organization. It's not only leadership, but how we would be able to put our points across when we meet people. It's a skill we all have to work on and it was so nice we get to touch on that. There were a lot of things that we got to experience during the short time we spent that afternoon, and we even got to know each other even more. It was different than just looking at our blogs, our different backgrounds, because we saw how we learned as people. I bet that will be beneficial for a lot of individuals, and I'm so glad they're taking these workshops all over the country. 

Here's how you can enroll in the Sparkle Prime Workshop:

I'd like to take this bit to thank the men and women of Sparkle Artist Center, Ms. Jenny Donato the Sparkle AVP for Talent Recruitment and Development (who was quite fun to talk to on the sidelines!), Ms. Rochelle Tuazon-Chavez the Sparkle Senior Manager for PR, Events and Digital , and good guy Mr. Chester Singian (who I think is also going to be an artist soon!). Also, to the Sparkle artists Jennifer Maravilla, Mitzi Josh, Zonia Mejia, Lauren King, Aidan Veneracion and Bruce Roeland who were all so kind and game during the session. We also got to know you a little bit during the exercises that Ms. Ana executed that afternoon.

I'd also like to personally thank Ms. Ana Feleo who braved through her migraine just to make sure we had an unforgettable experience during the workshop, I really learned a lot in such a short time. I get it why the artists you previously worked with talk so highly of you. Thank you for being there to help us all throughout the workshop!

If you wish to join, just get in touch with them via the art card we added above. It'll change the way you think about actors, and you'll learn a lot about the craft.


An Extraordinary Workshop for GMA Artists with Howie Severino

Saturday, November 20, 2021

When an artist undergoes workshops, it usually means they'll be learning more about singing, dancing, interacting with other actors and acting. A few days ago, an unconventional one happened virtually with no less than the award winning journalist and broadcaster Howie Severino.

Mr. Severino held a masterclass about Baybayin which is an acient writing system. He's very passionate about teaching this to others as people reading and writing it remains scarce. He says "I'm very happy that I get to meet all of you, not just because you are artists, but you are also culture bearers. You carry our identities as Filipinos, it's a good thing you're learning how to do Baybayin. You get to be looked up to by generations that kept the writing form alive. It's a huge undertaking but we have to start somewhere, now that includes you!"

This is part of GMA Artist Center's efforts called "Ang Breakout Room: Masterclass Series" which they'll be doing on a regular basis for home grown artists and celebrities. Artists who were included in the roster included First Lady Sanya Lopez, the beloved Farrah in Legal Wives Bianca Umali, Kyline Alcantara who probably is being swooned by Mavy Legaspi, Lexi Gonzales who just released a single, Radson Flores and Matt Lozano who's excited for Voltes V Legacy, artists Claire Castro, Royce Cabrera, Zonia Mejia, Jamir Zabarte, Joaquin Manansala, Jen Maravilla, Jr Royol, Migs Villasis, Hannah Arguelles, Bryce Eusebio, Gab Yabut, Elias Point, Allen Ansay, Lia Salvador, Dentrix Ponce, Dave Duque, Kirsten Gonzales, Kimson Tan, Lime Aranya, Levince Sotto and Rain Matienzo all learned the ropes in how to read and write with Baybayin just on that day.

Howie also shared how this would impact their families, their community and the next generation. I wonder what GMA Artist Center has under their sleeves after this one. It sounds so exciting!


Bova is Back on GMA

Sunday, July 22, 2018

He’s Anthony Bova, acting guru to some of the best Hollywood stars, theater actors, coach to the world’s best corporate executives and GMA’s brightest stars. He’s back in Manila to work on GMA’s home grown talents, their curriculum and even those who are behind the camera. The noted expert from the US is planting seeds once again - to level up what he’s been doing in the past few years, and celebrities welcomed this with open arms, hearts and minds which is needed for his course.

Anthony Bova says “Before we start, I am a friend of Direk Maryo Delos Reyes. As we go forward in this training, the beautiful actors, this is a continuation of that spirit. This empowerment thing was a part of that talk with him and hopefully he is with us and continually be with us, this is for the love of that man.”

In GMA, I did a lot of listening and tried to see where the actors are in their craft and their career. I hear what they need in their programs, I create a curriculum that fills a couple of holes. We show what we learn, not to do scenes, no plays, something different that they do what is demanded of them, to turn it on and off into their character which happens to a lot of actors without a lot of time.

We train them to have access to their parts that can be used as tools and do it very quickly. They need a strong foundation, then use the tools to deliver. In January, they need to do it twice in different executions, into different scenes. Completely different performance in the same scene, that’s an example. Actors here are very earthy, very connected emotionally, no ego like some hollywood actors I’ve had to work with so out job is easier. We don’t have to spend energy to get to their bodies.

Their weakness is being so humble, it makes them small, a very delicate line, but no, they have to get their space. That subtlety takes away from the actors part. One is to make them have awareness, it shouldn’t be subservient. In roleplay they need to know how they feel when they act, they learn how they feel and empower them to contradict that even if they feel the opposite. They don’t have to overact, they have to honor it and be grateful by educating them through that science. When we worked out my curriculum with GMA, there were a lot we had to put there with Ana Feleo filling in when I’m not here. I gotta go to work to know we make decisions that is systemized from a place without any deficit.

They must know it’s not an actor thing, the x factor of the human being. There is nothing better than the colors and layers in this room, to cultivate that talent, much more than an IT factor. It has to have bravery and discipline, I normally hate questions but these are great!”

He adds “I am not just learning from you, but learning from the talents of GMA because they have been so passionate they have been easy to work with. They come to class so awake, hungry to do their homework, and this makes our job easy because they don’t have their egos in the way.

Mikoy says “I find workshops therapeutic, when he came in, he taught us a different attitude, you become empowered when you are on set, not just the attitude at work but life. You have you, you’re a giant, it changed how I see life. It’s really helpful but the homeworks are crazy, but if you do it, you see the effect at home, you see how you become a better person overall. You doubt yourself less.
We asked him about his recent tweets too that had me worried a bit, he answered quite nice.

Andrea says “His homework includes reading, answering a set of questions like your goals, how to achieve that and see your blessings unfold. You want to explain yourself, on how you feel.

Chynna says “I really took it on 100% and I was scared to show who I really was, I double guess myself but because of this and two years we’re doing this, it made me take on decisions that I jumped into, opportunities and roles that made me feel self psych talking to myself, now I have a family, a daughter, creative writing, even if I feel I don’t have time, we just be.

Ben Alvez adds “He sees us as humans first and not just teach us how to be actors. We do 30-40 scenes a day, that’s a short time, but being more attuned with myself, he has brought that out. We can work from there. You are constantly discovering yourself in layers, you surprise yourself.

Anthony also is known for furnishing some weird homeworks for the actors. Thea Tolentino says “I didn’t know how I improved as you continue to do the homework. You go up and down, you don’t know why but you observe where you are. It’s difficult to answer too because it’s all in English (she jokes). But now I can do my contrabida roles effectively, in different ways which I have learned in the past year, hopefully this year too.

I also asked her about recent Twitter trolls that attacked her, she still was so nice and adamant about dealing with them. That takes class!

GMA Executive Ms. Gigi Santiago says “Anthony Vincent Bova is back in the Philippines and we love to have a caliber of people like him and Ana Feleo, training all our artists. We welcome you back to the Philippines. These guys are very into it, they know we have a special thing going on. We are planning to include production people, even our boss is going to be included, she’s asked us who will be there so she too can prepare, I couldn’t even believe that. We are slowly doing it and we have seen it bear fruit.

It’s one of the reasons why the network is now saving money, time and effort on their actors. They have changed culture, it takes a lot to do that. It’s also the reason why you see huge improvements in the shows they are doing - and for the years to come. It currently is only available with GMA’s talent pool, they’re very lucky.

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