Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts

80's Icon DEBBIE GIBSON to do ELECTRIC YOUTH Anniversary Show in MANILA

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

If you're a child of the 80's and 90's, you've probably heard of Debbie Gibson and her hit single "Electric Youth", which is consequently celebrating its 35th year. She's back in Manila to do a 2 hour long concert at the New Frontier Theater in Araneta City this coming April 26, Friday at 8pm.

She's also excited to perform her other hit songs like "We Could Be Together", "No More Rhyme", "Who Loves Ya Baby", "Over the Wall" and my personal favorite "Lost In Your Eyes".

She's still killin it in streaming platforms like Spotify and has amassed millions of streams and has cemented her status as a pop icon and theater performer these past few decades. She also returned to the Billboard charts with "Girls Night Out" peaking at #4 which is unbelievable!

She's not stopping anytime soon so if you are still hungry for her songs, go get tickets via Ticketnet or the New Frontier Box office too. Remember, April 26 is quite near so make sure to get them before they run out! 


Vivo Y31 For Those Who Choose Fun

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

It's been a while (332 days to be exact) since the government announced the state of public health emergency in the country. You and I probably have been confined inside our homes and it has affected everyone, the economy and our lives have not become normal (hopefully soon).

Some of us may have ended frustrated about their lives. Those who have graduated recently might find themselves not able to find employment as businesses struggle. Not only that, but most of us struggle mentally, trying to survive amidst the long time of not having work, not being productive or even enjoy the things you do daily. Hence, they tagged them as "The Lost Generation" which global smartphone brand Vivo plan to counter. 

In an effort to counter the collective anxiety and lack of motivation, vivo, the global smartphone brand, and badge of self-expression, introduces its latest Y31 through a campaign that encourages the “lost generation” to welcome fun and make every day their day.

How you say? Easy. They launched the new Vivo Y31. With this phone, they hope to inspire the current generation to find their niche and confidence so they could control their own joy and begin trusting themself and become productive citizens of this country. The vivo Y31 boasts long battery life, and the feel of a flagship phone without the high price.

Even if we're feeling powerless sometimes, or still trying to find out what to do, you can still get out of that hole and do things that you are passionate about... and take out those crazy habits that take out the fun everyday. Now don't fret because Vivo will make arrangements this quarter so you can enjoy life with the Vivo Y31. As they launch this phone, they want you to feel that YOU CAN DO IT and not become lost in all this madness.

A series of exciting and engaging activities are in the pipeline come the vivo Y31 campaign launch, in its mission to contribute to the generation’s much-needed jump start and help them dodge the looming prospect of being lost. Find out how you can seize the day with the Vivo Y31 and see for the activities they have in store for you.


The Fountain of Youth: A Website Review

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The market has been flooded of beauty products that promise the fountain of youth in every bottle. Each day we battle it out with nature; it just pains to see people not taking care of them selves. I’m not that vain but if you talk about skin care, we all have our own regimens to follow so when the time comes that those funny lines and wrinkles appear it wouldn’t be too late for us to say that we did something to stop it once.

This website review is all about that compiles the best of the best brands in the market and compares each one thoroughly so the ordinary consumer can choose the best one for their skin conditions. It’s a good thing that they let each person tell their own story about what changes they have seen while using the products. I’m right beside one of my colleagues that have problems about it. I don’t want them to go through humiliation and expensive treatments when it does not work for them. I mean if a fashion editor already recommended it and assured me that it will work, why shouldn’t I try it out right?
This site is nice because with just a few clicks you can already see the content that you need. Learning what other people have used and still continue to use would be nice because you get the chance to monitor and see the changes they have made if progress be seen. I like the concept because its no nonsense, no holds barred in discussing what PROS and CONS there would be in a certain brand. The newest wrinkle cream reviews are there already. You just need to read off the information and share your insights too. The one that I use though is also listed there; people like the OLAY wrinkle cream reviews too. Not as much as I do because I’m not much of a fan of creams but I use it every once in a while just for maintenance and cleaning my face. It tightens it up, makes it fairer looking with a pinkish white glow. It is just perfect for my skin type.
