Hageshii!!! Gekiretsu!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007


I could never have thought that dreams could suddenly fade like s*** all of a sudden. I'm furious about it...but I'll never get it...I will never get it at all.... sometimes you just need to fail to expect these things...that expectation is not a good thing to do when you're not even sure....OMG I'm so mad...I mean who wouldn't be... the project suddenly collapsed....and here I am... lying in the ruins.....

ang yummy ko dito no?
Back to the topic: How about the handshakes? How about the congratulatory words they all said.... I even told my folks about it.....somebody left me hangin....like the cake out in the rain....yeah like the song.... I kinda got it already...before things like these were told to me.....right in my face...

Sometimes things are really not meant to be....all the things that you may probably have learned about people and how it should work....and the way it turned out afterwards....this is really bad.... how I wish I could just pig out.... leave this corp for a few years then just go back when I'm feeling better.....Go right ahead and check if you are really hired... coz if you are not...then don't expect too much...why the hell do I feel stupid.....why the hell do I feel furious.....http://www.carbuyersnotebook.com/archives/fastfury.jpg

I'm beginning to hate myself...this corp....and everything else that's in it....I think it would be better to look for a new job....things did not turn out the way I liked it to be.... somebody failed....and I'm glad that it's me....
But I'd have to make sure the job pays well...I plan to do this soon....somebody out there might appreciate me more...

USA Here I Come!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Just got in...I think I will be travel'in to the US next month! woohoo!!!!! I hope everything will be great after this decision I made.....Whoopie!!!!! My career advancement is my priority....I hope this project will push through and make a mark on my story!!!! Whoohoooo!!!!! I'll tell you the story when everythin's final!! Whoopiedo!!!!

Wow!!!! Internet at my fingertips!!!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wow!! I now have Internet access and I'm not restricted anymore!!! Weee!!! This is one happy day!!! My boss is already leaving and he'll be back after a few months....We ate a lot this afternoon....Then MIS finally fixed my Internet access...I'm so ecstatic!!!! Weee!!!!!! Now what do you think about my firebreather on top? I'm gonna make that my firendster backgroud someday but for now I'll just keep it here.... I would like to go out later so I better fix myself...hekhek.....find somebody to fill my emptiness....This is so much of a "DRAMA"....but maybe it'll come sooner or later.... Get another one while the iron's hot! Heheheh.....

Happy feet?...or cold feet?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Well...what do you know...after three long ardious months...my number 3 just gave up our relationship....this was a very tough one...
It kinda seemed a very long day for me...but i did not think it would come out that way....i thought the whole month of February was about love...and so I thought.....

We went to places where I thought it was convenient...to make love and all....got a present...flowers....and stuff....ate out...thinking it may end up a happy day for both of us... well the part we made love came true...but after that and a few sticks of cigarrettes...what blunted out was what lacked in our relationship...we didnt really had time....but I was making up to it right? was that and the effort not enough?......i tried...so hard but it still did not turn out right... This one knew it.... I have a girlfriend already ...but it did not matter as this one said.... My number one is already asking me to marry her but I begged off....of course! But this one said no matter what the issues I may have, it does not matter....well look at this issue now..... I thought we were happy and all...but was it that cold to bluntly say those things to me? I dont think I lacked attention...I make it a point that whenever I have relationships with other women I tell this one so it would not be an issue anymore...but why did it have to end up this way......this is so bad...... i feel so cold...but nobody will know....I'll have to give extra effort now to keep my self happy....I'll have to have a dose of deep house music!!!! ROOOAAARRR!!!!!!!