Flooded with reports...what's new!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Its hard to work, nobody asked for it but I was workin my brains off the metrics.... well it is harder coz I've been trying to bloody understand the dang nabbit Argentinians who couldnt quite understand and process reports like I asked them too! and not to mention that while I was doing the reports, and checkin them..the other hispanic guy kept on buggin me in skype...askin soooooo many questions...which I already have answered days before...geeze... I thought that was easy...I was wrong....

They submittted documents which was supposedly "WAS ALREADY" scanned by their Manager but it seems to me that half the report had inconsisterncies....so I scrapped that and made my own rendition of their reports...I'm glad it improved....and a lil somewhat at par with my standards....but I was wrong...sooo wrong...geeze! And the amn friendster...I've been giving out comments and testimonials to friends...but nuthin's appearin! waaaaa! what's happenin oh my! sumthins defnitely wrong here!

Healthy meal to get buff??...I hope so! =P

Well what do you know! I'm on a diet again!...Its been months since I stopped my no "RICE" rule ... I think I lost a couple...but now I'm trying out something new...to trim out my beer belly...hehe I think I have to resort to high fiber meals now.... which means... I have to eat oatmeals for at least a month...
I hope I won't pass out or anything like that...starvation is really like a norm for me...but since it is bad for my health...I think I have to try a lot of things that would fit my lifestyle.... I've been in the gym for a year and a half I guess...well probably a little under 2 years... I grew a lot I guess... as in "NAGING MALAKING TAO AKO" heheh.......Hopefully I won't bear the mo nicker of BOUNCER everytime I go to clubs...sheeze...its drivin me nuts everytime people stare at me like I'm part of the staff hehehe........well here's to a long arduous diet again!

I decide...and do what I say...so I'll stick to this one until there is a better alternative...

Sheeze! I'm a Blonde Guy! Eew?!...

Well what do you know! Here I am again in the verge of exposing myself to strangers in cyberspace...this has not been a very good thing to begin with... but since I am a little bit sleepy...I'd probably be better off doing this so I wouldn't get caught in the office sleeping...geeze...my people won't appreciate it...that's for sure....

Well...what happened this weekend??...a lot I guess... I was extremely excited about getting my damn hair fixed by FIX... yes the salon by BENCH... the last time I went there to "RELAX' my hair was about three or four months ago if I'm not mistaken... Last friday, I decided to repeat this process since it made my hair look more appealing ...and so I did...I went to 2 different local parlors since I wanted to at lease shy away from FIX's 1250 price...but both of these begged off since my hair was too short...geeze... only FIX can FIX my hair I uttered...oh welll.. just as soon as I was about to go back...my office/gym mate/partner in crime Rob told me his local one does it for a cheapo thrill... something like CHUPET or CHULAY I presume heheh but not really... so after we got off from a iron filled day of pumping in gym, we went to his place and got my hair "did" there....hair "did" by the way is something I learned from missy elliot and her rap thingies..I guess that is appropiate...and so back to the story...thy got my hair relaxed...and even my hair colored permanently...and so now..... I'm a blonde guy ahahahah.....

I just hope I won't look dumb or sumthing....welll judging by the reactions of my friends last night...they like it a lot....I just hope that was not a pity comment....else Id be killin gay guys in QC hahah.....well nah I wouldn't do that.....so KUDOS to Rob! he got my hair fixed! nyahahah....

I hope in the long run...I won't look haggard...and I hope it doesnt look like a mug shot hahahaa......

KUMAGCOW...Trying to find another home

With Multiply gaining popularity. I'll be setting off on this website and try out the blogging capabilities. Hopefully I won't be dissappointed and appaled again if MIS plans to have this site blocked. I'm sure they will indeed hear from me if this happens.

Just got DSL connected this month, my Mum really loves it so far. We haven't tested the connection with my bro, but I just did with friends...and it turned out fine.... I'm tryin to download stuff so I can at least have music on it. So I won't go deaf with my Mum's numerous typing jobs...she feels I ought to type everything because I own the god damn PC! But who am I to complain...I mean who are we to complain if we owe them our lives right?! Geeze! Talk about ingrates! hahah....

Let's see what I can do on multiply in the next few days... ^_^