Friday, October 12, 2007

I am a WARRIOR! I fight not for glory or fame, For they are momentary. I fight for those who can't. I fight for Justice. I fight for the oppressed and the down trodden. And if I should lose my life for these just causes, then I have no regrets, For I serve to protect the innocent. It matters not where or when, For evil knows no boundaries. Be it fire, flood, or the threat of tyranny, I will not flee. Justice is my weapon. Faith is my shield. Hope is my armor. Cry not at my passing, For it was my Honor to fight for you. Shed not tears of sorrow, But tears of joy, For now, I stand with God.

I was born of a Father and Mother who hails from the bloodline that speaks this truth (since he was a part of WARRIORS Men's Basketball and Volleyball...my Mom on the other hand was a graduate and also did teach YDT when Highschool was still around) the warrior within me is not of a big joke.

Now back to reality, the University of the East Red Warriors again made history! They have conquered and now have completed the expected CLEAN SWEEP of the UAAP eliminations! I have never been so proud! I watched the game and boy it was indeed a sweet victory! I'm glad I also am a product of UE...geeze! Im gonna tell you stories about it the whole month so just wait for it...I was there and I was a witness to the brawl that occured in the first quarter. Im gonna put that guy into his grave! Whatta sore loser! Whatta cheap shot! We won over La Salle 92-84...IN YOUR FACE!!!
Tags: ue red warriors

Did I do something wrong? He fainted OMG!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Oh my...if it aint reality that would bite...this guy just fainted OMG... I think I cursed him too much... he probably couldnt handle his deadlines and now...he's spending his days in the hospital OMG....I did not intend that to happen but I guess it did catch up with him...poor manager...hohumm.... well hope he gets back to the office soon...I heard he was planning to get some of his work loaded to people...I hope that does not include me! But really, I didn't wish for this to happen ye know!

Hohumm..... reality bites! OUCH! I hope he's safe....and he gets the things organized...sheesh...we did not have these before...this is something new indeed! wahhhhh!!!

Flooded with reports...what's new!

Its hard to work, nobody asked for it but I was workin my brains off the metrics.... well it is harder coz I've been trying to bloody understand the dang nabbit Argentinians who couldnt quite understand and process reports like I asked them too! and not to mention that while I was doing the reports, and checkin them..the other hispanic guy kept on buggin me in skype...askin soooooo many questions...which I already have answered days before...geeze... I thought that was easy...I was wrong....

They submittted documents which was supposedly "WAS ALREADY" scanned by their Manager but it seems to me that half the report had inconsisterncies....so I scrapped that and made my own rendition of their reports...I'm glad it improved....and a lil somewhat at par with my standards....but I was wrong...sooo wrong...geeze! And the amn friendster...I've been giving out comments and testimonials to friends...but nuthin's appearin! waaaaa! what's happenin oh my! sumthins defnitely wrong here!

Healthy meal to get buff??...I hope so! =P

Well what do you know! I'm on a diet again!...Its been months since I stopped my no "RICE" rule ... I think I lost a couple...but now I'm trying out something new...to trim out my beer belly...hehe I think I have to resort to high fiber meals now.... which means... I have to eat oatmeals for at least a month...
I hope I won't pass out or anything like that...starvation is really like a norm for me...but since it is bad for my health...I think I have to try a lot of things that would fit my lifestyle.... I've been in the gym for a year and a half I guess...well probably a little under 2 years... I grew a lot I guess... as in "NAGING MALAKING TAO AKO" heheh.......Hopefully I won't bear the mo nicker of BOUNCER everytime I go to clubs...sheeze...its drivin me nuts everytime people stare at me like I'm part of the staff hehehe........well here's to a long arduous diet again!

I decide...and do what I say...so I'll stick to this one until there is a better alternative...