The Forbidden Kingdom : It was nice but not that good ye know?! ^_^

Thursday, May 15, 2008

This great film boasts of the greatest living martial artists JACKY CHAN and JET LI. Its about a kid's great adventure/time travel to far flung legendary Chinese mountains, his interactions with the Monkey King (to return his Staff) and how he tries desperately to find a way home. Jacky Chan on this movie never ceases to amaze me with the DRUNKEN MASTER style kung fu. He was also well contemplated with JET LI's complete array of Shaolin kicks and punches. Everyone tried to die in this film but of course why would a Hero die right?

I'd give this one about 3 and a half KUMAGS for trying... it was a nice kung fu flick although some action scenes could have been polished much like Jet Li's films and action sequences... The twists and turns of this movie was enough... but the plot of having a boy hero who pretty much did nothing in the movie at all was not that good.

You be the judge, try and watch it... ~_^

Cebu Pacific Air - ZERO FARE promo!!! WOW!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wow! Just found out about this! I think I'm planning to go outside Manila.... This maybe one thing I should to this week!! I'll have to book this one!!!

- It's time everyJUAN flies
- sale/booking period 15-18may08
- travel dates 09jun-31dec08
- applicable for international and domestic travel

Now where do I plan to go?! Maybe Dumaguete or Bacolod or IloIlo.... Hmmm.....

Better decide tomorrow!!!

Aren't you glad I told you about this?! Hehehehhe


It was a Sweet Time with her... ^_^

Monday, May 12, 2008

It was the day we met again... I missed her a lot... I never even realized it was that bad ^_^ and the time I hugged her, I was not thinkin of even letting go... Geeze, I know... I hate the thought of bein mushy... but whatever! ^_^ I don't care really... nyahah!

It was a grand day, I checked in on one of the local hotels there, I forgot the name.... it was sumthin sumthin resort thingy... Had a few rooms and a pool... It wasn't that grand but it was feasible... paid about 2k overnight... Did we do something?! (you would not have the pleasure of knowing that! hahah!) She asked me to go to her house afterwards... Not that I'm wondering but people kept lookin at me as if I was an alien of some sort... I didn't mind... It was the same feeling as when I went to my old barrio in Negros.... people were probably wondering what the hell was I doing there ^_^

At their town, I was looking at people there... weirdley... so I wouldnt be the only one being stared at hahaha.... At least I fought back with stares of my own... Then at their house, it was typical... It was an old house with barren floors and wood everywhere... a classic so I may say... Some of the houses we passed by were preparing for the upcoming PAHIYAS Festival.. My wifey said that it is only celebrated on one street... and at that time it wasn't on their vicinity... it was a couple of streets away....It was nice because even the kids were sewing colorful leafs and making lanterns out of it... Some men were pulling up coconut leafs and covering their houses with it... the usual barrio fiesta was in the mood...but I think this was MORE THAN THE USUAL! hahah.... looks like I've been seeing too many DOT commercials geeze....

Well going back to the story... when we got to her house, a couple of people were there.... and tru enough, her mum was there... she introduced me and I said hi... I was the perfect gentleman as always ^_^ and a cousin here and there, and then a sister... her sister was prettier but a lil younger... and NO I'm not telling you coz I like that girl more ok?! =P

Now that that's clear, I brought cake coz that was already about dinner time...and we ate a lil.... her mum apologized about the food... I told them its okay... hahaha KAPAL! I sumtimes do that unnoticingly and believe me its an honest mistake on my part.... it looks insensitive but its what I usually do... but her mom was great and she know who I was before I even got there... so there....I think I left a good impression.... so after dinner we did talk a little... and they planned to show me around....and so they did.

First up was the church.. lovely as its classic baroque type structures just puts me at an awe... And hopefully one day we get married there she says... On the back of my head, I said YEAH YEAH YEAH.... hehehe ^_^ well who doesnt wanna do that... then we went to another friend of hers and asked her to come with us... that girl was ugly so there....and even brought her BF along... we went a lil outside town and went to a bar... well to tell you frankly it didnt look like a bar to me.... it looked like a beer house.... with that off my mind, I asked my wifey to go back to the hotel since I was already getting tired...and sleepy since I came from my shift... And that was the better plan... ^_^ We drank a few bottles, and we went to the poolside to take a dip... I had fun with that...and she got the better off me ^_^ I miss her so much I guess...

Ahh... I wish I could go back there every week...I didnt sleep much but its really great we talked about what our plans were...and some were a lil bit clear....the other stuff maybe next time... but all in all, the trip was worth it since we got to get the issues out and enjoy what we have right now.... each other... and I love her the same...

The next day, I woke up late...we went out and ate breakfast at a local restaurant.. I had a couple of Longganisang Lucban... that was really garlicky and a lil salty.... but it was really great to start my morning.... had coffee too... and a lil chat here and there.... we were the only ones left so we only have so much to talk about... I was staring at her the whole time... thinkin why a lass like this would fall for me.... well of course I couldnt blame her hehehehehe ^_^

We spent the whole day together... went to her house and introduced me this time to her Father... he wasn't as umm accomodating as her mom... he was just there you know... lounging around like nobody cares hehehe ^_^ I guess that's what they should be like... a lil typical.... he was gracious enough to invite me in too so that's that....I was so tired though... since I went ballistic and wild nyaha! nah I was a good boy and you know that... anyway... we went on goin to Lucena and SM there... at least they have one...hehehe... then after lunch... we went to the movies... and all the shows were as late as 5months ago would you believe?! sheesh.... so I scrapped that idea and just went around town... I enjoyed the lil walks better I guess....Then we went back to the hotel... went out for dinner...fastfood was okay...went back to the hotel again and swam a was just the two of us at the pool so it was really nice... nobody there to bother us.... ^_^ Then we went back to our room and took a shower... Weeeeeee! ^_^

After that, we just slept a lot I guess... then the morning came.... had to go back early to Manila since I had my shift the evening on the same day.... we missed each other... that was really one of the few things I had to confirm on my mind... and she showed me the same... I love the girl... and I hope it would never be the last time I had to go there.... I'm sure I'll be back... and still love her the same.... she plans to go back to Manila this week... and I hope she does.... for the sake of ME!!! ^_^ Love her... really love her THIS MUCH!!! ^_^

PAHIYAS FESTIVAL is just around the corner...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

On May 15th the PAHIYAS Festival will again start the merrymaking in Lucban, Quezon. A province on the southern tip off Luzon.

I'll be there not just celebrating but to fix things.But at least let me see what's the city all about... I'm not that excited since I'm going there the weekend before.. where they start setting up everything... I just wish everything falls into place...and hopefully we still end up together...I mean I don't wanna go home alone of course! If she choose to end everything then so be it.. I'm wondering what people are thinking, of me putting in my thoughts on cyberspace.. thinkin aloud!!! They might think I'm crazy or sumthin... what the heck!