Come and Join Merkadonetwork!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The degree an individual is near all other individuals in a network (directly or indirectly) makes people closer. It reflects the ability to access information through the"grapevine" of network members. Thus, closeness is the inverse of the sum of the shortest distances between each individual and every other person in the network. Getting people together in its simplest sense would make opportunities available for everyone. A new social network named "Merkadonetwork" is not just plain connections, it makes you have the chance to earn free load or money while staying connected with your friends. Virtual and online communities have also become a supplemental form of communication between people who know each other primarily in real life, you should start in the early stages of this community and take advantage of the huge opportunity it presents you.

Merkadonetwork focuses on building online connections of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most of its services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as personal comments and instant messaging services. Earn and make Money while inviting friends because the more you get them to sign up, the better your earnings will be in this initiative that prioritizes pinoy bloggers and other nationalities alike.

Social networking websites like are being used regularly by millions of people, and it now seems that social networking will be an enduring part of everyday life. This type of social networking services that merkadonetwork gives are the same as those which contain directories of some categories.You can invite your classmates, have means to connect with friends (specially with their new easy to see profile pages), and recommender systems linked to each owner, referrals are indeed recommended so you can earn more. Popular methods now combine many of these, with MySpace and Facebook being the most widely used in North America; Bebo, MySpace, Skyrock Blog, StudiVZ, Youmeo, Facebook and Hi5 in parts of Europe; Orkut and Hi5 in South America and Central America; and Friendster, Orkut, Multiply and Cyworld in Asia and the Pacific Islands. Merkadonetwork is also now in line with these and made much better because of the fact that you earn with them which you can't really do with the others because of its internal revenue point system. ^_^

Mercadonetwork connects people at for free; this can be beneficial for entrepreneurs, bloggers like me and small businesses looking to expand their contact base. It can also make us easier to keep in touch with our contacts around the world. Members now can start to network with their peers from anywhere, at anytime in an online environment. Earn via GCASH and Smartmoney with merkadonetwork’s revenue point system. Now members can get earnings easily since this existing system from Globe and Smart is available even anywhere in the world as long as there are Filipinos. They are pioneers in this remittance service so managing earnings would be just a cinch! So let’s not waste precious time! Let’s join the merkadonetwork. ^_^

USA Men's Basketball wins Gold in Beijing

Sunday, August 24, 2008


This was the only medal the 2008 USA Dream Team and the whole USA wanted.

The US team won the Gold medal in this year's 2008 Summer Olympics. They only gave the mightiest men that the NBA has so it is quite obvious that they will win.

USA 118 (Dwyane Wade 27, Kobe Bryant 20, LeBron James 14, Chris Paul 13, Carmelo Anthony 13, )

Spain 107 (Rudy Fernandez 22, Pau Gasol 21, Juan Carlos Navarro 18, Carlos Jiminez 12, Marc Gasol 11, Felipe Reyes 10).

In the end, USA prevailed 118-107. Gripping the Gold medal in the games!

Scores shows that this is a highly defensive match between the two countires. US Team while on play were complaining heavy fouls and bombardment from the Spaniards. This meant a lot of course so they all did their very best. ^_^

A superb game-high 27 points from Dwyane Wade (21 of them in the first half) and 20 from Kobe Bryant the US took the best shots from the Spanish. They led 69-61 at the half, but saw Spain close to within four in the third quarter and two in the final period. Then Bryant nailed a four-point play and the momentum was with the Americans, try as the Spanish might.

And they tried plenty, right till the bitter end. The electric Rudy Fernandez and the towering Pau Gasol were huge for the gallant silver medalists. Repeatedly, the likes of Bryant, Wade and LeBron James had repeated the mantra that this was bigger than anything they'd done in the NBA. This was for their country, they said, and that made it so. After six long years, the USA finally rules the basketball world again. Argentina, even without injured star Manu Ginobili, were too good for Lithuania in the bronze playoff with an 87-85 victory giving them their second straight Games medal after they had won gold in Athens.


Well, the Philippines won a Gold Medal in Wushu but since it is not a recognized Olympic sport its not going to count in the Medal Standings. Good job though! I am disappointed however because we did not win a single medal that can be counted there.

Willy Wang from the Philippines wins WUSHU gold and lone medal of the Philippines
Wushu is considered as an Olympic demonstration only and not counted in the Medal Tally

Click image to see clearer! ^_^


New York City: A Crazy City

Friday, August 22, 2008

NY Public Library and Cabs with International drivers ^_^

I still remember the lights at Times Square, when this young Filipino lad landed in the land of promise US of A. I can never forget the feeling of being squeezed in between expecting that everything was "Sex and the City" where Sarah Jessica Parker would suddenly just pop up into the open and greet me with her infamous GIGANTIC flower and Manolo Blahniks while getting splashed in the streets. Well right in front of me, after hours and hours of sleep and deprivation of it was just the city's public library and CABS... hundreds of CABS with Indian and Jamaican looking fellas. Talk about a mix of cultures! O_O

My friend promised me a night of enjoyment, well I said yeah yeah you can probably do anything that you want and we could end up anywhere but I won't even know where I am anyway. Sure enough, he became an instant tour guide... well not exactly...he gave in and got a city tour instead! ^_^ all expenses paid, courtesy of him (lol). It has the nicest name too… Trusted Tours & Attractions which you’ll surely love! ^_^

I saw couple of pictures of well known comedian Rex Navarette when I watched a couple of his shows in the Phillies. Yeah he knew what he was taking about. He really knows where to hit funny bones of people like me. Just a pat on the back and a couple of "messing up" of my friend's hair suddenly gave me free tickets to see his show that night. Man was I in for sumthing... Something crazy as Rex Navarette.

Since that was in the evening, we hopped around the streets and pointed me to some of the coffee table book pictures I saw at shops like starbucks in my homeland. That was really a sight to behold. Liberty... and I was at an awe!

OMG! Liberty moved! O_O

The tour was to blame for that, it was the culprit why was I holding my breath everytime! I even had fun at the famous Madame Tussauds wax museum! All included in the New York tours package they offered.

Bush and me discussing WORLD and International matters

By the way, they have a special promotion where a person can win a $150 Magellan’s Gift Certificate by signing up for their newsletter ( You should get this and never think about wasting time ever again! Go with New York tours! It's just awesome! ^_^ I STRONGLY suggest you start with their online travel guides