ATENEO BLUE EAGLES : Champions of UAAP Season 71

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ateneo Blue Eagles won over La Salle Green Archers 62 to 51.

Ateneo Blue Eagles has taken the UAAP Season 71 Seniors Basketball Championship and won 11 points ahead of La Salle Green Archers. The key to the game was defense... La Salle tried to stop towers like Rabeh al-Hussaini in the Championship game held at the Araneta Coliseum but failed since this tank was really unstoppable inside the paint... even if he was not given that much playtime since he played only three minutes in the first half after being assessed two early fouls.
DLSU played a very physical game because they wanted to get this one. With the refs as tight as they were, they should have expected those calls... Pumaren did not accept the 1st Runner up trophy in the ceremonies and opted to say after the game this statement:

"“We were called for 29 fouls and Ateneo 13. Ganu’n ba talaga sila kagaling dumipensa?" Pumaren said.

Is this a classless act? Well from the standard of an onlooker like me it's a big YES.... I was even rooting for La Salle today... but this particular gesture was a little uncalled for. Maierhofer on the other hand was ejected after he incurred a second technical because of an unsportsmanlike gesture at the 1:31 stage of the third quarter. Both teams suffered from tight officiating. La Salle starters Bader Malabes and James Mangahas and Ateneo’s Chris Tiu were forced to ride the bench for most of the game because of early foul trouble.

In the end, Ateneo prevailed and wins this one as they were the stronger team. Now its time for their Championship Bonfire, I hope I get invited so I could bring out my own set of marshmallows and make some smores! ^_^

But next season, I'd still be rooting for my UE Red Warriors! Go Fight Red and White! Pamantasan ng Silangan Talunin ang Kalaban! ^_^


Barack Obama: Is he the right choice?!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Barack Obama and all his pearly whites! ^_^

In the Philippines, its all about oil or food prices... but in the US its the rising cost of health care.
Millions of Americans face doubling of health insurance premiums since 2000 makes all employers grimace in pain... then choose between the hard decision of cutting benefits and hiring fewer workers.

This pushes total employment costs up and wages and benefits down which would be detrimental to most of the US labor force. The result is lost profits and lost wages, in addition to pointless risk, insecurity and a flood of personal bankruptcies. Just look at the last week and what happened to the US Economy... a major recession in their market happened.... what if no studies or safety measures were implemented? Would it cause the world's most powerful nation everything? It did almost! Bush bailed out the major bank who drowned in speculations.. that in my dictionary is not a permanent solution... I read that sustained growth requires successful health-care reform. Barack Obama and John McCain propose to lead the US in opposite directions -- and the Obama direction is far superior IMHO... he plans to resolve these by Learning (identify the best providers, treatments and patient management strategies), Rewarding (not those paid for performing procedures, but those helping patients), Pooling (option of joining large insurance pools to finance growth of small insurance companies), Preventing (by introducing regular screenings and healthy lifestyle information)and Covering (removing the hidden expenses of the uninsured) which can save upto $2,500 so everyone can afford insurance. That in my case says it all. I read McCain's plan in their website as well... and it was not that impressive. I hope he does something about it in America's aging population. Will that ever happen in the Philippines too? I only hear Philhealth and nothing else though... can Arroyo do the same perhaps? I hope so.... Sorry I had to meddle with US Politics... its just my opinion though... then we can ask ourselves if he is the right choice.



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Thanks to Binibining Alindogan for this great Award

I love the blogs of these people and I'm glad to pass this award onto them! All they need to do is to leave the following message on their post when they pass the award on to their chosen eight bloggers.

They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate? Then let's try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.

I'm passing this award to:
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RETARDED"S NOTEBOOK ------because we are that similar LOL
Kristian Somera------because this guy is awesome, not to mention cute like me! LOL
tripzibit ------because he oftenly comes here and I owe it to him ^_^
Kuting's Place ------because she is one good lady!
damuhan ------I'm a cow, and I eat grass which is DAMO in Filipino
Proud US Navy Wife ------because I believe in her cause!
Reana claire------because she is awesome too!
Imelda's My daily thoughts and moods ------because she is moody like me LOL

It's a Portuguese rooted Award and it means these blogs invest in and believes that blogging makes us close. Congratulations to everyone who made it on mah list! ^_^ now its your turn to make someone happy! ^_^


Friendship Tag ^_^

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We need Friends for many reasons,

all throughout the season.

We need Friends to comfort us when we are sad,

and to have fun with us when we are glad.

We need Friends to give us good advice,

We need someone we can count on,

and treat us nice.

We need Friends to remember us

one we have passed sharing memories

that will always last.

Spread the Poem of Friendship. 1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts . . . 4. good thoughts, good trades 5. Ours and Our Kids 6. Jengspeaks 7. Jacque 8. Snippets of My Mind 9.Melisse's Domain 10.Seize The Day 11. Living A' La Mode 12. Simple Delights 13. Motherhood in a Nutshell 14. RainCindy's Blogging Time 15. General Santos City 16. About Love and Relationship 17. KUMAGCOW - The Goodlooking Guy on His Journey : )

Sharing this Special Tag with 1. mahesa, 2. Ashafluffy, 3. ailecgee, 4. Jeff, 5. Nimeralin 6. Syelynn - United States
