$700B bailout for US; Shucked by Congress (O_O)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lehman Brothers suffered on this market downfall

Lawmakers yesterday disapproved the $700 Billion emergency rescue for the nation's financial system. Now people like me await what will happen to the world's largest economy. Just this morning I read that the Dow Jones plunged 777 points which has been the biggest drop in the country's chunk for a long time. Where does the US Government go now?... most probably back to the drawing board. When I arrived from gym this afternoon, even Europe markets came tumbling down and bailed out their own banks. I heard the British would also be helping the US banks to recuperate the funds they lost through stagnant real estate losses in the country's market. I'm sure even Ed McMahon understands how difficult this is... he almost lost his house remember?

Henry Paulson is not happy =/

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said after he and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke joined in an emergency meeting to look for strategies that would resolve this crisis... and said that they need to put together something that really works! The Democrats hope that when they go back in session, that they would be able to put up what is needed and what would eventually be workable in all aspects. Good thing the Philippine banks don't have anything invested in that bank. We even had gains a few days ago as the OFW's valuable dollar surges this season. Thanks to that huh?! ^_^

Now, let's just wait for the congress to reconvene and fix this problem. Then hope the market does not continue to plunge into an unrecoverable state. The US cannot afford this huge kick in the shin. Time is of the essence, they need to do it fast too... I hope sometime soon.


Basketball is my Life!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Basketball is my life. I may not be the best player in the world but this is my passion. Whenever I see streets in the Philippines, there always is a basketball court. You may not see large theaters or stages for events, but there will always be space for this sport. Weather it be a makeshift wood and a metal strip for a ring, we make ways how to make it work. I stand 5'11 and my Dad's a former UE Red warrior. Bloodlines even dictate what I should be. I may not be the best player any basketball team may have but I try, I really try my best to at least make my team proud of my efforts in this game of my life.

Have you got a game of your own to be proud of? You should be always at your best in what you do; even if other people tell you that you are not that good at it we should always keep it real. You can share what your passion is with the world by simply uploading your videos at sportvids.com and I’m sure other people would definitely cherish moments in your life that you are proud of. You may be just a fan in the stands watching your favorite basketball team cheered on by your school pep squad, but that doesn’t mean you are not as important as the players are. We are one team. I invite you to try out this dedicated sports video uploading site and watch other people’s passion too. You make the choice, so make it right and choose to share it in SportsVids. Your sport is never smaller as what you may think! Be proud and be loud!

UE Pep Squad and me Cheering on my most favorite basketball team on their 14-0 run in the UAAP. Go Fight Red and White! Go Warriors!

UE 14-0 Sweep - Click here for more sports videos



Now I am Craving for Scand Can Cook!

I enjoy watching cooking shows, yeah you know some of them but this one I'm telling you about is "Scand Can Cook"... since we have cable TV it's easily accessible for me.. but for others who just tune in to regular free TV I guess they should read why I like this stuff...

Tina Nordström is your host and chef in the next season of New Scandinavian Cooking. The charming Tina is by far Sweden’s most celebrated TV-chef. She has built up a big audience in Sweden, Denmark and Norway and her cookbooks have become enormously popular. Get ready for Tina Nordström!

For starters, I read that Scandinavia is a group of Nordic Countries that are geographically situated together. Norway, Sweden and Denmark, with some sources also including the nations of Finland and Iceland consists this group. They however do not have a mark in world cuisine like the French, Americans and Chinese do. Much like Filipino dishes that is starting to tap the world market, Scandinavian cooking is already gaining popularity and how I wish I could get to taste some of the things Tina Nordstrom made on the cooking show... I especially like the way she prepares things, its so simple. Sometimes there are even odd things on the menu... but really they look scrumptious... (maybe I'm just writing again because of hunger!) aaaarghh!

Vodka marinated Sirloin!

Ohhh! The meatballs and potatoes! Yum-o!

They had so many cheeses and just have them marinated in vodka, other alcohols and a couple of spices... geeze... I'm a cheese lover... even those which are not that popular in the Philippines... I like bleu cheese a lot... I know it tastes funky and strong but it's an acquired taste.. now I am addicted to it... I have them on salads, breads and even pizza!

(-_-)" Oh well, I maybe really hungry... lolz... guess I'll have to satisfy myself here with mah cup of tea... I can't eat coz I ate too much pasta earlier and I need to work out later after shift... dang! How can I get thinner if these things always get into mah head... well its a good thing I bought myself a new gymbag... nothing fancy but fits the purpose of getting all my stuff in one pack!

Maybe later I'll stop craving for stuff and get serious working out... lolz... Lord, if I don't get thinner... I hope my friends and everyone else gets fatter! nyahahah!



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