Steven Spielberg to Leave Paramount Pictures

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Spielberg says tatah to big Paramount Pictures! *waves*
(photo by

The greatest director of all time Steven Spielberg is in transition to leave Paramount to get to a joint venture with an Indian based company and get the freedom he needs sources tell all from Los Angeles studios on Thursday.

He plans to team up with Reliance ADA Group to form a new film venture as mentioned today by Executives of Paramount Pictures. Spielberg directed "Jaws," "Raiders of the Lost Ark," "E.T: The Extraterrestial" and the "Indiana Jones" as some of his greatest works and franchise. Steven Spielberg and India’s Reliance Big Entertainment have reached an agreement worth as much as US$1.5 billion, no wonder! hahah. Goodluck! and I hope he still makes those beautiful films as he did in the past decade. I grew up with most of it of course! ^_^


Bailout Approved and Signed : Now We'll Wait!

President Bush shakes hands with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson at the Treasury Department in Washington after the House passed the $700 billion financial bailout bill
(photo by Associated Press)

ow that Congress has acted upon this particular issue giving the US government the tools necessary to bring some stability into the marketplace, the wait begins for it's effect. Bush stated that without this, the country would have crashed their market placing not just them but the whole world in chaos. Being the largest that they are, most probably that will happen if it were not for this resolution.

Obama and McCain even got their act going and helped in this financial crisis. That's American enough! I mean its a good thing they did it, it was fair enough for both ends. Now Americans can be assured that their hard earned taxes are put to good use because their package included safety measures that would make sure everything gets accounted for. Some are afraid that only a chosen few businesses might earn with this and would not benefit the American public. John Boehner of Ohio said lawmakers knew that if they failed to act, the crisis probably would worsen and "put us in a slump the likes of which most of us have never seen", I guess nobody would wanna see that huh?! This bailout ensures federally insured deposits to rise from the original $100,000 to $250,000 making the ceiling value more viable for adjustments. America must take note of 33 Democrats and 25 Republicans switched from opposition to support which helped pass this bill which were conferenced call and persuaded by Obama and probably McCain as well. They even had groupies in the house, that comes with the newbies too. I just don't know if this will be a legacy BUSH will be proud of.


The Biden - Palin Vice Presidential Debate ; Aftermath

Friday, October 03, 2008

Biden and Palin shake it away with all that teeth!
(photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Well after four scores and a few years ago, there has not been any Vice Presidential debates on the tube. I was one of the millions of people who stood by the gym [Hiya Fitness First! (^_^) ] and watched the Biden - Palin head to head combat a while ago and one thing for sure happened, I kinda noticed people changed minds over Palin.

I like that part where she said, "CAN I CALL YOU JOE!?" lolz..

Of course Biden won this overwhelmingly, he stood by attacks to McCain instead of Palin directly (well yeah because he might have thought that would be a better choice to bash who!) and you know what happened? Palin also painstakingly attacked Obama's platforms as well. Something similar but not quite, Biden has proven his point and clearly won this round. The deal with Palin though is that she really exceeded expectations, not just of her own party but of the Democrats as well. I'm not saying the said expectations were HIGH... I'm just saying that some people said things before hand but they somewhat thought she had something to put on the table after this debate. The inexperience showed, but the charm may have had wonders for her. Iraq and the economy was mostly what was talked about... they sought to murder McCain and Obama's plan of action. In my honest opinion, nobody succeeded. Sen. Joe Biden even gave restraint in his performance on Thursday night's vice presidential debate (he could have done more but maybe he thought he did not need to), while Gov. Sarah Palin tried so hard show that her accomplishments as governor and mayor prove she is qualified for the job. I hope this turns out to be a close fight between the Republicans and Democrats come the day of election. US really is one example of a working democracy. How I wish politics at home turn out this way also, stick to politics and get real (not to undermine not making it a business!).


Janina San Miguel RP's bet to Ms. World 2008 Quits!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Janina San Miguel cries because of her pamily - joke!

Binibining Pilipinas Charities Inc announced this morning that Ms. Janina San Miguel resigned as official representative to Ms. World 2008 says Belle Baldoza, PR officer of the Aranetas.

I remember her uncanny answer the final question asked to her by judges of the said pageant...

"Well, my family’s role for me is so important b’coz there was the wa- they’re, they was the one who’s… very… Hahahaha… Oh I’m so sorry, Ahhmm… My pamily… My family… Oh my god… I’m… Ok, I’m so sorry… I… I told you that I’m so confident… Eto, Ahhmm, Wait… Hahahaha, Ahmmm, Sorry guys because this was really my first pageant ever b’coz I’m only 17 years old and ahahaha I, I did not expect that I came from, I came from one of the tough 10. Hmmm, so… but I said dot my family is the most important persons in my life. Thank you."

This launched nationwide/worldwide ridicule over her. People started to get amused over it making remixes even for several clubs all over the metro. 1st Runner-Up Danielle Castaño (a sport young lady) will replace Ms. San Miguel as the official Philippine representative to the Ms. World 2008 pageant.

The untimely demise of her grandfather, among other personal reasons, has caused her undue stress, thus hindering her from fulfilling her duties for the said title. I was waiting for her to represent the country and see how she fares. Things really got out of hand I think. I just wish her the best.
