Christmas Starts Now!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas is really near. A month from now we will be celebrating the birth of Christ, my own personal savior!

In the Philippines, the season is quite a big deal. Celebration starts even as early as September. You'll see girls and boys selling lanterns on the streets, giving gifts, exchanging cards, some sing Christmas carols with one big joyful voice. This has been evidently the biggest holiday celebration every Filipino looks forward to.

Extended families are a common sight. Everybody recognize their Godparents at this time because they are somewhat obliged to gift giving whenever December 25th arrives. Yeah that even includes me! I'm not into that Godparent role much but in this culture, it is taboo for you to shy away from requests to do so. I've got about 10 godsons already and they are probably more than that. I've got one who in my mind to give a specific gift. I haven't seen my godson Ariel Joseph in such a long time. I've got to give him something he'll surely love so I'm checking online stores now. The kid is special to me since I got his mom and dad together when we were in college. I started to only tease them one day, then they ended up married. I think I have a niche for doing that to my friends. I saw one website that has the CARS play set. I would have bought this for myself but I think the kid should get one instead.

I'm sure he'll like this... I know he'll enjoy this one!
(Photo by

I'll probably just get a dragons figurine for my self since I want one too. It's just going to be part of my toy collection. I know what you're thinking, but hey it's Christmas so give me a break! Let's enjoy the season and start giving! Christmas starts now! Please do visit the website where I got these MEGA Brands toys from and start getting something for your kids and loved ones too!
Cool huh?! Even I like them that much!


American Music Awards 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

was at AWE when I watched the American Music Awards... the performances were spectacular! I had a great time watching Rihanna, Annie Lennox, Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey and Beyonce. Beyonce obviously stole the show as she did a spectacular number...

Award winners were all voted by fans in the Magz mentioned there. A lot who won were really expected. Kanye West by the way said that he wanna be like Elvis.... that was controversial I guess.

Here are some of the highlights... but I'll put in Beyonce last since that is the best one okay?! ^_^

Rihanna wore a cute gown...she was beside BF Chris Brown

Mariah was nice... she won an award for merit I think

Annie Lennox was great! Very Dramatic! I love brit/UK songs... and all her songs! But she didn't have a video off youtube so I'm gonna put in Christina Aguilera here ok?! ^_^

Here is BEYONCE! Watch this! It's awesome!


$70.6 Million for Twilight!

Kristen Stewart, left, and Cam Gigandet are shown in a scene from, 'Twilight.'

Photo by AP

Because I am too busy watching other films with my wifey this weekend I haven't watched twilight yet. Returns from box offices worldwide raked in about $70.6 Million just in its opening night. I never read the book either but I think I get the synapse already. Vampires getting in love with humans. I'd like to see this soon. ^_^

I'll let you know through my Mooooovie Reviews if I liked it ok? just wait for that! ^_^


Be the Ultimate XML Developers Challenge Superstar!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The ordeal of the 21st century, the greatest, supreme era of the digital age is far from over. I was browsing this evening to find great opportunities for the geek in me. I chanced upon and found out that they are conducting competitions for XML developers. Now this is the chance I've been waiting for!

For those of you who do not know, XML is Extensible Markup Language which in lay man's term is still not lay man because this is a little complicated to explain I know. The World Wide Web Consortium is a huge body (with 434 members) that makes certain standards for the Internet. XML is a general-purpose term that they created for specifications in creating custom markup languages. If you try and search your computer's system files, maybe you have come across a ".xml" file. This is an example of it. It may be XHTML, RSS (bloggers know this from feeds), MathML, GraphML, Scalable Vector Graphics, MusicXML, and others. I know this is a little difficult to swallow for non technical people, but for geeks like me it rings a bell if your breakfast, lunch and dinner is customizing websites and changing open source codes. This is like the "ambrosia" of software and web developers.

With that out in the open, the site is holding a competition for students, faculty members as well as professional developers. The IDUG contest is held world wide so even my tech savvy friends can join. This is also to increase awareness and familiarity with XQuery, XML and DB2. All you need to do is one or all of these things:

  • Upload a video
  • Create a small widget or gadget
  • Answer a series of questions by developing queries in XQuery.
  • Port an existing application to use XML, XQuery or DB2.
  • Develop a brand new application using the same
It's just that easy! The community would also take part in judging and the prizes will awarded on a monthly basis. So start pressing those keys and rushing your brains now for this contest! I already did! So why be left behind!
