KUMAGCOW Site Reviews; http://www.smallaa.com/post/1530

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


What's up doc?! Check out the site and comment on Obama's Health Plan

I remember the saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". It's the quintessential era of tightening belts in the US and if sacrifices like these do not take place, then the government will spiral into recession which in most cases they do not want to happen. The rich will have to budge; senior citizens should reap their benefits as is. Health care is a necessity and should not be just given to a chosen few. Reform is needed and I hope you would get to follow Canada's system where that is priority. The US should take a lead, and never be just a second rate, trying hard, copy cat.

Barack Obama promises to improve and fix the US Health system and I hope after all the arguments he had with Hillary, he’ll be able to take matters like these in his hands and get those without health care insured. For comments I would like to recommend you to go to http://www.smallaa.com/post/1530 and make sure you set it on a rating of 5 or excellent since I owe this topic from him. Kudos and keep up the good work!

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Hillary Clinton is the next Secretary of State! ^_^

Sunday, November 30, 2008

How bout a round of applause! Standing Ovation! Oohwoohhooooh yeah! It ain't Rihanna but it's Hillary for the Secretary of State on Monday!

State Secretary Condoleeza Rice is not the only female that is going to be running the White house. Sources from the transition team of Barack Obama is not only going to be supported in the campaign by Hillary Clinton, she is also going to be the next Secretary of state!

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, they are getting Hillary to perform this daunting task as state secretary. She will be the one tasked to go to other countries to represent the US. This is the highest she can go and I really know she can do international affairs. Who are we to undermine her performance as first lady right?

Now, it would be just funny that Bill would have more time alone...hahaha!


What's your gift for me?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

You have 26 days to go before you get me these gifts or else!

What's your gift for me? Is it too much to ask this Christmas season what I should get?! It's funny I know but there are a couple of things I would want to get for that most wonderful time of the year!

I’m a geek and my lifestyle demands I have enough things to support my luxuries in life. I don’t even want to think about that day where I won’t have any access whatsoever with my gadgets and electronic devices. That would just be unbearable and such a nightmare to think about.

An online store I dropped by offered 20% discount on the best things you could buy for me. I have lots of paperwork and I lost 4 years of email at work. I just would not want that to happen again so I implore you to get me storage. Yes my friends, I don’t ask too much so if you plan to buy me something I could use it would be just that. I need personalized holiday gifts and this is the only one I prefer.

Personalized Thumb Drives – I need this handy storage so I can easily plug and play with any computer I have do carry my documents in. The site offers it in 14 colors, 16GB of capacity and custom engraving (which you normally just see in expensive pen brands) all for free.

Personalized Pens – With the same engraving for free, you can get me this one for less than 2 dollars would you believe that?!

Business Card Flash Drives – It’s a unique gift. I remember eating out with my folks and I saw my former boss from SSS. He asked me for a business card after the little chat we had and guess what?! I didn’t have one. I was humiliated and kept thinking about it for months while laughing myself in misery because I did not have something so simple that executives should always carry around. Oh I’m still thinking about that! I’d probably go to my former office and give them this one so I’d look mighty cool.

Wooden USB Flash Drives – Well it’s a statement of course! You can’t find that much nature loving geeks around so if you are the type you can give me this one instead. It’s less than 16 dollars off the site if you want to get me one.

I know I am a little bit demanding but hey it’s Christmas anyway so why should I hold back asking you for what I want right?! Thanks in advance! I’m going to wait for those in the mail so don’t leave me out in the snow. Get me these great holiday gifts!




Mumbai Terror Attacks End : 160 Dead T_T

The Taj mahal Hotel in Mumbai, India engulfed in flames.

I watched CNN this morning and just heard horrible news. This is a sad day. 160 people are dead, among them are about 26 foreigners which comprise of Japanese, Australian, British and American guests of the hotel. 2 Filipinos were even among those left in the hotel for 2 days. They were not able to go out on the corridors and locked themselves inside 2 rooms drinking nothing but coffee in the ordeal.

It ended just today, but with the casualties amounting to these few foreigners and a lot of Indian civilians are just a shot in the arm for their government. A few strikes also were seen outside of Mumbai aside from this hotel. I hope people responsible for these attacks would be put to justice.

What if this happened to your country? What would you do huh?!
