Car Loans and the need to help Car Makers in the Financial Crisis

Monday, December 08, 2008

Car makers GM, Ford and Chrysler need help!

ar makers in the US have suffered the worst in this year's financial crisis. This has been the worst and a couple of brands have been urging the US Treasury to help car makers to weather out this bludgeoned business which has been the worst in 25 years. A lot of jobs will be lost and consumers will be faced to also suffer high prices as supply will be low. Democratic congressional leaders also have asked Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to use the $700 billion rescue bill passed last November to provide temporary aid this industry. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi together with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wrote to Henry Paulson saying that the bill gave him a couple of options diverting funds from the present plan to have:

1. Broad discretion to purchase
2. Make commitments to purchase
3. Get the financial instruments that he'll determine necessary to restore financial-market stability in the US

The Lady House Speaker was among the legislators who met that month with the chief executives of car maker's General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. The three famous US car brand companies are seeking $50 billion in federal guaranteed loans to help them weather the worst car market in 25 years. These car makers are threatening the government that they may not have that much money to operate until the end of the year. If thousands lose their jobs and these manufacturers do not have production shares available for consumers, it surely will result to higher prices and a car loan may not be the best alternative. This may get ordinary Americans under huge debts and high interest rates even with an existing car loan. They wouldn't be able to cope up with this standard of living and this may put them below the poverty line. People will eventually file for personal bankruptcy.

There will be a new president come January and these manufacturers are waiting for the current Bush administration to act on policy options so a higher priority would be put into this industry. I bet you the transition team is talking about this as well. He already declared yesterday that the US will be facing hard times come early 2009 but will eventually recover once all the economic plans he proposed will be set into place. The world is awaiting the outcome of these plans and the initial agreed fund has already been used for several guarantees. General Motors reported a $4.2 billion third-quarter operating loss and said its available cash fell to $16.2 billion last September 30 from $21 billion at the end of June. Car sales plunged 18% in the last quarter and 32% last month in the US alone. If the plan is there, these companies and their executives only urged the government to rescue them first. I hope this would not translate to huge market losses also for their company in other parts of the world. China is now the biggest according to surveys, so if they lose that also it would mean a huge disaster for the economy. I hope he and his so called "change" starts now.


Manny Pacquiao Wins in 8th Round against Oscar De La Hoya

Shock and Awe brought to the ring by Manny Pacquiao. KUMAGCOW was rooting for him! ^_^
Photo by NZ Herald

The whole Philippines stopped....Zero crimerate happened while Manny Pacquiao won over a blackeyed shuteyed "someone got beat upped" Oscar Dela Hoya just this morning Manila Time.

There was Pay Per View access at the office and they did fill up the pantry that had that large projector with it. It was just an ugly brutal fight as Pacquiao dominated the whole match, his side already knew the outcome of the match since Round 1. That is still 60-40 though money wise. The decision to call it a career may be a lot tougher for Del Hoya since his heart wanted to fight, but his body said otherwise. “My heart still wants to fight, that’s for sure, But when your physical doesn’t respond, what can you do? I have to be smart and make sure I think about my future plans.” De La Hoya said.

By beating and battering him around the ring for eight rounds De La Hoya declined to answer the bell for the ninth round. When he sat in his corner with that condition on his eye, it was evident he wouldn't be able to get back to action. Wildcard gym and Roach was his trainer in Dela Hoya's last fight and they knew this would happen. He was taken to a hospital afterwards for what was described as a precautionary examination.

“You’re still my idol,” Pacquiao told him.

“No, you’re my idol,” De La Hoya said.

^_^ Very Inspiring! Pacquiao will be back for his HEROES WELCOME on the 10th of December and will go back on the 17th to the US for the expected birth of his 4th boy/girl. Congratulations to Manny Pacquiao and the Filipino People... me included. ^_^


Bloggers, Advertising and Change

I know there are a lot of people doing sponsorship posts in their websites, but mine is slightly different. I still give my real opinion and never hesitate to tell people about what I feel about their website. I only stick to facts and make use of what was given to me as a powerful tool in high school and college papers that I wrote for. I prove that my pen is mightier than any sword.

Initially, I was writing was all about me and about my personal life. It has then evolved into a website that publishes my opinions. I do not hold back and I think that is the real factor why I am considered by other publishers a smart one. I noticed a friend's site once and noticed something slightly different on her website. I was thinking why is my site only sticking to what public opinion is on news papers. I said to myself that it's starting to look as if site owners can make a living from their sites now thanks to an advertising boom. Companies, who would want to reach specific consumers, publicize current-events, give constructive criticism, technical or non-technical people alike are hooking up with sites that can deliver those watchers. Some politically oriented websites are also riding an election-year advertising wave since that is a million dollar industry. Web popularity is a must for any candidate, I mean look at what it did for the presidential campaign. Industry experts also expect the trend to last well beyond November since it is not only because of the elections. I'm sure they will be waiting until the President elect will take over the highest seat of their country come January. The platform he was working on is also being discussed so I'm sure it will be more talks on my site and with others.

It's funny because at first everybody was only venturing on public television. Maybe this was caused by international voters which potentially can be a big factor on outcomes of election. Advertising then in this case would not only be based on TV but it makes use of Cyberspace. This is really non-traditional and is being used by Web-based marketing companies for products, services and reviews. It only means that bloggers and advertising will become a necessity in the future. Their site ranking/ratings can increase for their own websites by using link backs would make them literally visible in the Internet. This is like a high tech term for "media mileage" to put it into words. This is a necessity if you prefer to get your hopes up being attractive on investors and your audience.

I know that I am not hitting blind with what I am doing now. This was all just a simple hobby for me initially, but you know it also costs to maintain these things. If you plan to do the same, there's one company that you can trust to surely give you what you need. A place to start is because with them, you can never go wrong.

Blog advertising network


It's My Birthday Today! So, ahmm... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! ^_^

Saturday, December 06, 2008

It's my birthday today! So I'm just gonna leave you guys for a few days since I'm going out and celebrating it with friends. Thanks!
