Public Transport Fare Rollback

Monday, December 15, 2008

Public Transport Fare Rollback Yooohooo!

LTFRB has been ready day 1 in the planned rollback of fares in the aftermath of very low prices in crude oil in the world market. Starting tommorow December 15, 2008 it will only be P 7.50 for the minimum fare in jeeps from the original P 8.00 for the first 4 kilometers. It will also be P 9 .00 for public buses and P 11.00 for airconditioned ones in Metro Manila. It could have been lower if the REAL oil prices were reflected in the local oil companies, said these transport groups. There would be a stop for the 50 cent per kilometer rate buses impose and the 10 peso add on rate for local taxis. Tricycles on the other hand are somewhat unregulated and is handled by SLOW MOVING local government units. It's a good thing I don't ride one! ^_^


Blog Marketing

There are already a lot of things that are overtaking the lead of television as an advetising medium. Internet has become one of the best ways to reach an audience. Advertising on blogs is a big phenomenon. Prices of blog advertising space are somewhat dependent on the surrounding web content and relevance of the traffic that the blog receives. Linking up to some websites are needed to make them more visible in the World Wide Web. This is a good tool when you want to be listed with most search engines and want to be identified each time a consumer needs something off the Internet.

Companies started to place images or corporate logos on the side their websites to boost sales and visibility as a marketing strategy. Internationally this has been proven an effective way of getting known in a pool where millions of people spend hours of their time each day. Effectiveness of subliminal advertising and the persuasiveness propaganda is still questionable but it does bring results. If you trust a reputable company that would be able to bring results in advertising then you would not have and problems with marketing your products.

A new form of advertising that is growing rapidly is blog advertising. In this form of online advertising, linking up with a sponsor is done. It has shown a lot of promises as advertisers are able to take advantage of the demographic information and metrics for a specific site. This is also more effective than unpaid advertising or merely spreading by word of mouth. It can provide good exposure at minimal cost but the audience would be severely limited. Personal recommendations through positive reviews, spreading information like what I usually do achieves equating a brand with products. This is why companies advertise on blogs. Filipinos call toothpaste "Colgate" here. When people need fast food they never say buy me a hamburger. They usually tell other folks to buy them "Jollibee" instead. This is normal and is somewhat the goal of advertising. This is sometimes good, sometimes bad for blog marketing. There are specific requirements you can only do for an advertiser to be able to get paid. is one website you can go to get the best deals advertisers can give you. Give it a try now and get the most out of your online time and spot in cyberspace. I highly recommend it if you want to make money blogging.


Chris Brown tops Billboard Charts for 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

Uyyy... they are so sweet! hehehe ^_^
Photo by Dyfuse

If it rains it pours... this is just a great year for Chris Brown as he was just named Billboard's Top Artist for the year 2008. This was the same feat he did back in 2006 so it really should not be a surprise. Artist's rankings are determined by album sales in Billboard. This also include mp3 or digital downloads, radio airplay and Live audio streams. No. 3 on the list was Rihanna, his girlfriend that sang hits like "Take A Bow" and "Disturbia," which was co-written by him also. Top five was my personal favorite Taylor Swift. Kumagcow congratulates Chris Brown for a great year, and more record breaking albums next year too! ^_^ It ain't gonna stop there of course!


Canada Issues 8,000 Visa's for Migrant Workers

Health workers, Chef's, Nurses are among the top jobs in Canada
Photo by

he government of Canada issued 8,000+ visa's for Filipinos who would want to work in parts of the said country. Guest workers Visa were given as indicated in the labor agreement that was signed between Philippines and the 4 provinces of Canada namely Nova Scotia, Manitoba, British Colombia and Alberta. In the said agreement, Filipinos workers were not required anymore to secure recruitment fees and they will get the same benefits as with their Canadian counterparts. This does also give them the option of applying for "Immigrant" status in the future. This is great news for out new heroes, the OFW's. ^_^
