Snow storms hit North East US states

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A couple uses skis to cross a snowy street in downtown Portland, Ore.
Photo by Associated Press

I guess this is part of the reason why US communications hasn't been good these couple of weeks. Cables and things must be freezing at that part of the world. I wonder what would happen if that happened here. It would really be tragic because people are mostly used to the tropical sun and siestas in the afternoon. A lot of people would probably die of the weather but I would probably enjoy the snow hahah ^_^ sorry for thinking aloud!


Don't Drink and Drive

Don't drink and drive

The US had about 16,005 people killed in alcohol related motor vehicle traffic crashes. I really do not want to be a statistic but of over 42,532 traffic accidents DUI tops the list to a whopping 15,829 or 37%. People charged with criminal cases have risen to almost the same percentage this year alone. We should not hold back on prosecuting those who are guilty but we need to also protect the rights of the innocent and wrongfully accused.

A motor vehicle crash is considered to be alcohol related if at least one driver involved in the crash is determined to have had high blood alcohol concentration. They usually measure that and run some on the spot tests before you can be formally charged with DUI. We all know the justice system is not perfect so we should never be victimized by those who would only want to bend the law just because they want to. If you need help, you can count on Criminal and DUI lawyers from reputable law firms to help you. They specialize in criminal and DUI cases. They are all available to take your court case and comprehensively investigate it for you. You will only get the best possible answer in or out of the courtroom. Where else can you find dedicated people to help you win back your innocence?


YES MAN! Its Jim Carrey!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Lying down on his own premier night in UK... Jim Carrey is just hilarious!
Photo by Reuters

Guys, this is not the official KUMAGCOW MOOOVIE REVIEW but a prelude to it I guess. I saw this movie's trailer and OMG it was hilarious. I kinda missed Jim Carrey... I mean who wouldn't right?

This movie called YES MAN just opened up at the box office for $18.2 million in ticket sales going straight to number one in its first day of opening. I am really going to watch this this weekend. I love his antics, humor and everything else that this crazy guy do... who wants to watch it with me *raise your hands! Hahahah *


I met my UE Caloocan Engineering Buds! ^_^

UE Caloocan... the times we reminisced...

I just got in the office after a short dinner and chit chat with my college friends... Man it was amazing to see their faces again... the stories were just never ending.

I hate the fact that we only meet once a year, but you know what?! it's kinda fine that we get to miss each other for once. One thing though, we all are happy... we ate a lot at Something Fishy... and drank a couple of rounds at Seafood Island... I got the chance to see people that I haven't seen since 2000 would you believe? It was nice, the company was reaaaaaly great... I just wish we do this often... well you know how busy we are... with work, and family too... I just miss them all I guess.. ^_^

I'll get a post scribbled once I get em pictures... I promised them I'd write one heheh... Man this is a nice Christmas... ^_^
