Look up US Phone Numbers

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I have lots of people to call in the US since it is the holidays. A simple hi and hello would do since the economic situation in the US faces tough times. I lost touch with some of my relatives and friends obviously but I don't think I have to worry. I can probably trace them with their phone numbers. Yes ladies and gentlemen, a simple USA Phone Lookup can give me a reverse trace of their information through the website http://www.usaphonenumbers.org. Now you can use this system to find Names, Addresses, their service providers and a lot more. It’s going to be easier to check if their packages/snail mail reached the correct house in the US. Simply put in the phone number and hit the search button. You'll get the information right at your fingertips and will make your life a little bit easier. We don't have to worry about cell phones or unlisted phone numbers because their system checks it too. You can now make those pesky calls stay away by searching your caller’s number so life would be more comfortable for you.

Aren't you glad you read about this here?! Happy Holidays!


My Favorite Things in 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Favorite Things in 2008

I know this concept is not that original and a lot of people are doing it already but I think I have to put my own one up since I had nothing to do today.

Favorite Website - Google, Pay Per Post, Socialspark, and ZamZar

Google just awarded me my most precious page rank! Hooray! Payperpost and Socialspark for obvious reasons and Zamzar because its the next best thing since sliced bread.. everything in the face of the earth it can convert your files!

Favorite Expression - "Utes Kalabaw"

I think I got this from a person... maybe in our house... I'm not sure why but the KALABAW thingy reminds me of my site and at least its original when I say that in awkward situations

Favorite Outfit - Newly bought White Boots!

It's expensive, and I like the time when I wore it at our company Christmas Party. I'll be wearing that a lot this 2009.

Favorite Past time - PSP Slim, Photography, CABAL, Blogging

I love the PSP Slim my brother gave me. I am spending so much time with it and the videos and games I put on it is enormous! Aside from that, CABAL is definitely my niche! I love this online game! I did not know I had the talent for photography, I will explore that soon when I get my self a new camera. Blogging obviously has been a blast!

Favorite Gadget - PSP Slim

Obviously I am repeating it! Hahah

Favorite Snack - Wendy's French Fries and Frostee

I just can't get enough of it, sometimes when I go out and eat, this is already my dinner! ^_^

Favorite Ulam - Nilagang Baka, Calderetang Spare Ribs

I'll be eating it this eve.

Favorite Drink - Minute Maid Pulpy Orange

It's so good I can drink a liter of it everyday.

Favorite Brand - BEAR BRAND, Bench

Weeehhh Corny! well as much as I don't like bench, i still get stuff from them for everyday use.

Favorite Footwear - Boots

As I mentioned before, it's the best thing I bought this December!

Favorite Place - In front of the PC... and out gimik with friends!

Because I need to and I want to! I love my friends too!
Favorite Resto - Blue Bacon and Green Eggs

Along Lantana street, there is nothing more classy than fine dining! the place is a secret...

Favorite Song - Stars by Simply Red

Yeah I know its kinda old, but it reminds me of highschool... you can't beat that!

Favorite Movie - Tanging Ina Nyong Lahat!

Because of Eugene Domingo

Favorite Bling bling - My gold and Silver Necklace.. and the Shoelace Accessory my Mom Made me.

Because it looks good on me!

Favorite TV Show - Nigella

Anything she cooks... I EAT!

Favorite Series - Naruto Shippuden

Because its my personal fave and I never miss an episode!

Favorite Coffee - Starbucks

Because I needed the Planner! HMPF!

Favorite Mall - Gateway Mall

Because its near my house!

Favorite ‘mushy’ Album - Beyonce and PCD's album

I just like it...and they're hot!

Favorite Pasta - My Pesto Sauce and Pasta!

Because nothing compares to my own cooking!

Favorite Pizza - Pizza Hut

I just love the stuffed crust... and I can order it in a jiffy!

Favorite Scent - Burberry

Love how it smells! Hummmm!

Favorite Shake - Watermelon Shake

Which I order everytime at any restaurant if they have it!

Favorite Dessert - DQ

Love em slushes!

Favorite Person - My Wifey

Because she will beat me into a pulp if I chose someone else! heheh


Make Myself Amazing

I've been thinking about a few things that I could change with my physique. I guess the standard workouts in the gym seem a little hard for me these days. My friends and co workers already know that I really am suffering from diets I could never stick to. If you were in my shoes you will take things like this differently. You never really feel how it is because you are not in this situation. My arms are good since I have huge biceps and all that but I still have to work getting a little thinner and hope to have washboard abs sometime soon. I know it is a long shot but with the thousands of pesos I've spent for gym fees, I am considering surgery.

As shocking that may sound my friends and fellow men I am seriously considering going under the knife. I've been a piercing enthusiast for the longest time so I don't think anything like this would be more painful. Let again my own confidence is suffering because I am starting to look ugly when I face my self in the mirror. Again, you wouldn't understand what I'm saying if you are not me.

There are a couple of clinics in the country performing different procedures that I could have to resolve my problems. I don't need to fix my nose anymore because that's one part of my body that I love. My eyes are quite attractive based on the people that really know what it looks like. My lashes are naturally curled up by default and a lot envy me for that. Now my problem is my abdominal area, but the procedures would probably call for a few sections to be fixed so it would look natural. No I don't need to consider boob jobs since my chest area is standing tall and proud. Men actually do that in the US and UK to look perfect in the upper part of the body. It is also called breast and pectoral enlargement and is good for people who are in need of a better chest frame. A popular cosmetic surgery clinic called M.Y.A. (Make Yourself Amazing) offers the said service and has a lot of good looking guys lining up for the procedure because unlike cheap pop up shops that proliferate in this side of the globe, they have experts that can do it for you. It normally takes an hour to do so if this is what you plan to have. I on the other hand am looking forward on their state of the art liposuction procedures and that would probably take more time. Recovery would also be a lot tougher, but I don’t think I would have to worry. I know now that if I ever consider having it done, I’d fly to the UK and have M.Y.A. do the job. This is where I feel everything would be safe and I’m sure I’d really be taken cared of. Because I know I deserve to make myself look amazing!


Happy Happy New Year Everyone!

I'm so glad that its raining outside... not that I am killjoy but I am better because a lot of people would not probably be able to light up their fireworks and add pollution in this smog inhabited country. I also hope it ain't a noisy New Year... I already sent my greetings to friends and enemies... so that's good... I hate what happened today at home... I won't tell you why because that part is REALLY PRIVATE!

Let me see... uhm... I guess I have to thank a lot of people first... so THANK YOU for being part of my site and my life. I know I still have a lot to learn about writing but this is a start.

I'll be posting some favorite stuff later... check that out! ok?
