New Price Rollback for January 2009

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Uyyy...Ang sweet! Hahaha!

Good news for everyone! The Department of Energy is expecting a major rollback in prices of diesel and gasoline this January. This has been the expected outcome since the prices of oil has not risen significantly in the last few months of 2008. Prices are still too high as to what is computed as fair in the 3 big oil companies.

Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes formally contradicted newbie local oil player Flying V that there would not be a rollback this month because the trend of oil prices is going up in the world market and they have already given the discounts as early as December of last year. They are also warning the public that the oil prices will continue to gain momentum and raise a few dollars more in the coming months. Reyes defended this stand stating that the prices of crude oil in the US was higher even in November which justifies the expected rollback for this month. If it's not given what's due, then an investigation will push through for these private companies he stated.

I just hope he does what he says. ^_^


The Importance of Insurance

I was at the gym yesterday and getting back to my old routine of lifting weights, running 2 hours and sweating off what I ate from the Christmas and New Year feasts. While I was around my second set, I decided to go back to my locker and check my phone for text messages. I powered it back up and got surprised my phone was ringing, it was my sister calling and I wondered why. I was telling myself what it could be that would force her to call me this early. This is not a regular thing, when I talked to her she was already screaming and asking me to go back home. Our house was on fire.

Shocked and awed by that, I immediately packed my bag and ran out. Grabbed the first cab I could hail and asked the driver to kindly get me to our house as fast as possible. He stepped on it and within 20 minutes, I saw flames and smoke from afar. Something was burning at the back of our house. Fire Trucks immediately came in and swept the fire out in a few minutes. Fire was out, but all I could see was a burned third floor of our neighbor’s house. There was no wind at that time; thank God it did not reach us at all.

My family was safe and so was our house, but our next door neighbors was not that lucky at all. I was thinking where we could have been if it was windy that day. What would happen to my family if our house burned down? We did not have motorcycle insurance, insurance for the house, the car and even some of my family members. We could have lost everything in a few minutes and suffered a lifetime if that fire dealt with us.

It’s now a priority for me and my family to sit down and talk. We need to take care of our lives and our property. We need insurance from those who we can trust even at these times where there is an economic crisis. Good thing there is that we can easily call and go to ask about it. They have the best deals and an excellent customer experience! They really know what they are talking about, so why don’t you start thinking about your family’s safety and call them right now. It’s something you wouldn’t regret!


Filipinos in Gaza Strip unable to Evacuate

This is a building hit by Israeli Planes in Gaza.

There are about 47 Filipinos reported that were unable to evacuate the war stricken Israel – Gaza Strip border, this has been the latest update of the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to Malacanang.

Deputy Presidential Spokesman Lorelei Fajardo said that there were about six more Filipinos that were about to flee with the convoy of the Red Crescent through Jordan but they were unable to do so because of the fierce fight between the two factions. Aside from that, Israel was not allowing any unauthorized entries beyond the border of Gaza Strip. It’s sad to know that this has now affected our migrant workers too.
Because of this development, they are forced to stay in the fire lines and await further instructions from Red Cross, Red Crescent and the Philippine Embassy. This is a voluntary evacuation only because most of the Filipinos in the area already have families of their own. I just pray to God they are all safe, and can return home soon. I hope and pray the war will end too.


Memories of Citizen

When I was a kid, my Grandma used to carry me around their church to attend Sunday school so I could get along with other kids. I was pretty excellent when it came to speaking, writing and the English language. I was personally taught by her before I even started school. I know I was the best at that early stage. When she dresses up for occasions she never fails to impress people. Even if we didn’t have that much then, she was quite presentable. I remember she had this gold watch I used to look at that time. It looked expensive but I never asked who gave that to her because I was oblivious about brands and stuff.

On a day where we were doing our English lessons, I was looking at it one time and she told me a story about it. The watch was given to her by her brother, so that’s like my Grandpa too. She always was bragging about it back then because obviously that same gold slim watch I was looking at was one of the best ones the country had at that time. Other people know how classy you look then just by looking at the brand. I remember it clearly, that it was Citizen.

Aside from the name and fame it got being citizen watch and the biggest, best watchmaker in the world; Citizen made the first slimmest Liquid Crystal Display watch. They also were part of several Olympics I know. Today, they also have been known to lead in the field of timepiece technologies. They pioneered voice recognition which only was seen in science-fiction movies back then and dive watches with electronic sensors. It’s now part of most watches today, but you and I know that the original still is the best. I remember my Grandma when I hear this brand of watch, because we still have that watch at home even after more than 30 years. Wouldn’t you want that watch of yours be an heirloom too? Trust the Citizen Eco-Drive to do that for you!
