PDEA Admits P3-M Bribe Try

Thursday, January 08, 2009

PDEA Chief General Dionisio Santiago telling the tale of Alabang Boys

Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) officer Major Fernando Marcelino testified at the House of Representatives a while ago. He admitted the existence of a P3 million bribery offer to him for the release of three suspects they arrested last year in a buy bust operation. They were the one coined as "ALABANG BOYS".

They had a very heated argument pointing fingers at who was to blame for the junked cases in the Department of Justice. This surfaced a lot of questions over legalities of procedure and how both the Philippine National Police Drug Enforcement Unit and the PDEA had troubles pushing through with prosecution. They now know how the DOJ junks these cases even if there is strong evidence over the masterminds of these buybust operations.

PDEA Chief General Dionisio Santiago said that he even had a text message saved from one of the family members of the Brodett's asking why he was complaining when he was already paid. This irked him a lot and so he confirmed this incident to congress. Their credibility is on the line obviously. He also gave details about how they caught the suspects in this drug related crime. Suspects Jorge Joseph, Richard Brodett at Joseph Tecson are still locked up but is being set free by papers from the DOJ. It's a good thing they brought this out into media, otherwise the culprits could have gotten away. They will be continuing sessions tommorow about this same issue. I wonder who got the money... hmmm.... Hahah!


Freedom from Debt!

There is nothing better than freedom from debt!

The US President Elect warns the US congress that the problems of recession will continue for years if Washington does not consider pumping funds into the US Economy. What does this say to the ordinary US Citizen? It will have to be more taxes in the coming years, because the US will not have many creditors if the government does not show that they have the capability to pay. This is normal under the recession's circumstances. The common worker and laborer in the US will be or is under debt already because of this recession. Nobody can deny that it has affected millions in the US and elsewhere in the world. If you have gotten a Triple AAA bank go under in this era, then it is not impossible that all the other banks that seemed strong would be in the same contention to get a piece of that same funds the US is planning to put up. 1.2 Trillion Dollars is not a joke and the congress together with public and private corporations will never get over this unless they do it now.

"I don't believe it's too late to change course, but it will be if we don't take dramatic action as soon as possible," said the US President elect this evening. He did not mention anything unexpected and also had congress talk about general terms of the recession package since the US has already lost $1 trillion in economic activity, not to discount double-digit unemployment in their country. This is relatively dangerous.

With that out in the open, the hardships of people in the US continue to worsen since this has not been dealt with yet. A lot of them continue to be under heavy debt and this is the time you need to get government debt help. Debt consolidation would be the perfect solution for most of them who are in dire need of money. We all know that your family’s health should never be gambled, if someone needs medical attention we need to get it as soon as possible even if it means we will have higher medical bill debt. This should be our primary concern, let http://www.3debtconsolidation.com help you. They are the best ones to go to when you need information related to all topics in debt consolidation. Go to the site and start changing your life now so you won’t have to wait for any political figure to help you. You know you can do it!


Alabang Boys Petition

Drugs are Bad!
Photo by Comedy Central/South Park

The petition of the family of the infamous Alabang Boys was raffled again by the Philippine Court Appeals. The Magistrates of the Court alloted another one for the petition of Habeas Corpus that the family placed in their hands.

In the said re-raffle for the said case, the petition went to Associate Justice Monina Senarosa of the Court of Appeal's 13th Division and will post the ruling for the said very controversial case. Together with Associate Justice Monina Senarosa is Associate Justice Amelita Tolentino and Ramon Garcia. They will be handling this case from hereon since in the first raffled case that went to Associate Justice Juan Enriquez was dealt with inhibition because of unknown reasons. He might have been not comfortable handling this case of so called rich drug ridden boys. Manila, Makati and Quezon City has been problematic of drugs. It has made the Philippines the most drug abusive country in Asia. PDEA chief to 'Alabang Boys' camp: Let public be the judge. Now people have been calling for the Death Penalty to be set back!


Start Paying Off Your Debt!

If you have 2 quarters of negative GDP growth in your country, it is the time economists consider it as a recession. With the millions of people losing jobs and going under heavy pressure of gaining debt in the country, a service such as debt consolidation is inevitable. They need to know how it works and what it is for. If there is a significant decline in the economic activity and the effect is wide spread that it lasts a few quarters in a year, then it means there is trouble. It shows how you and your country should prepare for the economic stability that everyone dreams of at these times. It's not impossible to achieve and the government agencies together with private entities can help you to get through this.

You need a couple of things fixed in the first place and what non governmental organizations and privately owned firms do is help you consolidate. This is to get you started to reformat your finances and help you pay off your debt. It’s a good place to start.

The US President is even considering getting the country on its feet with the 1.2 Trillion dollar stimulation package that the economy needs to keep itself running. The same people who have been in debt with the government are fixing home mortgages and government loans so you can help those who are in dire need of resuscitation. He emphasized the role of the middle class workers and their importance in the economy. If they are alleviated of this burden as soon as possible, then nothing should be a hindrance anymore. You should clearly get information on government debt consolidation to make every single cent count. You can pay one entity and have a single low interest rate if they combine your debt. This goes the same with what’s important with your family, their health. Hospital bills skyrocketed in the past few years and if you are not covered by health insurance, you need to pay for everything and the easiest way to get out of the joint is with medical debt consolidation. You need your home too, which would mean almost 20 to 30 percent of the country’s population needs eliminating rental debt. You already know your options and the people you can trust are all in http://www.mydebtconsolidationadvice.com. You won’t regret going to your best credit counseling agency!
