Lindsay Lohan's Statement on the Breakup!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Smooooch! Sluuuurp! ^_^
Photo by Gawker

Lindsay Lohan says she and British DJ Samantha Ronson are still ON! This lesbian action couple (heheh no pun intended!) are still ON despite RUMORS (same title as her album track! Listen to that!) that they had a couple of fights these holidays.

In a statement on her MySpace blog ( , the 22-year-old actress posted


Lohan said to every GOSSIP website to get their stories straight.

Its also weird that people have been emailing and sending her messages about it too. So its really quite annoying to have that IF I WERE FAMOUS heheh... (^^,)


Easy Going Web Hosting


The World Wide Web has its flood gates open to thousands and thousands of web hosting companies. These are the guys you go to in order for your name to exist in the Internet. I recommend service providers to my cyberspace friends and family since I am the local version of geek squad. Routers, Wired and Wireless Devices, Internet Service Providers, Domain Name Servers are all but second language to me so where else should they turn to? One good thing lead to another in my site so I'm spreading the news and let them have the convenience I got from purchasing my own domain.

Today's online services can get you limitless ways to customize your website and add in widgets that would grab the attention of your chosen audience. Since I have a more personal site, my experience and day to day struggles are all out in the public. My musings of self expression has never stopped since day one. This is much of an outlet where other people can tell their own version of the story. It makes you understand how powerful the Internet is. If you plan to get acquainted with what's happening with the rest of the world, you need to be online.

When I was looking for a web host a year ago, I was asking local Internet Service Providers about it. They dealt with me with standard bills that reached a couple of thousand pesos just for maintenance. They did not even have single software to use so I could easily customize my site. I knew right from that start what I want so I went ahead and applied for go daddy. There are similar packages available at and the site recommends other excellent web hosting providers that can match your need.

With their services at around a couple of hundred pesos (a few dollars), you can have your own domain and have them host it too. No other Domain Name Service configurations needed to start your own site. This was the best package I could get at that time when I started this all and I never looked back. My site and its success relied on the web host for its logistics. I plan to put up another one because there's still is a lot of work to do. I need to improve it, but I’m quite sure they won't be going down anytime soon. That's what I learned from their site, you can't tell anything just by looking at their prices. You need something more that that so they let you understand unbiased, valuable content in their site and reviews. If you want plain English, with no sugarcoating of anything under the sun, you should take a look at Web Hosting Reviews. You won’t regret it young web master!

Rihanna too Sexy for Malaysians!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

No attires like this in her Malaysian concert. This is too sexy for them. We have to understand their culture! ^_^
Photo by Associated Press

RIHANNA has turned back to Good Girl to perform in Malaysia on February. She's gonna be shying away from skimpy outfits because of the strict rules on performers' dress in the Muslim Majority country. Gwen Stefani and Avril Lavigne had huge protests from conservative Muslim Malaysians over their taste of clothes. Gwen had to even dress up to minimize show of skin in her concert.

Female performers in this part of the world must be covered from the top of her chest, including her shoulders, to her knees. I hope Rihanna brought along her pyjamas ha-ha. Pussycat Dolls concert in 2006 was fined $3,000 after they was accused of indecency. They did not dance in pyjamas. Hahaha! Avril Lavigne's moves were adjudged "too sexy" last year said in an online article. They warned everyone there that Rihanna was even sexier and more dangerous than her. Avril was better than their girlfriends. Hahaha! joke!

Rihanna's show in a 16,000-capacity Kuala Lumpur stadium were selling like hotcakes when local newspapers announced the event. It was cancelled late last year because of these protests from conservatives in Malaysia. I wonder if they also sang "Umbrella," "Pon de Replay" and "Unfaithful" there too. (^^,)


Toys for the Big Boys

This is a big secret that I will tell you, I was skinny and dark when I was kid. Don’t laugh at me now okay? I just played a lot in the streets, out on the scorching sun because I enjoyed being with friends at that era. I was even called names because of that. But all in all, I really loved my childhood. I can tell I was never a dull boy.

Everyone recognized me, even the folks of my playmates. We didn’t have any formal playground at that time. We just drew things on the pavement, rolled marbles on the afternoon soil and went home filthy. I know my Mom was mad every time she saw me go home stinky ha-ha! But that was just me and I still clean up nicely after all that. Being the good looking boy that I was (as the title indicates on my site) at that time was a little hard because it meant I had to go to adult occasions like weddings and programs so they have someone to look forward to when the time comes I need to make everyone laugh. I even had some short stints in TV shows and acting workshops but I wouldn’t brag about that now because it’s just too old.

There would be some times that I enjoyed staying at home playing alone. Not that I had a world of my own and became a special child, but I had plenty of toys I could spend time with. Cars, Trucks and gaming consoles were some of the best things I had when I was a kid. I had it all figured out what story to tell and role I’d play when that was the only thing I could do when my parents are out working. I had some of the best times of my life doing that. The toys were just like treasures for me; they were the ones that kept me sane the whole time. Those were really memorable for me because it did something that made me who I am today. Toys today are now made with the thought of making a kid’s interest grow. It has evolved to a whole new level and things like these could hone the interest of your child. Like this one for example, it can bring the music in your child’s life.

These are called MAG NEXT toys, which can start developing your child’s mind early. This can get your kid into music, they are called Smart Builders. Wouldn’t you like to have your child the advantage? You know what to do about it now that you read what I’ve experienced. The benefits are enormous!
