Obama's Bailout Package

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The President Elect is working already! ^_^

hile I was running my usual kilometers in the treadmill, I heard over CNN that Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee; hopes to schedule a vote for the stimulus package which would coincide with the week of the US President Elect’s inauguration in about two weeks. This is a nice way of putting public perception and publicity together in one package. It’s definitely a nice way to start the year with this historic President. The President elect will be talking some more over the resistance he is getting from his own Democrats in the senate because he surprisingly is getting “the treatment” from his own senators.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that a bigger planned stimulus package is being sought by President-elect Barack Obama and it could give the economy the much-needed lift, but other steps must be taken to strenghen the shaky financial system and for any recovery to be seen. I just hope they do this the soonest possible time.

We all know that he also plans to put tax cuts for workers but in these tough times people don't respond all that well to little changes because a $500 to $1000 dollars in the middle class is still too low. I wonder how it would really be of benefit to those who are still in debt. A lot of them can’t pay their house mortgages and have probably moved to a lesser expensive home. Some of them becoming homeless because aside from the higher rates they received, they lose their jobs. Banks that were supposed to bail them out in the first place caused all these problems. I don’t even know if the $3,000 tax credit for companies to hire or retrain workers is going to help that much because of the US’ lack of purchasing power these days. Sales have significantly also dropped last December which further strains their plans to recover soon.


Be the next XML Superstar!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The bloodiest most turbulent digital age is far from over as competition gets fierce in this year’s search for the XML Superstar!

This programming contest has been continuously finding talents around the world and this time it’s the ASEAN XML Superstar they are looking for. XML is Extensible Markup Language and this is nothing complicated for software and web developers like me. If you plan to start and educate yourself in this particular field, this is your time to shine.

With DB2 and its powerful methodology, you can participate in various contests that their site http://www.xmlchallenge.com offers. Sign up now in their Video Contest that only requires your ingenious skills XML, XQUERY or DB2. Grab a camcorder and start filming yourself while doing it! They also have Gadget contests that you can join by making useful and original widgets using DB2. You may try other ones like the Query contest that makes use of XQUERY to find 5 answers. The best one will get to win fabulous prizes! Don’t forget the Ported Application and XML2 Contests too that makes use of DB2 which you can join individually or grab your friends to form a team.

Remember there are 5 contests to choose from and the opportunities to be the best one in the region is here. All you’ve got to do now is press those buttons to fill up a form, answer a short quiz that requires no preceding XML or database know-how to complete. This contest was made for students, faculty members as well as professional developers to increase awareness and familiarity with XQUERY, XML and DB2. It's just that easy! I already have plans of my own to join! So why be left behind!?


Amy Winehouse and Hubby head SPLITSVILLE!

I just saw this in CNN and E News a while ago. The lawyer of Amy Winehouse's husband is filing divorce on grounds of infidelity. Blake Fielder-Civil is still in jail for beating up some people in a local London Bar. His Attorney Henri Brandman will continue proceedings for divorce because of Amy's adultery. Local shows and tabloids caught Amy with a hunk actor sweetly hugging and kissing prompting for this surprising move by her husband. Amy on the other hand refused to comment about the incident.

Amy is my personal idol because I haven't seen anyone drink beer and smoke PHAT while performing in their concert. She obviously has a fortune worth around 10 million pounds so this particular separation will indeed hurt her. She was caught red handed in the Caribbean with Josh Bowman.

Well she might be just lonely you know. I mean if her husbands in jail... you know what I mean hahahaha

Photo by http://blogs.nypost.com


Hollywood Movies, TV and Actors

Hey guys! I’ll let you in on this one. I got the chance to check out http://www.moviesplanet.com this evening and found out some of the best films that online users rank as their favorite. I was not surprised because apparently they have the same taste as I do!

The best ones perhaps are obvious; The Lord of the Rings sequels is on top because a lot of people are fond of these periodic/fantasy based stories. The book itself was a best seller so why shouldn’t the movie do the same? I don’t know if it was part of Oprah’s Book Club but that really went skyrocketing in the box office. The Return of the King was my favorite too because of that very nostalgic scene where the White Wizard went back for a vengeance on the kingdom. The entire king’s horses and all the king’s men were there not just for the magic and might; the story was grand and the execution of the movie from book to the silver screen was great. Obviously millions watched it already and the producers have earned a lot from it too. I bought several copies of that because some of my friends took mine, it’s that nice believe me! I too am part of its followers, not to mention the Harry Potter series as well. These are the top movies.

I don’t know about the popular tv shows on their list though because most of them are just not my type. To tell you the truth I love the show “Gilmore Girls”, not because of the fine women they have on the show but because they talk fast and they are all witty to begin with. Their lines are so effective and I can’t contain myself to try and learn how to talk the same way. If I had a syndicated show, it will probably be on that level. Some sort of a high IQ high verbal talk in everyday life would be nice. I still love the Simpson’s and Bart though which is part of that.

Heath Ledger just won best supporting actor a while ago, the Golden Globes is definitely right in doing so. His acting skill as the Joker was incomparable. I felt afraid with his character really; to think he already passed away when these were shown. That made huge waves across Hollywood and it was good critics did not fail to recognize it. The life he had and its ending was tragic. This particular recognition says what he is all in all and he’s not just one of those famous actors, he’s one of the best!
