How about a nice FORD Escape!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I got a friend working for Ford Motors Philippines that kept bugging me and my office mates to buy a car from the shop. The deal wasn’t bad though, but of course Ford Machinery in this side of the world is still hundreds of thousands of pesos more expensive than the other brands. There are particular models though that did not disappoint me and got my approval like the New Ford Escape. With the whole machismo of bare metal in and around the car, I am impressed with its lines and power. That’s all I ever ask for in cars anyway and I’m thinking of changing our van for this one. If the offer gets lower in the coming months then I’d probably be considering this particular model hands down.

If you plan to buy a car in the UK like my brother did in Eire then don’t hesitate to check out prices and details at They've got the best deals in town! Soon everyone will have that Ford vehicle they wish for.


Steve Jobs goes Bye Bye Apple Inc.!

Steve Jobs just made people's nightmares a reality this week when he announced he's leaving Apple. During the past week he has learned that his health-related issues are more complex than he originally thought. This particular move sent shares plunging in wall street which forced the market to stop the run for their stock selling yesterday morning. This is pretty bad news for Apple investors.

The economic crisis did not help either because most technology shares went down scaring most investors in the worst showing of Apple Incorporated. Steve however braved news stands late afternoon announcing that he will not be just leaving them all behind and will still be part of major decisions of the company. Rumors surrounding Steve Jobs quitting his post contain news of health and major hormonal imbalance scares. He is a giant, a legendary out-of-the-box thinker with amazing taste. I hope one day I get to meet him because its hard to even imagine the company without him announcing their products. They have a lot of people that can do the job though.


The Need to Consider Factoring

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It has been hard these past few months for companies while they weather the US financial crisis. This has stricken not just the United States but the whole world as well. Getting much needed help in times like these is hard and the rates for loans are enormous. There must be something else they can do.

The market has not been that nice to European countries also. It almost put Iceland and Finland in the state of bankruptcy. This has been a pretty tough year for the Eastern European states as well because of the lack of Oil and Natural Gas from Russia. They are now facing a crisis and experiencing the deep cold winter. I hope they get to resolve this soon enough.

While businesses are in the midst of tight situations, they should have grabbed the opportunity in factoring receivables. If they have too much funding designated in their accounts receivables, they will face a huge problem in keeping the ball rolling. Re-financing would take time if they apply for other major loans and it would not be that big either because of their current situation. By going through the option of the factoring business, their company can immediately receive cash for accounts receivable instead of waiting a month or so for customers to pay. Make sure you work with if you plan to get your business going. It does not make sense to stop growth when you can simply do it with a working capital; and people that resolve the craziest problems in businesses. Do it with



American Idol Season 8 just started today and as figures came out, it was kind of disappointing to know that only 30.1 Million people watched this show in the US.

HELLO?! 30.1 million?! hahahah...

This is now the most-watched prime-time show of the TV season so far. The format of the show kinda changed because they are now dealing with 4 judges. The Grammy Awards nominated songwriter Kara DioGuardi will take a seat next to Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell, and Paula Abdul. Kara is no push over as far as what she's been doing earlier in the auditions. She will probably play along the breeds of Simon rather than Paula Abdul. She's described as another mean girl in the bunch next to you know who (O_o). I find her okay as far as her judging tastes are concerned but it will be a challenge to see when they have ties in the show. Somebody may have to break that up and it ain't Paula Abdul that's gonna quit the show like what rumors have been circulating. Those are just nasty.

What's most interesting in the auditions earlier was this girl named Katrina Darrell, 20 who auditions for American Idol in Phoenix, Arizona. Look at what she wore:

See what I mean when I said she wore something interesting?~

But that still did not get her to American Idol... with her first class karaoke performance? Simon still did not get her through. But if I were in their place, I'd probably give her a break. Hehehe. Did you get to watch the show earlier? Here you go!

Comments would be nice! ^_^
