Plus Size

Monday, February 02, 2009

My Sister went into a store that specialized in plus sized dresses and clothes. Maybe it's because evidently nothing would probably fit her in the ready to wear rack that's available in the department store. I wonder why it's taking too long for her to get thin. She's been trying numerous diets and probably lost hope already. Good thing there's still plus size garments available for her.

I don't know when she'll be getting smaller but she really needs to do it as soon as possible. She probably weighs more than I do even if I'm taller. That's just not right because it may soon get complicated if she does get sick and have heart conditions later on. We even have history of diabetes and high blood pressure in the family so it's not just a 50% chance we get the same conditions. Think about it, if we don't think about our health this early we might end up shortening our life expectancy. It would not be a nice thing so see. It's a good thing even if we're this big, we still look good.


I'm Unlucky This Year!

I'm a little upset today. I guess I'm a little MALAS all of a sudden (Malas means unlucky in Filipino) and not because I am superstitious. It's just because I lost some of my savings from buying stuff, paying for the repairs of the car and other things people ask me for. I hate it when this happens but the Year of the Earth Ox just isn't doing me much good.

Just look at what it says on my Chinese Zodiac... ITS EVEN WRITTEN! OMG!


You may be the one with the worst luck among the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. You’ve no lucky star but lots of unlucky stars. Tread carefully.

Career : You may make major mistakes at work, so scrutinise contracts and agreements carefully. This is not a good year to make money. Avoid speculative investments.

Love life: The proud Horse does not want to get involved. The old Horse’s spouse is vulnerable to major illnesses. The single Horse may not meet his/her dream date.

Health: As you’re unlucky this year, avoid going to hospitals and funerals. Your health is not too good. You may not have energy left for anything unrelated to your job. Avoid unnecessary social events and take an extended rest instead.

Now I'd probably be thinking twice about what to do this year, because right after the Chinese New Year's day I lost some money and I spent a large sum for some things for the home too. Paid a lot of bills and I hope I survive this year. My life is like drifitng... I just don't know where to go. I'm an Earth Horse~ and very unlucky so give me a break! O_O


The Need to Look Good

I passed by a kiosk I usually go to when I pass by the mall. I almost got most of their earrings already and I've amassed almost every design they have too. I was only planning to buy the silver cleaner which I often use for my necklace and studs but I saw a new one on their shelves. I don't want to sound blasphemous but I got the one which looked like a cross. It was also oxidized which made parts of it black. I would probably get that paired up with another set of earrings because I usually wear different ones for the left and the right.

I try to look good at this day and age because I would probably need to do so because my wife might leave me if I looked like a Dad already ha-ha! I'm not that well dressed as much as I want to be but I try to at least look presentable. That’s why when I can wear fashion jewelry, I do it as much as I can. That also includes formal occasions because even if I wear a suit I would probably need a silver stud and a rock to slightly glisten when people look at me.

I’ll clean my other ones too so when I wear something next week I’d be able to cope with my attire. I will have to think of something new and better so I wouldn’t look rubbish come February. That’s the time I’ll be spending on dates and dinners of course! For the single ladies out there, you better check out because they have the latest. Don't say I did not tell you alright?!


I've got WIFI!

My new Router! Weee! c^^,)

I just went to the mall this morning and got myself a WRT54G2... of course its Linksys heheh. Aside from that I bought a cooler and a usb mouse for the laptop. Now I can probably surf the net around the house! ^_^

I tried playing CABAL a while ago and was even able to get a level higher, but I noticed some lags while playing. I hope that is not gonna happen anytime soon. I would not want to have that problem other users are worried of. I wonder why I couldn't see any more wrt54g in the shops. All of them have this new model instead but I'm worried I would not have the same capabilities if I load a different firmware which I'm never gonna tell them about hehe.

Now that I have them rigged, my house is completely wifi now! I got it encrypted too so my neighbors won't get some hehe.
