Web Hosting Beauty and Madness

Friday, February 06, 2009

I’ve been running my website for almost four years. My life expectancy is a little over than that so I don’t want to waste time thinking about who would host my site if I plan to do so. I’ve had free ones and I’ve got paid ones for my projects. I don’t however the perseverance and have each transaction be problematic because I don’t have enough bandwidth, space for images and email storage.

You know, there’s such a thing as the horror of getting the DNS and the IP settings of your original domain so you could get the original content of your current site and have those transferred to the customized URL. I had first hand experience over that and I couldn’t even get my site working to at least see some of the content exist in cyberspace. I’ve had a few days of sorrowful evenings because I felt I didn’t exist in the Internet. My images also were big and the containment unit of the host was limited so I didn’t have the services to get my place up and running. I had to consult a few people (office mates) on what easy service I could get so I wouldn’t have an arduous time configuring major geek level web settings. I even lost my site settings in the process too so I had to get a new template for it. Imagine the days and hours just to get that back.

So I stopped by a website that called http://www.top10webhosting.com/ that listed everything that I needed. It even gave me options to choose different web hosting services that are extremely affordable and would not hurt my budget. I was only starting then and I needed something to at least tell me the tale of what to spend and what I should get. Get the latest and best web hosts you can get below $5 dollars. I’m sure you’ll like them a lot better than expensive ones that never worked!


Rin and the Rox ROCKS ELLEN DEGENERES' SHOW! \\m//

OMG Rin and the Rox just performed in Ellen Degeneres' show. Man! This was cool enough on youtube and now they performed in her show this would probably be getting bigger raves much like the talented Charice got attention with Oprah and that composer guy! (sorry i forgot while writing this).

Geeze I just can't get over it, now even Ellen is sending them both to the Grammy Awards rubbing elbows with the best in the Music Industry like Rihanna and Madonna hehehe. They even performed here in the famous comfort room Ellen does pranks on with viewers. Its a good thing they've been given this big break. Look at the acoustics in that room! Good thing they practiced a lot and now they're already in that show for the whole world to see! Filipinos are really making raves abroad! I just wish my bad luck for this year runs out before I run out of money.... where did that come from?! heheh

Rin and the Rox ROCKS for me! Watch em ayt! ^_^


The Fountain of Youth

Thursday, February 05, 2009

an himself tried to find the fountain of youth since medieval times. They tried to find a solution on immortality or how to even look ageless. Nobody really had succeeded in doing so but there are definitely some remedies that can let you look younger from soaps, lotions and other procedures where doctors are concerned.

No one should practice medical procedures without proper training and education. Doctors these days should always be updated with the latest procedures so that they can do it safely and efficiently. There are horror stories I know but these can all be prevented with education. Doctors should always check information about current technologies so if in case there are some matters that you could not resolve, then you could see if the procedures other people have done would work and be the best one for their patients. Our lives are important so we should never consider being guinea pigs for trial and error experiments and should only see the ones who know what they are doing.

I’m not that old and I don’t plan to have someone meddle with what God gave to me because as far as I’m concerned I don’t really look that bad. As a matter of fact I am good looking. Modesty aside I am symmetrical and looks are sometimes is measured with that. If you plan to see a medical professional soon, make sure they also get a botox training course refresher. They can forget things too, so getting them into this course would definitely make them still at par with world standards. Make sure they check out http://www.videoshelf.com/ for video instructional manuals so they won’t make mistakes on your face. We wouldn’t want that right?


American Idol 2nd Round 75 Pushes Through!

American Idol's Ryan Seacrest just announced that there's about only 75 people left in the second round eliminations. The famous ones who was booted out were the bikini girl Katrina Darrel, Nancy Wilson who was confronting the judges so much, Austin Sisneros who was fine with anything, Rose Flack who was homeless barefoot and dreadlocked girl, Southern lady Deanna Brown, and David Osmond who's a son of an elder Osmond Brother.

There were 104 singers that started this particular round and they performed with other singers in groups. Those who did not perform well obviously had tears and stories to tell about other people so they were all booted out based on their performance. Others were given the chance if they obviously are just being pulled down by other people in their group.

I wonder what if I joined American Idol, that would be just hilarious hahahahah.... Maybe season 9 would be better for me right? Hehe My friends tell me I sing fine so I'd probably be conquering Pinoy Idol first wahahaah...Dream on dream away!

Here's one of my favorite auditions
