Spicy New Mexico

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I’ve been a fan of the United States historic past and a lot of my relatives are enjoying the life and the ambiance of living there. My race is Hispanic and I owe a lot of it from my ancestors in Valencia, Spain and I could probably blend in better in New Mexico. I heard that place is great.

This state has the largest rate of Hispanic people which comprised 43% of its population most of which had their roots also from Spain. Not to mention that they also have the 3rd highest population of Native Americans. If you check out their culture, no wonder it’s so great to see lots of colors and ethnicity.

Artists from all over the US flock to Sta. Fe which is a popular city in that region. The art galleries are enormously being followed by artists around the world. They probably are also influenced by the food that’s being cooked there. I don’t want to think about it anymore because it’s making me so hungry of that South Western cooking! New Mexico pictures just would not give justice to what they have in store. It is culture, the food, and the arts all in one.


My CABAL Wizard at Level 86

Me and my Mummy! Hahaha!

I want to let you into my private life a little and check out my character in CABAL which is one of the most ingenious online game in the Philippines. I'm currently level 86 but the photo I have here is when I was in Level 85... See the Mummy on the side? That's my pet Mummy... I would not probably name it any other name soon because its expensive to do so and you would need a couple of hundred bucks to do that. I bought the pet a few days ago for just a few hundred bucks and quite happy about it since it gives off what I need most in the game which is MP. That's like magic points of some sort and you need that to cast spells... as you already know because I'm a wizard and I need that to survive heheh.

Aside from that I'm currently in the Mercury Server and only won a war once and lost twice I think. I would recommend you start doing that early on so you would get honor as you grow. You need that in some of your skills you know. You'll get more abilities soon. The orbs I'm using is already Lapis which is pretty advanced for his level but I used a couple of necklaces and bracelets to add up on my stats so I get to wear that early on. The damage has been great and it seems I'm getting the hang of it now. Its a far cry from Vincent's top 10 character in the server but it packs a punch. I wish I could get the other skills soon. I'm not using some of them and been transferring a lot of them to my other skills. I hope sometime soon I'd be just killing people instead of monsters hehe. I'll bring news once I get some pictures of my new armor which is Osmium. That's the most photographed martial suit I guess. I'm in Mercury Server so if you are around just let me know! hehe


Back to Basics: Play Hangman!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I've been so tired these past few days that I literally would like to hang myself and chill for a while. Pressures from both work and at home is getting to me somehow and I need a break. Most probably I need something to stimulate my mind. I think I'd probably go back to the basics and play hangman instead.

I know I played this when I was a kid. In elementary, it was just a pen and paper that I had to have before this great game starts. My classmates would often be the one to get words from a dictionary then have me guess it and probably give me little clues along the way. These days it became a little harder much like Jeopardy answers and old English words most of the time. I know I've been a geek once or twice in a lifetime but this one made me sharper I think when I needed it most.

In college I often join competitions and quiz shows in school that tackle general information. If its about anything under the sun then I should probably know that by heart. The training I got from hangman games made it possible for me to become comfortable in what the contest was asking for. That really gave me the confidence to look at it easily because apparently the guessing part in the hangman game I played before was way harder than the contests I joined in. Pretty soon, I already have championed 3 or 4 of them in a span of 3 years. That's remarkable because I knew the questions by heart and from the vocabulary I was chewing off even when I was a kid. I'm glad I played this game so I highly recommend it to people who would like to have their kids or themselves to be smart and not just intelligent. There's really a big difference that it would make so why not take the hangman advantage. Check out http://playhangmangames.com and play it now!



Stimulus Package May Pass Senate Soon -OBAMA

There will be no stopping on my plans!
Photo by AP

Washington will be spearheading this campaign in the Senate for the planned bailout package. The amount will provide a stimulus in the US economy but the Senate version has revamped and gave the private investors a bigger role than the usual. Aside from that, the US had the 838 Billion Dollar stimulus plan already lined up for Senate approval by Monday next week. Hopefully they will be getting more supporters as they lobby for it there. I wish Obama and his economic team to make sure this will be given the actual effect as they have promised. Pretty soon they will be testing the waters if this is successful or not then have another set of packages re written for a bigger crisis than this so called full blown one.

The US Treasury department on the other hand will be spending the other half of the stimulus package that was done by the past administration of Bush. This was the 700 Billion dollars, so half of that would be 350 right? Where did it actually go? Is that why some of the companies are still staying afloat? Some of them apparently are cutting off 10,000 jobs like in the auto making industry. If something good has been seen with this economic turmoil, its the gas prices which apparently has been at an all time low. Good thing that happened or otherwise if the oil was expensive then it would be doubly hard right?

I just wish something good is going to happen in our country someday soon.
