Chris Brown seems Hiding Now

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Uyyy...Kala mo hindi nasapak oh... joke!

mean who wouldn't be after all the allegations and soon to be cases that will be filed against him. He's just an upcoming star that never got it there yet and felt that he was but now that he may have a high chance that he did it then most probably his career will end here. Imagine the stories and the statement Rihanna submitted through police where she was choked until she lost consciousness. Not to mention the guy was supposedly threatening to kill her when that happened. This is just a huge mess he's in and most probably he's not going to do his concerts and commitments anymore. Breaches on contracts and no sponsors would probably spell THE END of his career.

News say that he's probably staying in the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas. Good hotel name to even have if allegations are true because that would mean the HARD FACED man stayed in HARD ROCK heheh. He was seen leaving an L.A. jail Sunday night after being booked on suspicion of making criminal threats to Rihanna. He had been spotted at a West Hollywood hotel and there was an unconfirmed report according to the article that he had flown to be with his family in Virginia. He's all over the US huh?! Where is he gonna hide next after paying that $50,000 bail?! "Chris is all right. He's a good kid. He feels very bad that something like this happened," the New York Daily News quoted Brown's pal and stylist Michael (Mike B) Barnett as telling People magazine. So does it mean it REALLY DID HAPPEN? hahah... sometimes, fish are caught in their own mouth. Cops are going to interview them again about the incident before formal charges are going to be filed.


Friends and Portals

It’s a great day today and I’ve been finding ways to keep updated with my online friends. I just got excited about new blog portals I joined where you can add your web sites so everyone who has the same interest as you are. They all would be able to know about what you are writing because you simply add in your feeds there. Joining the service is a cinch and this is all for free too.

I chose world current events because my site is a little general and I also discuss anything that interests me. I’ll make sure my other friends would join too so they know where I stand in today’s issues. You already know that I am an avid fan of US politics, Local and World government politics, product reviews, movie reviews, site reviews, the economy, entertainment and whatever interests me. I like to talk about anything under the sun so make sure you join me there too!

Simply click the link here or on the widget above so you can check out and choose to add your blog. Make sure you take note of your feeds and icons so it would look attractive if people are viewing your content okay? Add widgets to your site so they your viewers know how your online friends are doing too. It’s important to get in touch so let’s do this for old time’s sake! Do it now!


Bargain Basement Priced Spectacles

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The one and only ZENNI Optical just made the headlines again and this time it’s not just an ordinary newspaper or spread sheet. Who among you have seen Zenni Optical in the New York Times?! If you missed that opportunity I’ll tell you again why I’ve been rooting for people to get this product. This is the one that can tear down the competition on the designer prescription eyeglasses. Imagine the difference of 100-300 US dollar spectacles that other optical shops offer and the $8 eyeglasses you get from their store! What a big difference right? No you are not blind because it’s really good Prescription eyeglasses for only $8!

They even have one of the largest collections of frames to choose from. The article in the New York Times has compared the prices and this was premiered as the sole bargain priced shop as compared to other ones that would like you to spend a fortune just for the same quality. Don’t be fooled, you know you can outsmart these overpriced shops so get the best thing that your money could buy. That’s what you call Seeing Straight Without Breaking Bank. Aren’t you glad you read about it here? So check them out now!


LPG Supply Just Got Back to Normal Says DOE

Uyyy SYOTA! joke!

The Department of Energy just release news that liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) just got back to normal levels yesterday. Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes said this to President Arroyo in a cabinet meeting yesterday.

The former defense secretary Reyes said that there is now an existing supply of LPG particularly from Liquigaz which is the largest importer of LPG in the country today.The President earlier has tasked the Department of Energy to work with the Department of Trade and Industry, Interior and Local Government, Philippine National Police and National Bureau of Investigation to catch LPG suppliers that are in connivance on illegal refilling, under refilling, hoarding and those who use dilapidated tanks. The President also had issued directives to file cases against these individuals together with about 100 cases that have been sleeping in the Justice Department. That's what they say but the LPG retailers say otherwise that things are back to normal. This I think is plain damage control because as far as the Mothers in this country are concerned the prices of Cooking gas tanks are still way high and very seldom seen in the stations across Manila and elsewhere in the Philippines.
