Valentines Day

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This Valentines day was sad. I never got to be with my wifey because I had to do some things on my own and she had a whole lot of things planned for herself too. We practically didn't meet this day but its okay because I ain't into those mushy stuff anyway. We met Friday the 13th and that's more fearful I guess. I don't want to over dramatize everything because I don't want everybody to think that I'm telling all my stories in this site. If I did you wouldn't even dream of becoming me because I probably have my own set of problems that are completely out of this world for ordinary humans like you.

Not that I'm bitter but I'm just sad... I don't even want to talk about it. Let's see, uhmm when I went to the mall last friday it was jumpacked with people. I thought it was a recession but it seems everybody is spending in the Philippines like there is no tommorrow. The restaurants were also full and they are sometimes a lil bit pricey but it didn't stop the ordinary Juan to spend that day. Maybe they do corny stuff for a living that they go out with their loved ones and make us who are not so happy look at them so we would feel more miserable. Yeah well that happens you know. A lot of couples that I saw were even in matching shirts... guys were best dressed in skinny jeans and some women were just dirty looking... that I don't understand haha.

Things have changed but you know how the Emo fad has been going on with kids around the country. Some just don't understand it but EMO doesn't have to be dirty and filthy. I just don't want to see people doing that to my way of life. It's just revolting!

Anyway, Happy Valentines day to wherever and whenever you guys have it! ^_^ I'm happy for yah!


Payday Loans Can Get You There

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I know times are hard both in the Philippines and in the US. The US Senate just passed the bill the President has been pushing for since his swearing in this January. There are still a hundreds of companies that are still trying to survive and they would need a little help from finance companies and the government.

Coming from the economic plans he formulated even before the start of his campaigns, the US will surely have to try it out. There are a couple of phases they have to go through to stimulate the economy since the actual banks that financed them in the beginning are also going under because of poor returns from their investments and lack of interest from investors. Ratings that came from both the government and these institutions already have a chip on their shoulder because some that had AAA ratings before were the first ones to fold. If that happened here in the Philippines we're going to surely be in trouble.

I felt this also here when I lost a lot of money from paying tons of bills, credit cards and some of them were even stolen. I don't even want to remember that but I have to face them sooner or later. In the US people are quite lucky because they can use Payday Loans to alleviate themselves from debt then pay it off on a later date. With little to no interest from online corporations they can easily apply for it and get the money even within the same day. Getting cash advance online is easier because you would not need to go through tons of people and red tape like in the government. It's easily eliminated because there are only a few things that you need to do when doing it online instead. If you have trouble financing things that need a large sum of money but you still haven't got your paycheck then this is the deal for you. Go to and see how they can help you help yourselves.



Okay... since I haven't been doing this in the last few months, I guess it's time for another movie review. This time it's all about INKHEART, a huge blockbuster in the US and in the Philippines but not in my dictionary. I was disappointed overall because this had me hungry for good special effects and computer graphics. Apparently it did not succeed in convincing me that the whole place and the animals were real, aside from that the background and drawings were seen by my keen eye. If I can tell the background from the actors, then the movie's computer graphics were done poorly. I felt I was in the 80's looking at superman doing Darna in a floating table.

This movie is all about Brendan Frasier aka Mo "Silvertounge" Folchart and his ability to read books and make them appear in real life. The villain in the movie was good, but since the story was lame executed I did not appreciate Andy Serkis aka Capricorn who was a big bad mad in it. He also came from the book which Brendan Frasier read. Brendan Frasier lost his wife because the book would take someone in after reading it. He tried to get his wife back in the movie and also had a daughter that little did he know had the same talent as he did. So instead of getting Brendan to read the books, Capricorn got his daughter instead. Some characters like one of te 40 thieves from Ali Baba called Farid was also there because Capricorn asked Brendan to read something from the Arabian Nights novel. All the gold dropped from the sky. The castle was there too as the main place where the characters stayed. Paul Bettany who played the fire mancer aka DUSTFINGER was nice too because he had dragon's breath that made fire be manipulated. He used that a couple of times and even taught the thief about it. It was nice and I remember him from the movie A Knights Tale... Capricorn by the way was the one who portrayed "GOLEM" in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. He was good In the end it was Brendan Frasier's daughter Meggie Folchart portrayed by Eliza Hope Bennet that read the new page author FENOGLIO wrote so everything goes back into place. The big disappointments were all the computer graphics that you know is very limited because of the monsters short appearances and short roles in the movie. It was not that good as I hoped for. The mummy series was better than this obviously. The movie was so BITIN and everybody was still waiting for something to happen before it ended. All in all I give this 2 KUMAGS for at least making an effort for a movie. But I recommend you watch it since there are no movies left to watch this week that even passed my taste.


Worth It at the Summit

Friday, February 13, 2009

We did a hike in the province of ZAMBALES a few years ago and I remember everything vividly. I was tired at that time because I went to the outskirts of Manila to party with my friends. I did not know I was in for something the next day. This was the time when we went to a place called ANAWANGIN. It’s a remote island cove that you can reach only in two ways either by boat or by hiking a mountain.

So we did it the hard way and hiked the mountain because as everyone had in mind it was only a fun climb. The thought of walking for 4 hours didn’t frighten me but little did I know we almost got there after 6-7 hours of hiking and trekking with boulders on the side. The views were indeed spectacular as I carried my own Marmot backpack and a walking stick. I was already tired and we were not even half way as the tour guide mentioned. Lucky me I wasn’t carrying too much. My friend who’s all in his new North Face backpack and jacket was treating it easy because he was one of the most experienced mountaineer among us. We were actually all alone when we went halfway the trail as the tour guide didn’t even bother to look back and went on his way to about ¾ the trek. I was panting hard and so were my other office mates but we still managed to get there. We even took pictures of our experience and the view on top of the mountain. The summit was worth it but there was another 3 hours of going down and it was almost dark. We did hurry up a bit so we can prepare dinner and once we are already there we can eat as fast as the night comes. We only had a few things, our Outdoor Gear and ourselves but we sure enjoyed every bit of it. It’s something big but I’m glad we accomplished something other people would only dream of.
