Fare rate cuts will take effect on Monday

Friday, February 20, 2009

The public has been notified about the 50 centavo fare rate cut that will take effect on Monday. Commuters that take Jeepney rides around the metro will surely enjoy this perk that the transport groups and government worked on because of the diesel prices falling in the world market.

It has been a few months of price decrease in Diesel prices so it is rightful to do this. The ordinary consumer that normally pays 7.50 in a few kilometers will get their money's worth.This will also be taking effect in 2 other regions in Luzon because it includes regions 3 and 4.I hope it continues to go down until 75 centavos. Yeah, I remember that did happen once.

Aren't you glad?


Hope for the Country

I believe that someday, the economic woes in the US will end. With the stimulus plan of the US President already in place, there is greater hope that everyone would land a job soon. This in turn would promote consumer spending because people would already have money for their everyday needs. With the Dow Jones industrial average in its in more than six years, the sharp declines in key financial shares led the market lower and a couple of establishments are now affected. Even if they all rule over what goes out in the senate and congress, much work needs to be done at the market itself.

I applaud the US President for taking care of the long forgotten veterans. They have been given what's due them but its quite sad to know that some of them died already not seeing the benefits that they should have had protecting the sovereignty of their country. The US Ambassador to the Philippines also had the same resentment because the passage of this bill was a little late. How can we all talk about political matters without someone else stopping us from speaking freely? I'm quite happy to say that the Internet would be a better tool for this. If you want to let the world know anything about politics make sure you visit sites that promote free speech. Check out the political debate website http://www.arguewitheveryone.com/ and be heard!


American Idol 2009 First 3 Finalists

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This girl performed nicely this round!
I watched this a while ago and I was not impressed with the other two guys but Alexis Grace was awesome. She had her own style and voice that is quite similar to Kelly Clarkson and I bet she's going to be a strong contender in this competition. Alexis Grace is a 21-year-old single mother from Memphis, Tennessee. I saw her parents sitting in the sidelines crying after she was announced as the first finalist.

Together with Alexis Grace was Michael Sarver, the full bodied 27-year-old oil rig worker from Jasper, Texas. I did not like his particular performance but he was voted still as one of the best. I mean a lot would have been better than him to tell you frankly like that Indian guy. In any case, they probably would come back for the wild card round come March 5 I guess. The rest of them would only be chosen through votes but all in all I was not impressed with their overall performance. The group was mediocre as far as I'm concerned.


More Than Just Cartoons

I've been a fan of Japanese cartoons since I was a kid. The likes of MAZINGER Z, VOLTRON, VOLTES 5, ASTROBOY, and a lot of other robots to that effect. If my mind serves me right then it never really left me. My inner OTAKUS stayed, and the list just got overwhelmingly longer.

Today, I still have in my possession a couple of tapes and a huge Video CD collection of Dragon Ball Z. With the likes of GOKOU, GOHAN, TRUNKS, VEGETTA, BULMA, BRAWLEY and other super non human villains filling up the story, I never cease to watch them even on re runs in free television. That's not also half of the list because I have some NARUTO and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN episodes that are still in the works. Talking about these things would only have normal people wonder how weird I am in some sense but like any fanatic I am dedicated to the art drawn from the orient. Japanese people in most cases have drawn them quite opposite with what their normal bodily features are. The big eyes, huge chests, the loud colors of every part of their body and costumes all astound viewers from all over the world. Getting together with people of the same interest is hard. You often have to go to ANIME conventions, COSPLAYS and costume parties to talk to someone that is on the same level of comprehension as we have. Not anymore, because we have an Anime Chat Room available for us at http://www.animechatcity.com. Join people from around the world and have your interests continue to grow with your own kind. Don't get left behind!
