Web Hosting In These Hard Times

Sunday, March 22, 2009

There is the sad truth about businesses closing here and around the United States. This also means some websites would end up the same way like the forum site I always visit that because of budget constraints it will also be shut down and sold to the highest bidder. I would probably miss the people I was able to become friends with in the past 4 years. I'm sad because the site owner thought he does not have any recourse but to sell it. I know I would have been the best person they talked to because I know where they can get better web hosting services on line but I think they have already decided on this a long time ago. Maybe it's just too late to save that and the users who frequent that and their social network.

I saw information on the web comparing web hosting sites and I would recommend you visit Web Hosting Rating to check out what would be best for your own domain. For web masters like me, this is vital information so I could get a better deal in getting my site up on cyberspace. It is important so investments like these which cost a lot would be put on the board early on. It never struck me how important it was until this incident came. All my saved friends and my articles will also go down the drain because of this. Imagine the hundreds of sites they also will be deleting because they did not think ahead and got the finances taken cared of. Maybe now that their initial provider does not have that URL anymore listed in their system I can have that for my own. That's a long shot I know but imagine if I had the chance to get that right... I would be the proud owner of one of the most sought after social networking sites. That would be a nice thing to put on my portfolio sometime soon. The list still goes on and on for companies affected by the global financial crisis. I hope it ends soon.



This is a re make of sorts from a 1970's film from the same outfit Disney and a good family oriented movie at that when I watched Race to Witch Mountain starring THE ROCK aka Dwayne Johnson and a couple of other stars. The movie is all about a new york city taxi/former indi car 500/nascar driver played by Dwayne Johnson who was initially skeptic about aliens until he met 2 alien kids portrayed by Anna Sophia Robb and Alexander Ludwig who flew here on Earth because they needed to retrieve information for the planet's existence so they could in turn fix their own and prevent their army to occupy ours.

The kids also had powers which is kinda expected in most alien life forms (as if I've seen one huh?!) and the chase started on the event that an assassin from their realm went on hunting them. Since they rode on Dwayne Johnson's cab, he drove across state and back to Las Vegas to keep them safe and help them get the gadget which contains the information they needed so they can go back to their planet as soon as possible and not get killed. Of course the government also took their ship so the kids had to get them back after retrieving the gadget on an undergroud location. The only place to look for their ship considering the size of it was Witch Mountain which you could only see at the latter part of the movie. Some dissappointments were only felt on how lame the power of the kids were. Telekenisis was very limited and the change of body composition is powerful but on this movie it was not that much used. Maybe constraints on special effects budget perhaps? Yeah! its crisis anyway!

I will have to give this movie 3 KUMAGS for at least trying to make this. It could have been better with more of their powers and of course since this is a family movie I'd recommend kids watch this with their parents. It was nice don't get me wrong but they just needed to get the movie re done with the effects that it should have had in the first place!


Win This Battle

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drug addiction has been a blatant problem in the Philippines and it has been for quite a number of years. Thousands of politicians passed away uttering the same statement for this world wide problem but nobody has eliminated it at all. I don’t want to finger point and tell who is right or wrong but what I can tell you is that it only works if there is political, social and cultural will among the people. This is very hard for a third world country; and it goes the same with the US too. I have been an advocate of organizations against drug and substance abuse, the stories behind it would probably change your mind listening to me. It’s okay though because I would not like to go that far in this story.

Laws have been passed, people got jailed and some were lucky enough to go through rehabilitation. There is still stigma on those who do recover from it no matter what we do and how we handle it because we all could not control the mind set of other people. How fast we recover in the addiction and the elimination of a possibility of recurrence is very important to understand. Without the help of professionals and those that have gone through the same ordeal that they have, they probably would have nobody to believe in.

Good thing there are support groups and online communities from the private sector who voluntary handle these things. In The Rooms for example gets people that have faced the addictions head on and survived from it. There are thousands of people who also went through the same problem of addiction and hearing their stories and how they resolved it would definitely give one hopeless person the chance to renew his life. I recommend you visit the Prism Award winning site if you need help and make it at least a place to start. Remember, change CAN begin with you.


Nicole and the VFA

It's time to put my self on the chopping block again and talk about politics, the government and the infamous VFA deal with Nicole... the so called raped girl who later re canted everything else.

First of all, I was thinking about what this could probably cause with the on going case against Daniel Smith, a GI listed personnel who participated in the VFA exercises. Yeah they went to a bar, drank a couple of rounds of alcohol and went out to a motel to get junked. Well that was not the case when they filed it because she cried foul, and said she was raped and forced to have sex without her consent.

This was all a big issue with womens groups, but from a standpoint she might have only lost confidence with the justice system and broke an out of court settlement with the US government. Now she has a new American boyfriend, and she's even living in the US. After years of spending time with this case, I mean who would not lose hope right?

This would really just hurt the ego of womens group who fought for her in the first place. The re cantation did nothing though because it only crushed the hopes of these other women. The whole case has been decided already and the re cantation is just rubbish if you ask me. It all looks fixed and paid for. At least she got something out of the ordeal than do business with this government who never got Daniel Smith in jail.

Do you think its fair? Of course not... nobody said it was anyway!
