Something Good for the Heart

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I am in a lot of stress lately and I wanted to have a day out with office mates but neither one of us wanted to sacrifice our schedules. I wanted to spend a day go back to BAHAY KALINGA (House of Charities), a local orphanage in the outskirts of Manila. It is managed by a couple of Christian Fellowship communities that have ties with non governmental organizations in the US. A lot of the kids came from less fortunate families that could not take care of them anymore and a few were from the long list of abandoned children in the Philippines.

I never knew what an outreach program meant when I was in college, but when we went to this one I felt that I have a lot to thank for in this world. You feel for the kids that stayed there, a simple meal we prepared that comprised of Asian Noodles, Sandwiches and packs of juice made them oblivious of their condition. It felt like for that moment alone they forgot they did not have a mother or a father to take care of them. There was this one kid that did cling on me in my whole stay there, he was asking for seconds in the meal and some of the few things we bought for them. School supplies, books and toys were there but I guess the most important one they called for was attention. The simple talks in between was priceless. I miss doing this and I guess if ever there was ample amount of time, I would recommend this to be our department's next activity.

Their place was not that posh but they have their own swimming pool where the kids could spend some time under the sweltering heat of the sun. I would have wished they could have monogrammed towel wraps so it would be easier to get to and from their sleeping quarters, but they used ordinary ones instead. It was harder for them to walk that far and share with other kids but I guess it is quite normal for them to do that. Logically it was a little hard to complain about the amenities because they barely have money for food. The big part of their funds comes from the US and with the recession it was doubly hard for them to get that. They sleep on bunk beds that evidently are old enough to be the next sparrow nests from fauna that came from their own back yard. I wish people could get them their own kids nap mats so they could at least get a nice place to sleep. If only we could afford it too.

Their dirty kitchen was a little eyesore too but some of the volunteer mothers try their best to keep the place clean and tidy. I wish there was some way we could get that into a show like Extreme Make Over so they could get the guys an industrial grade kitchen which they obviously need. I want them to have their own personalized children's plates so they would not spread disease if ever someone has it. The spoon, fork and plates they had were a little overused seen evidently from the fading designs on it. If I had the money I would really want to get a lot of stuff for them but I barely have some to take a vacation. I will have time for them sometime soon; I will try my best to get my peers involved too so they would feel the same fulfillment I get whenever I do this kind of extra curricular work. I'm trying to leave this world a little better when I found it, so when my turn comes to die I would have a happy feeling that I have not wasted my time but have done my best.


I Miss High School

Monday, May 11, 2009

Play this first before you continue reading this post. ^_^

I am reminiscing again of my high school days, when everybody was dancing at the quadrangle to the tune of Stars by Simply Red and Dying Inside by Timmy Thomas. It was just an era when I enjoyed life. I am not in the mood to be with my peers today because of some personal matters. They know it, I know it too. But I guess everything would probably fall into place if you think about it. I hope they know what they are doing. I hope I don't get too much aloof when the day comes when we would meet again. I enjoy their company and everything there is about them. I just hope they stop talking behind my back. I don't want to regret the day I befriended them. I miss them I guess but I don't want to get mushy. It's just not right for my site. People may stay away if they knew I was a dork ha-ha!

I had a rough childhood but I did enjoy my high school thingy, even if I did a lot of things I should be so humiliated for. I won't tell you of course because that would be detrimental to everything I am in this world. You can pay me a couple of million dollars before I do that :)

I miss my friends, I miss my teachers, I miss the time when I was great in class, I miss the first time I fell in love, I miss the time I knew I was abnormal, I miss the time I went out with my friends not thinking where to go or what to do, I miss the time when we had sleep overs, I miss the time when we all just sat down and drank a few bottles of gin or beer, I miss marching in the sun, I miss the time when we went to Virra Mall just to but Betamax tapes of Dragonball just to know episodes of it, I miss the time when I played Dungeons and Dragons, I miss my dead Scout master, I miss the time when I was a Boy Scout, I miss the time when I called my classmate's mothers Tita, I miss the time when we had no money but still manage to have fun. I miss the time when we played in the arcades and computer shops until the wee hours of the morning, I miss the time people were so different as they are now, I miss the time when everyone was single, I miss my first best friends, I miss them... I miss them... I miss the time when I perform in front of people not minding if they laugh at me so hard I could puke. I miss everything about high school. I guess this is one sign I'm getting old. What did you back then that you do regret now? What was the most memorable thing you did in high school? Let me know, comments would be nice!


Cookie Favors for Me!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's day is here and obviously you can probably see that in my recent posts I have not given my Mom a gift for the occasion. I am still in the process of getting her one that could remind her of me whenever she uses it. Where do I start? What should I get for her next? The list goes on and on but I have not made my mind yet. It is kind of late, but I don't think that would be a problem. It's the thought that counts!

She is one good swimmer. When I was a kid, I was often ridiculed because I never learned how to swim. Well I never did, but she was the persistent one who told me I could always do it. That kept me going until I was too big to even mind to swim, because I can easily stand on a 6 feet pool as I outgrew it. I still often see my mom taking baths every now and then and she uses beach towels most of the time. It is a little big for her since she is the smallest in the family at 5'4 I guess. I was thinking of getting her personalized bath wraps so she could fit in it rather than carrying a large one outdoors. Not only would that be fashionable but really functional for her.

If that does not work, then I could get her die cut stickers since she likes scrap booking. She is the one who also organized our family pictures and put a lot of other stickers on it. I like what it looks like now but she keeps reminding me to print out other pictures which I already have uploaded on my website. That would just be a waste of ink on my printer so I am taking it slowly when it comes to that. I think that would also really match what I need as a gift. I used to collect stickers when I was a kid and if she remembers the time I put them all over the house then she would also remember me. That would be nice.

She also loves to cook and would like to put up a business. Maybe if we sell cakes and cookie favors again she would remember the time I helped her bake. That was like therapy for me who had a self diagnosed ADHD. I really love to cook until now, so most probably if she does bake a lot of those chocolate chip cookies again it would just go to me. I think I am the only one who loves sweets in the house. I hope I do not develop diabetes like they did. I do not have any choice since I will be getting them from both sides of the family. The cookies would definitely be just for me! I would like that more! Ha-ha!

What did you get your Mom this Mothers Day?


Happy Mothers Day!

This one is for my Mom! ^_^

I spent the weekend with the my most loved person in the world.... my Mom. It might sound corny to some of you but I don't mind, for me she's the best person in the world. I would do anything for her, because I literally and figuratively owe her my life.

She makes me feel brand new when I am being over used by everybody else in this world. My brother just got her a package for a spa weekend. I bought an 18 inch pizza and a couple of boxes of pasta and drinks to go with that. I also gave her a couple of thousand bucks. I still believe I did not give her too much, I even think I have not re paid her for anything she has done for me. I am planning to do so, but that would just take a lot of time and planning because I have not given up my vacations yet in the office Ha-ha! Sometimes I want to shoot myself so I'd get paralyzed and take a few days off so I can spend more time with her. I wonder if I can make arrangements for a trip late this year. I'll definitely try that!

I wish my Mom a very Happy Mothers Day! And hope you give your Moms a hug before you sleep. Let her know how much you love her!
