The Dream German Golf Holiday

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I was watching Amazing Race Asia this morning and one of the destinations they went to was Hamburg, Germany. I fell in love with the picturesque sights that was shown in that 30 minute part of the show because it was a combination of artistic and nice tourist attractions. It is a dream wedding destination and I could not help but smile a little every time they pass by large architectural buildings that spelled photography for me. It would really be nice if I could come there one day and take a lot of pictures since that is one great frustration for me.

Aside from that, if I retire one of these days from this busy work I have been doing for the past 5 years I would probably think of this city to play one of my favorite sports which is golf. Golf in the Philippines is a little expensive and would usually need exclusive memberships that cost around 3 Million Pesos. I do not have many luxurious vices and I was offered this a few years ago, but with that amount it is just not that practical anymore. Golf and similar establishments in Germany has been given much importance by the parliament. Without their support it would not be too easy to weather the world financial crisis because most businesses suffered a lot in the past few months. Not to mention some of the world renowned beer gardens shutting down operation so they could at least pay off their employees.

Golfreisen has been one way to make good business in this industry as more and more tourists flock to this first world country. With the packages they offer for professional or non professional golfers from outside Germany, one can never resist playing in their world class courses. I remember when Colin Montgomery played in the early 90's where no one could beat him for 2 straight years. He really enjoyed the German Open course because it is at par with the world's best. The designs were made from professional golfers and architects and you can see it evidently as he played through each hole. I envy him a lot and would give anything to experience that.

I hope someday, somehow I could get myself a Platzreife (a German golf license) so when the time comes that I get the chance to have a long golf ridden vacation... Germany would be my next destination. I just hope the next few strokes I play would not be just in local ones by then. I hope I get the chance to play in larger tournaments and not just charity ones which I often end up with. Not that I am complaining but it would be nice to do this professionally. That is another dream! Ha-ha!



Sunday, May 17, 2009

The movie was what it was supposed to be, a very great sequel to the first movie based on a novel by Dan Brown. Tom Hanks did an excellent job in this movie convincing me to stay glued to the movie screen even if it was already 12AM when we watched it. The theater was jam packed considering it was small and not that much frequented by the masses, and I was in for a treat. This was a movie date with my Mom, Dad and Sister who were fans of the first one. I admit I did not see that in a theater but that is nothing that Star Movies could not show me at home. I also read the two books and I think that even if these are fiction, and raised eyebrows of many Catholics around the world... it is a must to watch.

As cold as it was in that tiny corner of the movie house I sat in, I never really got sleepy. The professor from Harvard was visited by a man who carried a suitcase. Judging from the crest that had 2 keys on it, he was evidently sent by the Vatican. Tom Hanks who played Professor Langdon was needed at the time where the Pope just recently died, and a case where his expertise was needed just popped up. He was given access to the archives to resolve an anti matter explosion that could wipe out the whole city while the entire world waits for an election of a new Pope. This was rumored to be done by the ILLUMINATI. The anti matter fragment was a new discovery, and it came from that machine which I know was being made in Europe to split an atom. It was being studied for use in Energy production.

The anti matter was a by product of this process but someone took it. It ended up in the Vatican where all clues pointed to the ILLUMINATI being responsible for it. Several threats were sent by the guy that the kidnapped cardinals (who were called preferrati I think) told them this explosion were to happen at midnight and they were also going to be killed one by one in public every 2 hours. Now that Langdon arrived, he needs to find a path that would lead to the secret meeting place of the ILLUMINATI where the anti matter particle was hidden. Various artworks and churches lead the way representing Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The first three cardinals were killed one by one in churches outside the Vatican, the angel sculptures point to the exact location of each. They however failed to kill the last one who was saved by Langdon and he told them of its location. The whole thing was a huge conspiracy made by Ewan McGregor who was excellent in this movie, he was later found to have orchestrated the whole thing because of a recorded video inside the Pope's quarters. The Pope was also poisoned in the movie. It ended with Ewan McGregor being found out by the Cardinals, and the new Pope (the last one among the 4 preferratis) was elected.

I really liked the movie and I'm giving it 4 KUMAGS. The Cons? Maybe some people may wish to have more action and fast sequences but all in all everything was fine for me. So if you have not watched it yet, go to the nearest movie house now and buy a ticket. It's worth watching!


Award Winning Property Management

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I did not know about property management before but when I saw this documentary of a new graduate from a prominent school here in the Philippines, I knew he needed this type of service. A company called Real Property Management recently just received an honorable mention award for Franchise of the Year. With their exceptional performance for 2008 they have been given this recognition as a testament to their remarkable achievements in the service industry.

The guy I saw in the documentary was a fresh management graduate and the gift that he received from his parents was a resort. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I was also shocked to learn about that too. He was given a complete resort full of amenities and the only thing left for him to do was hire people and manage it. This is the perfect example of a company that Real Property Management could help. Their experience says it all because RPM already is managing over 20,000 units in the US alone. Property owners are already saving dollars, get financial reports on a 24/7 basis and getting exceptional service from RPM that deploys managers, accountants and professionals... so why not give them a call now!


My Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's Saturday again and I'm dying to go out. I'm smelling my Mom's cooking and the usual menu on weekends is GATA. She did not put any BAGOONG or SHRIMP on it because obviously I'm allergic to seafood. So as to not put me into St. Lukes, she used salted fish instead. Fish is okay for me and I kinda like LANGKA still with some things on it so I ate some this afternoon. That was YUMMY!

It is comfort food. One that I need at these times when I'm depressed. I'm in a lot of trouble again in that department. I hate it when we fight. I hate it a lot. I feel I'm a fool. I think I was fooled. Hayyyy.... I don't even want to talk about it. I just hope I don't have a heart attack.

I wonder if this is a sign I should study again. Or maybe get that camera I wished for. I've been dreaming about it for a few weeks already. But that's like 70 thousand bucks so I'm thinking twice about buying that D90 Nikon Camera.

Yes it is a little expensive but it would make me one happy boy! The images that were caught by this one was so nice I admire every photographer that had it. I just hope I could afford it. I can, but it would mean I need to get all my funds for this one. I don't think it is quite sufficient enough that I want it. I'm in a mood where I only buy stuff when I need it. I don't need it that much but I would be happy to get one. So don't forget to donate thru paypal on my site heheh. A dollar would do. Thanks!
