First Day Funk!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

It's June once again and everybody in this side of the world is preparing for their first day of school year 2009 - 2010. In anticipation of the huge traffic and markets picking up this season, I travel a lot earlier now so I would not be late for work. I am also trying to find the perfect bag for my NIKON D60 which I bought for my self this month. It may be expensive but that ended my frustrations in photography so it is well worth it.

Aside from that, I was sponsoring a child in a local charity. I did that so there would be something good to do this year. Good thing I have friends who share the same passion that I do so it was not that hard. We bought some school supplies, personalized kids backpacks and a couple of toys to go with it. At least they will have a better time studying while playing on the side right?! I wonder why I never get to do that when I was a kid... ha-ha!

At home, we are going to have a hard time this week because the person who we pay for weekly to wash clothes is out of town. She is not going back until next week, so I'm sure our laundry bag is going to be filled. I have been looking for alternatives but you know how expensive laundry services are in Manila. If you do not do it by bulk it would even be more expensive.

I've got a friend who also gave birth to a bouncing baby boy this evening. I'm so glad I get to be part of the whole process, not the making the baby part obviously but more on taking care of the Mom. You see, she's not that safe in doing these pregnancies and this one in particular is included. I hope she does not read this entry because she will know about the baby memory book I got her this time. The kid is so cute; no picture is going to be wasted!

I have so many plans in so little time; I hope everything turns our right. Let's do the first day funk!


June 2009

It's another month, another post for me. A little something up our sleeves this day because it will be a little hectic at work. Not to mention I have tons of reports to make also. Aside from that, I am looking for a couple of things to jazz up my new Nikon D60 so I asked quite a number of people what to buy and where to start. I don't have a tripod yet so it would probably be better if I start there first. Then purchase UV filters for my lens so it would not get scratched. Funny how this turned out because obviously, this is going to be a long hard road of using my hard earned cash for components of my new hobby. I'm not complaining don't get me wrong but you know how it is these days when everybody else was contemplating about the recession and all, spending like this is really not that advisable. What can you do if you can't stop yourself from spending!! Awe! The list goes on and on.

I have not reviewed the last movie I watched, Star Trek. I'm not a trekkie you know, but the person I was with probably enjoyed it as much as I do. I'll tell you about it a little later on when I get the time. Yes, it's already June and I'm still complaining about time. Sheesh! What's new! I have no time to travel yet, or get acquainted with my photography skills. No time for rest and ample amount of sleep. No time to get better because I still go to work even when I'm sick. No time to make reports since I am also guarding our project at these times and the only time I get to make them is if someone is already around. It's a good thing it is not a Sunday or else I'd be making these reports while alone in this dark corner. I wonder why the air conditioning is already in full blast but not even reaching me here... it's kinda hot. Well I'm hot I know that, but man! it's really hard to get some service around here! The only good thing I guess that happened is the 24/7 MRT huh?!

Heheh... I'm going to tell you guys about my first photo shoot when I get the chance but I'm planning to have that posted on another blog I guess. Yeah! I'm planning to have another one again!


Better Applications and Social Networking

With all the networking sites available in the World Wide Web, you stand and wonder how people understand how it works and how easy it is. Most of the time you get lost in translation because everything sounds so complicated even if you are already a novice when it comes to computers. The technical jargon would probably be the first to metaphorically cause a nose bleed but you find the need to get along since everybody else is doing it.

I know this one site for example, with even the hundreds of applications it has on its face people seem to still get a hang of it. The site according to a reliable source has a greater percentage of their users in the 50 year old above range. This makes folks in homes and centers easily adapt and connect with loved ones. Imagine what I have been doing playing Poker with my generation's Grandparents which look really ironic. I wonder how their kids would think about me if they knew I was taking away their chips ha-ha!

If there was something good about it, it was the inter action between me, my friends and a lot of other users. I guess that makes social networking a great tool for anybody. There are also other ones that use online communities to get people of the same interest together. No matter how weird it is or how lame it would sound to people at my age, it is quite huge to even look at them happy with their peers. That is one thing that money could never buy and they could treasure most. It makes them more confident to Engage Members to feel the spirit of belonging in one place. Would you like to try Wild Apricots? I find the site better and personally easy to manage. If you plan to get one, then this is the place to go.


Bon Voyage Arpee!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Arpee is a colleague of mine and we are literally a few seats apart in the same project, same department. He's going to the US this June to visit his family and spend quality time with his siblings since he's based here in the Philippines. It would be a little rough since we are all going to spend more time in the office and fill the gap in his absence, not to mention our boss is going to be in town in a few weeks too but I think everything would be alright as long as nobody would get sick. We are going to be a little bit crippled if that happened but its okay, we hope he enjoys his stay there... pasalubong ha! Heheh...

Well now he knows my shoe size and the new camera I got, he probably knows what brand I prefer and what lens would fit on it heheh. Just jokin pero syempre pag sineryoso nya pwede na rin hahaha!

He's a great artist, percussionist, drummer, photographer, traveller but he's small so God really has some way to compensate things hahahah. He's talented but more of a late bloomer when it comes to love (tama ba bheng?! ^^ ). He's got a huge guitar collection and its not those simple ones you often see at stores because some of them even come from the US or other parts of the world. I think he's just lucky to have em... but in all these things he's a cool person. We all wish him a safe trip and look forward to have him back in the team in a couple of weeks time. I hope he spends his vacation well in the US, because some of us never had the luxury to do that. Hehehe most probably I was referring to myself hahah!

Good luck Arpee and Bon Voyage! Yan ha na blog pa kita hehe!
