Thug Love

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

For those who live life in the fast lane, you ideally are not in the right mind to say that you are a thug. With the negative connotation that is given to this word, nobody would want to be called as such in modern times. For people who make a grove of hash and hustle hard for cash, being a thug nowadays means you have to live a lifestyle comparable to most hip hop stars and artists that shaped the music industry in the United States. The whole genre was given a different light, so now there is a whole new understanding of what a thug is in this world.

Men who live life seizing every opportunity coming their way not forgetting their roots or wherever they came from are stricken with titles like these. Tough to everyone's eye, rough to anyone who tries to stop them on their way to what they want in life; the thug has changed its colors and meaning throughout the years. They are also converging in social networking sites and engaging in thug chat. It's one of the coolest places you would see where they converge and promote camaraderie to anyone who loves and lives the life of a thug. If you are not part of it yet, you might end up somewhere else and regret not feeding your urge to be the thug you wanted to be in the first place. Make sure you check them out now!



It was a fast paced fantasy based movie that originated from the original TV series. A connection between the past and the present, time travel and super warp drives, this movie has not failed to impress me. I thought it was going to be a boring one since I was not impressed with the reviews in the US and local papers. I was not a trekkie to begin with but man! I enjoyed each scene that came out of the silverscreen. Not to mention this day was a little special since I dated a long time friend from Canada. Yes, singlehood has its perks but it would not hurt to date every once in a while. Anyway, back to the movie hehe...

She was the one who chose this movie by the way because she probably was a trekkie and she did not admit it haha! She doesn't read my blog so that's okay to say hehe. So back to the story, it started on a space jump then people died in the USS Enterprise... the mighty captain sacrificed himself and rammed it into the alien's ship. This was in the eve of his wife giving birth to a healthy boy, this lad later on became the captain of the ship. Spock was in the story too, he time travelled and told of the past so he could change history. There were some drills that were started by these aliens so they could make blackholes and get these planets to implode. Soon almost the whole civilization of Spock perished, only a few survived. The alien had some sort of grudge against Spock and he wanted him to see his people die. The alien told of a story of his people dying too so that's what he did to Spock for revenge. In the end, they all were able to defeat the alien from within their ship. They also rescued the previous captain who was captured in the initial war. Spock and the new Captain became close friends, then everything was in order after they destroyed the ship and defeated the alien in hand to hand combat.

I strongly suggest you watch it if you still have time! Givin it 3 KUMAGS for effort, and becaus the date went fine! ^^ Hahah


Never Sacrifice Quality

Thursday, June 04, 2009

I was watching hour's worth of You Tube Videos this weekend because I was one of the millions of people who never got over the SUSAN BOYLE defeat in Britain's Got Talent Show. I never knew she could be beaten by a bunch of kids from London when in fact that was really not a fair comparison, like apples and oranges. If they saw their dance act and compare it to Philippine All Stars who recently won the world championships; that would really be a better way to do it. They would probably concede at the sight of that.

Now with the millions of people who were appalled by the decision, not to mention the hundreds who stayed vigil at her hotel that day... it talks about one particular criterion that judges should have been looking at. This is quality. One tough word to accomplish and one concern that each of us should think about as humans. In this world where consumers take a bigger role in the world market, we should never forget that quality should always be a priority. What you buy and take home for your family no matter how expensive it is reflects how you care. The big question here is; would you want anything less for your loved ones? Would you go the extra mile to get yourself the best thing your money could buy? Of course we do! This is our inalienable right as free people because at the end of the day, we all deserve what we worked for. The hard earned money in a time where markets fall abruptly and financial crisis creeps over economies should be worth every cent. No more, no less.

Watch how these people who made this VistaPrint Video go to the extremes in testing the quality of their products. I know you will like this one!

Now that’s quality!


Philippine Fashion Week 2009 (My Very First Photo Shoot)

Well here goes nothing, I'm just gonna give you a glimpse of what I did in at Philippine Fashion Week a week ago. I hope you like these shots I took from the sidelines. I never got a good place in the photographers area because it was packed!


This was my first photo shoot using my new Nikon D60 camera. It was a good practice run for me so now I know I'll get better position the next time I have to go. But some of my friends see that they are not that bad. This was a collection by Renee Salud. I had a chance to take a look at some of the Philippine's most beautiful people, and talented ones (for those who were not that goodlooking hehe) and I enjoyed it a lot. Not to mention I was only a few steps away from celebrities, the people who know them and the designers themselves. Renee Salud has been geting raves since the late 70's and was given so many accolades for his fashion line, and discovering models. His eye for beauty is undeniable, and this collection that combines Asian, Neo Japanese and Filipiniana designs are a sight for sore eyes. I'll definitely try to score some tickets for next year when this happens again, it's one thing I will come back for. So how do you think I fared in photography? Heheh...

Here's some of the raw sights and unedited pictures from Fashion week:
