Get Comfortable!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Philippines is like Katy Perry, we're hot then we're cold. It has never been easy to live in a tropical country but we manage to literally "weather" the changes each day. We are used to the sweltering heat of the sun in summer and the floods, strong torrential rain in the rainy season. These two weather systems drain what we all have in this country but nobody could stop that. We all just have to live with it... and probably get our selves a little comfy as much as we could.

We can live comfortably in our own homes with air conditioning where we could at least control the temperature. Manila does not have that much professional services in this field and we all know that. Birmingham HVAC Air Conditioning has pioneered this business for a long time and their knowledge on this industry is commendable. You should check their site out so you would get ideas how the experts do this. Make the most out of what you have and try to live this world a little better that when you found it. Make lives easier for your family and find professionals like them to get the best installed air conditioning units for you. I learned something new, I hope you do too!


My 4th Photoshoot: Digital Katipuneros Wildlife Photo Walk

Saturday turned out to be another whirlwind of a day, I had to go to a few places in the Metro that would require me to tire my self a little. Man! It was worth it! I had another great photo shoot with Digital Katipuneros this weekend in Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife. Landscape was a thing that I was doing with my point and shoot cameras when I was a frustrated photographer, so this was like testing the waters for me. It was a nice afternoon too because the weather cooperated. I went to the park exactly at 1PM and lounged around the park because I was expecting everyone else to be late heheh.

I was taking photos in the lagoon when I decided to contact Andy, he was already there too which I didn't know heheh. Sure enough I met with him where the eagles were, and took a couple of shots before we walked some more to wait for the others to arrive. We were only 7 I guess but it was great to take a break from the usual studio shoot, it was very nice indeed to see photography take shape in real wild life... Here's a peek at my shots... Enjoy!

I'm also embedding my previous photo shoot which I made a video of... I hope you enjoy this one too!


The Uncle Spoils His Nephews

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm meeting my nephews this weekend because my cousins invited a lot of our relatives for their Mom's death anniversary. I know it is not much of a big deal for westerners but Filipinos have this culture of having strong family ties. Not that we do not know how to let go, but we celebrate their good lives... and we remember them together with our families. It is not conventional, but that is how we do things around here.

My nephews are cute, bar none. The two kids even had several photo sessions with a famous guy last year so they could put them into vitamin C ads and labels for kids. It was really nice seeing them on the drugstore counter... if it was needed I could have bought one myself ha-ha!

Well being the good Uncle that I am, I need to probably buy them stuff because we seldom see each other. No, it's not bribery or anything like that. It's just something to remember me by. I remember when I was a kid people did not even give me that much gifts weather it would be my birthday or Christmas. I checked out the latest gifts on line and found personalized children's plates. I know that would really be a good thing to get for them since they would be using it everyday. They also like to go to school too, so maybe getting them a toddler backpack would help them study harder while being the envy of the other kids.

I could also get his baby brother an ezy roller so his folks would not worry about him too much while traveling. I just want the best for them so I should get them the best toys in town. I hope someday, somehow they will remember the Uncle who spoiled them. I in fact remembered mine and that is what I would want to happen in the long run. I'm no psychologist but that really did wonders for me!

What would you get your kids if you were in my place? I'm sure its one of those!


My Friday, June 12, 2009 - Independence Day

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's June 12 today and it's independence day in the Philippines. Whatever it means to you, happy independence day!

I just got my IR remote for Trish, bought it this morning and they delivered it around noon. I'm happy because now it would be easier for me to take self portraits. Although I don't know how I would be able to hide the remote when I take a picture of myself... 10 second delay maybe? Hehehe.

Aside from that, I was in constant stomach pain this morning and afternoon. I barely got enough sleep and almost was late for work. I'm gonna still work my butt off though. Not that I'm complaining, but it would be nice to have a raise of some sort... my tax is getting bigger by the minute but my basic pay is still the same. Same old story huh?! Haha...

I'm angry at some people right now, because they told me they'll pay me back. But its been a few months and no news of that payment yet... how I wish there would be some hitlist I can put them on so they'll be dead the day after... I would really love to sign them up for that! *sarcastic*

I'm happy it's the weekend once again, I would be able to go back to my new hobby again. I'm going to Trinoma tomorrow so I can visit the crumpler store. Probably buy a camera bag for Trish (My Nikon D60) *there I go again addicting myself to bags!* and a tripod, and a lenshood for the kit lens. The list goes on and on! This is getting to be expensive I know, but I'll stop buying stuff somewhere in the middle. Anyway, I haven't got a lens yet for shooting a little far. If someone would buy me a gift, that would be nice! Heheh. It would not be bad too if you guys started donating them spare dollars you know! Hahah!
