The Real Freedom

Thursday, July 02, 2009

The world has been full of wars in its quest for ultimate freedom. Every country, race and nationality succumbs to the thought of having their people in a free state. I was moved when I watched a Political Activist Video about a young man who tore apart his own passport in India and declared himself free from the bondage society makes. In a civilized world, we are all bound to the country we live in and only thrive within its laws because it is the norm. We conform to what our forefathers have agreed upon in the past and live to each standard that was made as the laws of the land. But then where is the freedom they asked for? Where is the freedom they all fought for?

I ask this question myself every now and then but to tell you the truth, the answer is pretty hard to digest. It all boils down to answer questions "HOW" we could achieve freedom. It is a tall order for ordinary people I know because like you in the US or people like me in the Philippines, we all have our stories and struggles on how we achieved our grown understanding of freedom. Is this the real freedom we hoped for? Is it the freedom that countless lives fought for in wars here and elsewhere in the globe? If your answer is YES then you have freedom, but if not then you have to find it. I remember GANDHI once said that "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes" so if you do not try to get that real freedom this man in the video sought for; then that is the struggle you have to go through in order to get it.

Learning the lessons and living the life meant for each person in this world is the freedom I choose. If it was only that simple for each one of us, then there would not be that much chaos in this world. We would have fewer things to worry about. We just need to do our share in getting this world to be better than when we found it. That is the only way we can say we have achieved freedom.


My Next Photoshoot: A loner in Pampanga

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

It will be a fun filled day this weekend as I venture out into Pampanga to visit some friends and possibly an EX hahah. I also would like to have a few shots taken with the churches and landscapes there. I just hope I won't get tired because I too am gonna come from work...

Aside from that, we are planning a trip to Laguna sometime late July through a backdoor path (particularly Rizal) that composed of some road trip type of a photo walk. I just hope we prepare for this one since it is going to be our first out of town experience as a group. We usually only travel via local trips here in Manila and Quezon City... it would be nice to see the country side every now and then.

Oh yeah before I forget, I lost the contest that I joined in photography. Its okay though because it is just my first time. I also am considering my shot was the best because when I saw the other contest entries, I was not that impressed with their work. I will be contemplating what to do in the next ones because I am surely going to battle it out again with another set of shots of D60... watch out for it!

My Entries:





The Efficient Marketing Plan for the 2nd Half of 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Business Process Outsourcing industry has been my bread and butter. As you may all know, the company I work for engaged in accounts that comprises of technical, customer service and sales oriented entities. On a successful call, one can generate a couple of dollars which would cover only the expenses of the operations. The main generation of funds usually would go to up selling the same services for a fee if certain criterion are met like warranty periods, end of life or value added services. There are specific audiences that the company should only get, mostly only those whose interest has been the one they offer. This can be gathered by consumer surveys, on line forms and other means. Getting this without the process of having middle men and all the bureaucracy can be easily serviced by other private companies. Business Sales Leads have long been used by contact centers like ours so a direct connection and sure sale could be established. Not to mention the other services that they can avail after this transaction. This is very good for credit card companies, cable television, satellite transmission providers and businesses that would not want to waste time and directly go to the person/individual that will avail their products. Saves them precious time and money in the process because it would avoid red tape.

The equation is easy, more leads would mean more consumers that would gladly spend for your product. This would in turn generate more income for any company. We can always take our own resources and find clients on our own randomly but that would only take more time to get a single sale because it is like shooting air balls in a basketball court. If the interested ones are tapped, then there would no longer be sales talk events every time. Getting more sales in a shorter amount of period would also convert into efficient manpower usage for any company availing this service. It is the smartest thing a manager would think about doing if he plans to be more than the usual. We did that already, do you want to be left behind?


Drifting and Digital Photographer Philippines 3rd Anniversary

Credits go to Sir Aly Reyes and Sir Jerry Tieng for this HUGE Group HUG!

It was one of the best things that happened in my "photography" life. Hundreds of Digital Photographer Philippines forum members flocked to Fort Bonifacio for not just any event but the 3rd Anniversary of the site. The attendance was huge, not to mention the others who were not able to officially register on the event. I saw some other photographers just going in just for the hell of it. I enjoyed the seminars I attended and learned a lot. Lightroom which is one of the most powerful photo editing software money could buy was also introduced to hundreds of people at that event. I attended it and I was so glad I could get my hands on it. Now it's a cinch to edit my photos with the help of this tool.

Drifting @ Greenhills

Other than that, I was fortunate enough to still go to a late photoshoot at Greenhills for a "drifting" event. Lots of cars were there and I thought I wouldn't enjoy it. It was really an adrenaline rush for me, I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to go back next time. I had several shots that would be exciting to look at since it involves flying tires and colliding cars on it. This was one of the best shoots ever! Nice cars, nice women and nice event... what more could I ask for?!
