Classmates From Elementary?! No Kiddin?!

Friday, July 10, 2009


This day is really weird for me. I found a couple of classmates from waaaay back elementary when I tried and searched a couple of names in facebook. I was really holding my breath when I found their names on the search results and checked out their photos. They were fairly the same people I knew when I was a kid. I don't know how to react or how they would react when they see my name in the request saying "Hey its me! long time no see ey?!" hahahh... I mean that was really a loooong time ago indeed.

Well I am happy though I would get to see how they are doing, what they have accomplished and what they look like today. It would not be bad either to take a good look at their lives when I get to see their personal pictures too. Mine was not really appealing but hey I was not bragging in the first place haha.


I am in the quest of finding my friends in facebook. I know one way or the other I would be able to meet them someday soon. Would you waste that chance to see them come reunion day? It would be awesome if we get in touch or something like that.

Do you wish to meet your elementary classmates too?


Denim Heaven on Earth!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I am no fashion icon or guru but I know how to appreciate it. I am brandish and I only usually buy well known ones in the market. My friends already know my taste in clothes; though this is not something guys should really brag about. I attended the 2009 Fashion Week and got some photos taken for my portfolio. I am a little turned on when women did their stuff on the cat walk. This did not matter even if they were just wearing comfortable jeans. This was when I was educated with Armani Exchange.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the same brand that everybody does envy. The fit on those models were just awesome. I was inspired to workout more, because I know I was not part of that group who had the perfect sculptured German physique. I was looking for the perfect fit. The line they have for men just flashed in front of me, I not just wanted one... I wanted all of them!

It's a good thing Armani Exchange has "New Premium Denim starting at $98". My eyes just suddenly lit up. When I get my salary this weekend from Irvine, I will definitely save and ransack the store. I just hope somebody stops me when I get my hands on them! Not only that, be sure to join the "text A|X contest" SMS campaign as well - to win a pair of denim every day for the moth of July by sending the keyword "DENIM2" to ARMANI (276264). For more info visit this site here. If we also purchase a full price pair of denim from the one and only Armani Exchange, in store or online between 7/7/09 – 7/19/09 we will receive a gift card of $20 off for our next purchase of $100 or more, and this would be valid only from 7/30/09 through 8/15/09. That is just awesome!

The freedom and style that we get from wearing Armani Exchange is just endless. I would never want to get a different pair anymore. Check out the A|X Blog for the best from their store. Fashion is a status symbol for me and my friends... and I want to be ahead of the pack. With the great line that they offer, what else could I ask for? Armani Exchange is just heaven on earth!



Goodbye Michael Jackson! (-_-)"

The Jacksons and a lot of other celebrities held the funeral of Michael Jackson in Staples Center in Los Angeles California. As expected a long line was drawn for the millions upon millions of his fans. I too am a fan, I would really never see an award ceremony anymore like they used to. I mean who would dance like that ever again?! He's the only one who can do that. Its just a pity too that some of the younger generation don't even know how big of a deal this is. There were even some detractors on twitter and facebook when I last saw the threads in ABC... its just too sad for them to only concentrate on the bad things he may or may not have done... he should be known for what he did right.

I think I was named after this guy even. I don't want to speculate things but I guess at that time when I was born, his name was really one of the most popular and being the strict catholic that my Mom is its a good thing that it also is a name of a saint... and so goes my name too.

I just want to say thank you to Michael Jackson... the world has mourned for this great man. We lost someone very talented, an idol... I just wish the best for the ones he left behind... all of us.


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