Bring Your Family and Career to Life!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I have been working for a multi national networking company based in Irvine, California for 5 years now and am enjoying life. The learning experience from my job was one of the best perks; it was more than what I imagined. I was able to work with the best Internet service provider weather it be Cable, DSL, fiber optic, Satellite or wireless connections. I was able to test these connections and only a few of them passed my standards. Not that I am obsessed in my on line life, but in this day and age I barely go out since entertainment has been already brought in my home by a couple of gadgets I purchased since I got Charter cable.

When I got this line a few years ago, I was not complaining of download speeds since it has been relatively fast compared to the ones I test at work for networking products. We own about 75 percent of the market so I am quite used to lease line connections that we often use at different parts of the US. It was also a lot faster than that of DSL lines because I can download a lot of stuff in a few hours.


I have media adapters that stream audio and video over the lines but I never had that much problem even if I resort to wireless connections at home. There maybe some instances I get disconnected but those were just caused by phone signal interferences which do not concern what I pay for. I just changed frequencies, phone brands then lo and behold the problems went away in a jiffy. I was mostly surprised about its performance on large file sharing and video streaming. I can call people elsewhere in the globe and do not even get lags of any sort. This was really great since it was the best option to get connected to my loved ones.

I even saw Charter on Facebook and added it so I can see the latest news or specials which would benefit me and my family. I never knew my simple life and career would get any better with Charter! But it really did!



The HUB Photo Shoot

Graphics Maker

The photo shoot this weekend was awesome! This was my first time to tackle nude photography in its truest sense. I was able to concentrate on the subject. There were only ten of us shooting in this posh club in Malate Manila. This was "The Hub" which is owned by several foreign entities and is an "ONLY MEMBERSHIP" club. It was really that exclusive. The place was so nice and really had the ambiance of "EXCLUSIVITY" even if it was not that publicized. There are a lot of people who frequent the place and spend quite a few bucks for the perks inside. We were glad to have been invited to this place for the photo shoot. The model was also awesome in fact. The industrial and modern furniture design was really apt for the club. This was really nice to have been my first nude photo shoot. I won't let you see the pictures of course! That's not really good for the general audience of my site. Maybe in the long run if society permits some things like that for kids I would really consider it but because some of my online friends are minors I would not do it today.

Having the best photographers with me was also a perk, but I would not want to mention their names so their wives would not react that much and file for divorce. LOL! I love the way the shoot also went but it would have been better if it was in a controlled environment. Much like a studio perhaps. We were also constrained with time because we barely made the opening of the bar. The owners and the publicist was good enough to allow us to shoot in different rooms and places in "THE HUB". So for gentlemen who have the money and time to spend what they worked for, this is one good place to go to. It was really awesome!


Affordable and Stylish Eyeglasses

Friday, July 10, 2009

It is back to school season again and most folks would probably be preparing their kids for the busy first day. We on the other hand are getting a lot of people delegated so we would not cram for anything that would come this fiscal quarter at work. Not only do I have ordinary people in my team, they are parents too.

We have been following their day to day battle with expenses as education does not come cheap in the Philippines. The things they can save on are so important nowadays. The extra money they can keep will go into other more important things like allowances for food and school supplies. Prescription glasses are so expensive and usually go for hundreds of dollars. There is a new alternative to these expensive ones because I saw Zenni Optical on TV!!! This surely is a big break for parents since they need to keep money in these hard times. Imagine the huge breathing room on our budget as they offer complete Single Vision $ 8 Rx eyeglasses. That is just an awesome offer for people around the world. I have got nothing but high praises for a company that knows and cares for ordinary consumers. High Five to Zenni Optical as they take us to new offers this year! I am going to get this one in the picture which is so light and modernly designed. This is just awesome!


My Lucky BLUFROG Day

This is one awesome day after another! It just does not stop! I am a gamer as you probably know. There are hundreds of games already that I have played in a lifetime but I never played Rock Star as seen in TV. Yes I have been itching to get my hands on that console for months now, not to mention it too has released a version 2 of it. You know what? Luck has come my way and a contest specifically that would let me win an XBOX 360 Elite System just popped up. The great BluFrog Energy Drink sponsored this event and I am quite confident that I would be able to get my hands on this all for free! This is one of the biggest breaks in my entire life. I have to make sure thought that they pick me from the thousands of people who drink it!

Since I am not selfish and in the giving mood today, I would like you guys to join the BluFrog contest and fulfill your dreams. I am sure you will try this out because they have 4 more other contests if you are not in the mood for gaming like I am! They can get you to Orlando, New York, Chicago, or Aspen while keeping you up on your feet with the one and only BLUFROG!

With the fizz of 300% vitamin B12 daily dietary allowances in this low calorie drink, I would never worry about getting diabetes. It has that real cool taste and great BLUFROG flavor; this is just an awesome day!

