I want a ROLEX!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I have always wanted the best designer clothes and I do sometimes spend on them whenever I could afford it. I do not go beyond my spending capabilities but there's this one thing I have always dreamed of having, a ROLEX!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, you can call me names and call me extravagant but the value of this particular watch seemed too precious for my budget but I have been saving for it since college. I guess it is somewhat a fetish to have that ROLEX. I just could not sleep at the mere sight of it because you would always think about purchasing one every time you pass by your favorite department store. My Mom always told me not to spend too much and I am considering even to purchase previously owned ones just as long as it's the same brand. I am brandish, but you can never discount the fact that the reason why this watch became legendary is because of its stylish and sometimes meticulously handcrafted materials. There are some who even carry diamond pieces that I adore! I am willing to spend on this one no matter what other people say. I already have slaved 5 years in my company; I guess getting this one is sort of a gift to me. That is to my standards really justifiable.


Good thing I found www.bestoftime.com with just a few clicks and they offer the best deals for that Blue Dial model that I absolutely love! They are also part of the Better Business Bureau with an exceptional A+ rating so you are sure you will only be getting the best from ALEX Jewelry. They guarantee you will get the lowest prices on genuine ROLEX watches which they also ship in for free. Have you ever heard of any establishment giving a 3 year warranty? Only they do that! I better write down and let you know their contact details so even you my readers can get the best thing since sliced bread! Get one now!

3180 Presidential Drive, Suite J
Atlanta, Georgia
Phone: 888-721-1979
Best Of Time


Back to the Gym

Today marks my 7th day of not going to the gym so being the stubborn boy that I am I'm planning to go back today so I wouldn't tell myself that I only pay 2 thousand bucks for nothing at Fitness First. I better get serious too with my diet because I saw some pictures from yesterday's photoshoot that I have not been a bit thinner than when I last saw myself. I better get back into shape else I would be sickly like last week. I guess there is such a thing as over fatigue because I felt that way this week. My body aches a lot and I couldn't move without noticing I need to rest every once in a while. I should have gone some place more quiet and convenient. Or maybe I need a massage like when my Dad used to. I guess I was not satisfied with any massages I bought because they were too soft. Hey! I'm a big guy so it is quite pathetic to see people press joints and body parts when they could not even press it that much right?

I don't know if I need a wrestler to at least get something out of my system but I need one fast. Maybe I'll try going to some massage establishments and try some of their experts if it would turn out they could do better than my Dad. I hope Dad's okay though even if I ask him a lot these days to massage my back. Geeze, I wonder what could I do next.

Hey, I forgot, here is a photo from last Sunday's shoot. The models were great and the workshop was even better!

Courtesy of Ms. Bambit Gaerlan here is the Group Hug!



Better Waste Management

Monday, August 24, 2009

It looks like we are presented again with the perennial problem of garbage in the city. I hear over the news that the current dump site in the outskirts of Manila was in the verge of foreclosure because of political and social unrest in that part of the country. If there was only an efficient way of handling toxic waste and dangerous chemicals without endangering the general public then it would really be better. I hope there would be better waste management programs implemented soon.


It is not impossible since they can also get Skip Bin Hire Software to better manage this problem. The technology boasts of on line application that even collects and report data automatically that would result to better services for the people. They even integrated satellite driven images to pinpoint locations so it would easily be identifiable wherever they are in the world. Technology has really gone a long way in helping waste management. Countries like ours who are in dire need of automation are better off using these useful tools for the betterment of our society. WASTEDGE is awesome!


A Day with the D60KREW and Sir Rolly Magpayo

Good Morning ladies and germs! I'm about to leave the office now from a very very tiring day. I just came from a photo shoot cum seminar in Paranaque then went straight to work but man it was well worth it. I learned a lot from a master named Rolly Magpayo. My friends from the D60 KREW was eager to learn too and it started what became a very fruitful day. And the models were also awesome!

I would be able to give you a couple of shots but we were not allowed to touch our photos yet. He decided to also teach the raw processing of the photos and create the actual wokflow via a saved action of sharpening by Manny Librodo and a lot of other stuff in photoshop. I have not used things like that yet because I usually sharpen things differently to make things pop via colors and levels of brightness. I saw the results they post processed on the lecture and they were really natural looking. The sharpening were all done in the eyes and minute details of hair, eyebrows, nose and some other things in the background. I guess that is the proper way to do it so maybe I will follow their examples. I would check how it fares with what I do. I was not hurt by the critiques that much because I felt the same about my signatures and photos too. I will have to change them sooner than I think hahaha.

My personal mantra for the day is...


Maybe I would be able to submit raw photos tomorrow and see what happens. Hope the Master likes it otherwise I would not be able to post it. =)

Here are a few shots outside my office which I took yesterday.


