The D60KREW PACO Photowalk

Saturday, September 05, 2009

It's high time once again and we are going to do another photo walk courtesy of my photographer buddies at D60KREW. Here is the route proposed:

I am not quite familiar with Plaza Dilao, nor know where that is but I think there would be some additional instructions how to get there. Wait, they just posted it now... it looks like we will meet in a more familiar location which is Pedro Gil LRT Station. Then ride a jeep from there and get dropped off some few kilometers from there. Apparently Plaza Dilao is just three short blocks away from the corner of Pedro Gil and Osmena. Now where is Osmena? LOL hahahaha

I think I know how to get there now... I'm gonna charge my batteries now so it could last the whole day. I'm sure with the caliber of the guys the actual 4GB memory card is not enough for this walk. I'm gonna bring Trish and her sisters (my D60 and her lenses) Kit and Ziggy. I now have names for my gadgets so we could be better acquainted. =) Kit is the mighty kit lens (18-55mm VR) and Ziggy is the new one 70-300mm APO DG MACRO with built in motor! I got her expensively but I really think it's worth it! =) Love em all!


They Love The HP In Me!

Friday, September 04, 2009

I am already full of music and movies downloaded by my masters. I don't really mind but the full 80 GIGABYTE is already screaming for more storage, but I still get it to function really well even if they need to do hard graphic work in photography and gaming. I am an old ATHLON processor driven HP Pavilion.

My day to day battle with music and movie downloads and does not end there because they also use me for Internet browsing. They needed me for a couple of projects and thesis work and I did not even bat an eyelash to continue working for 72 hours straight. I printed out on my cousin's mouth (HP D1600) that day about 400 pages of spreadsheets and documents but he did not even get tired. I on the other hand never had problems on processing in the printer spool so everything came out fine even if they used other programs. I am glad they all went for my HP family and never took any other brand. Our designs and size are sleek and appropriate for my owner's home office. I never looked like clutter at any given day. I wonder what will happen to me soon when they need someone faster than I am. Maybe when the time comes I will be recommending my other relatives like the HP Mini Note so they can easily carry me around and use wireless signals for their work. Good thing they can use $30 off orders $150 or greater at HP Home Store. This is available if you use coupon code SV2132. This is also only valid through 10/31 or while supplies last. Restrictions and exclusions apply. I love my owners because they love the HP in me. I love them too!



Online Petition: ERASERHEADS DVD!

I want to share to you guys an online petition and the reason why the DVD for the ERASERHEADS FINAL SET has not been released. Apparently it has something to do with SMART Communications inability to let go of the finances they want so eagerly from this. They want a share of the loot as so they may say and chances are they would not release it at all. Do they know how rampant the sales of the pirated version is? If you walk the streets of Quiapo you will definitely find on or more of these things and it is a best seller apart from the usual blockbuster movies that are recently released. They are continuing to lose money because the longer that they keep these to themselves, the more people are gonna buy the pirated copy. If it were up to me I would immediately issue the DVD together with other behind the scene shots and interviews so these pirates would all drag their feet and not sell those anymore.

It would be also nice if they get some shots of the first concert on it too and the whole news story about how the second one came about. I think I'm thinking aloud but it is right to do this. I would like you my readers to know that there is an online petition that you should share with your co eraserheads fans. It is available here. Click this.

To anyone at SMART management, please release the DVD or else I would be forced to buy the pirated one. I'm a die hard fan of ERASERHEADS so please heed my call!


One Great Place to Find Cars!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

My brother is in Ireland and he has been in and out of Dublin because of work. It is quite hard to be a celebrity chef in that area. He has to sometimes go to London or to the outskirts of Dublin for conferences, meetings and engagements but it was really hard for him to rely on his old SUV. We were initially not open to getting ordinary cars because we needed the extra legroom and storage space. But then petrol has been very expensive these days and that monster vehicle drank like a camel in the desert when filling up. I really worry because salary cuts were but a normal thing to hear in the United Kingdom and if that is the case, saving money is of up most importance.

Where do we start? He plans to sell his SUV and trade it for a hybrid car. This Toyota PRIUS has been the talk of the town because of its efficient energy saving features, the problem is; it's pretty hard to find. I asked him to check out local web sites but they only found incomplete and unreliable information. Good thing there is that he tried out and in a few minutes, he was able to get a good deal. He compared new cars, slightly used ones and leased ones and checked out a couple of them using the information indicated on the profile. The car was also sold at a fair price so he went ahead and purchased it the next day. Without batting an eyelash, he now has that car in his garage enjoying every energy efficient minute of it when it switches to the electric motor. It was so awesome I want one too! Can you buy me one? Ha-ha!
